Where to buy hmong sausage

Purple Sticky Rice Add gluttonous rice and black rice to a bowl. Add water to the bowl. Soak the rice overnight. Drain the rice and reserve the water. Place the rice in a rice steamer. Let the rice steam. Check the rice after 25 minutes and add the soaking water. Ingredients: Lean ground pork onion, lemon grass, green onions, garlic and flavored seasonings.

Blood Flavor 36OZ 2. Ingredients: Lean ground pork, pork blood, Thai chili pepper, ginger, onion, lemon grass, green onions, garlic and flavored seasonings. Bean Thread Flavor 36OZ 2. Ingredients: Lean ground pork, vermicelli noodles, cabbage, onions, green onions and flavored seasonings.

The food cart's stuffed chicken wings with sweet chile sauce and the cart's spicy pepper "hot dip". Turkey —roam freely. The chickens are a blue-skinned Hmong variant, much leaner than their American counterparts. Like her sausages, the sprouting fields are a tentative connection to her Hmong heritage: The group evaded persecution from the Qing dynasty in the s by fleeing to mountainous regions throughout Southeast Asia, farming the land first by necessity, then as a trade.

Later, many Hmong political refugees who resettled to America in the s after escaping Communist ruling forces carried on this farming tradition. Through food. Instead, I was the kid who brought the stinky lunch to school.

Even when I started cooking, I wanted to hide from Hmong food. When we first opened our pop-up, we called it Union Kitchen. But they did.

We were getting some press and I was feeling pretty good about myself. That all changed when my dad had a work accident, cracked his skull, and was in the hospital soon after.

I remember sitting in the ICU. It was so dark, and there was my dad, my hero, with a bandage over his head. This was four years ago. And just because he slipped on a stupid ladder at work, now he could die? All they could pass down to us was their legacy. So, I thought, what am I going to do with that? I do it through food. Every dish at Vinai has a narrative, and through them, people get to hear our story.

The way we do sticky rice, I learned that from my mom, standing by her and watching her hands. Those sandwiches made me feel like a normal kid, because they were something that my white friends would eat at home.

Hmong food is a philosophy.


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