The moon's phase is currently in a waxing stage as it heads to a full moon on Nov. The two worlds are gliding close to each other in Earth's sky because they both happen to be on the ecliptic, the plane upon which the solar system's planets, sun and many moons orbit. The result is you'll often see the moon gliding by planets throughout the year. Related: How to photograph the moon using a camera: techniques, kit, and settings.
If you take a photograph of Venus and the moon let us know! You can send images and comments in to spacephotos space. If you're looking for binoculars or a telescope to see planets in the night sky, check our our guide for the best binoculars deals of and the best telescope deals now.
If you need equipment, consider our best cameras for astrophotography and best lenses for astrophotography to make sure you're ready for the next planet sight. Jupiter Time:.
Saturn rise and set in New York View after sunset. Saturn Time:. Uranus rise and set in New York Up most of the night. Bring binoculars. Uranus Time:. Neptune rise and set in New York View after sunset. Use binoculars. Neptune Time:.
Tip: you can also create a Quick Access page for this data if you access it frequently and would like to have a simpler view. Below you can see a simplified sky chart showing where Saturn is right now in the sky with respect to the brightest stars and constellations. More advanced sky charts for Saturn are available on TheSkyLive: 1 the Online Planetarium which is interactive and allows to select dates and additional objects to visualize; and 2 the Live Position and Data Tracker which provides the highest precision position data and features deep sky imagery from the Digitized Sky Survey.
This site cannot run without your voluntary donations. The value of the distance of Saturn from Earth is also available as a real time updated value in the Live Position and Data Tracker. The current visual magnitude of Saturn is 0. The following chart is the predicted light curve visual magnitude as a function of time of Saturn, according to the most recent ephemerides data.
Magnitude data is sampled with a 2 days interval and there might be inaccuracies for objects changing brightness very rapidly during the course of a few days. For comets there could be large discrepancies between the observed and predicted brightness because of their highly dynamic behaviour.
As the atmospheric conditions cannot be modeled precisely the times reported here should be considered correct with an approximation of few minutes. The following shows the known values of the most important physical parameters of Saturn. The following table lists the ephemerides of Saturn computed for the past and next 7 days, with a 24 hours interval.
Click on each row of the table to locate Saturn in our Online Planetarium at the chosen date. This site cannot run without your voluntary donations. We don't use Ads. If you find this website useful please consider a small donation, it will help covering hosting costs.
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