Where to find darkrai in pokemon soul silver

More topics from this board Can someone clarify 1 or 2 EV queries for me please? Side Quest 6 Answers Where can I find rock smash and rock climb? Side Quest 2 Answers Where do you find rock smash? General 4 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: darthsnider darthsnider 11 years ago 4 I've had one for as long as I've had a DS pokemon game and haven't had a single issue. User Info: GCGPhenom GCGPhenom Topic Creator 11 years ago 5 haha yea thats what i shud do, but i really want darkrai, is there even action reply codes to get darkrai in soul silver and how would it work?

User Info: darthsnider darthsnider 11 years ago 6 Usually, you put in a code, and then that code will include a "trigger" to activate the code. User Info: GCGPhenom GCGPhenom Topic Creator 11 years ago 7 na i wouldnt care as long as he is darkrai and doesnt look any different, im gud, by the way im very thankful for u helpin me out, but the thing iz if the action replay doesnt work then ima have to trade for it wit someone, do u think anyone wud give up darkrai?

User Info: darthsnider darthsnider 11 years ago 8 No Problem The Action Replay shouldn't cause a problem, but hey, things happen. Download Article Explore this Article Steps. Things You'll Need. Related Articles. Article Summary. You can do this after beating the Elite Four. He can be found at Professor Rowan's lab in Sandgem Town. Awaken Sailor Edrith's son. He is in Canalave City. In order to cure him of his nightmares, you will need to travel to Full Moon Island and get a Lunar Wing from Cresselia.

You will need to use an Action Replay to get the Member Card. Purchase an Action Replay. Action Replay is an accessory that allows you to enter cheat codes for a variety of different games. You purchase one online or from a game store. Make sure you purchase one that is compatible with your game system i. Use only one code at a time. Enter the code as it appears with capitalization.

The codes are as follows: [2] X Research source. Place the came card in the Action Replay and then place the Action Replay in the game slot. The game card should be facing you. This activates the code. Talk to the man in green. The Member's Card will become available by speaking to a man in green at any of the Pokemarts. Go to the Harbor Inn. It's the small house to the north of the Pokemon Center in Canalave City. Talk to the man.

He will have you lay down in a bed. You will travel to an island in a dream. Go into the forest. It's to the north when you reach the island. Go up the stairs and follow the path until you see the opening in front of the forest trees. Once you get to the island, it's a good idea to save your game.

Talk to Darkrai. You will see Darkrai floating on the lake. You will enter a battle with it. It is at Level It doesn't appear wild, so you must trade it. You don't. You trade from Platinum, Pearl or Diamond. Do you mean Darkrai? If you do, you have to go to an event, or trade it from another game. You can't get Darkrai in SoulSilver. You'll need to trade it from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum that has it.

You can cheat or wait 4 its wifi event to get it on either diamond,pearl or platinum. Then trade it over to soulsilver and u have darkrai. If u want u can go to the gts and trade the wanted Pokemon 4 darkrai or wait 4 someone to take ur Pokemon and give u a darkrai. Or u can just trade with someone who has darkrai. Special Pokemon like Arceus, Darkrai, and Celebi are distributed through them. Darkrai can't be found in SoulSilver.

If you want a Darkrai in SoulSilver, you'll have to trade it to your game from another game. You can only obtain the Member Card through an event with Mystery Gift activated.

No Pokemon evolves into darkrai. But if you don't want to get diamond, then wait for an event, you can get him in Pokemon ranger- something with an "A". You need to get mystery gift to get Darkri in soul silver and where would it Be? But i don't know where to get a mystery gift that has Darkri.

Extremely difficult actually!! Because Darkrai can only be obtained in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia by completing a special mission, then transfered to Pkemon Heartgold or Soulsilver Log in. Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Study now. See Answer.


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