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User Info: Octallord. User Info: hauntbot. User Info: StaticPenguin. Also: Peps? What are those? Octallord posted User Info: juddaz2k3. Yeah Suaret or whatever he's called is in an apartment near the basketball court. Not sure if you need a box to get to the ladder. I've never run into ammo issues, traquilizers or otherwise, because I focus on doing non-lethal takedowns for the majority of the game.
They are worth the most XP My tranquilizer Rifle gets more of a workout at Panchea though; by then I've accumulated over rounds and since they don't give you XP on that level, takedowns are a moot point. I've moved away from using lethal weapons, except for the sniper rifle, which I use almost exclusively for the Hensha ambush.
Then, I sell it and replace it with the laser rifle for the final battle. There are small stashes of tranquilizers scattered throughout the game.
One particularly good spot is the locker found in Double T's bathroom Detroit Apartments. Last edited by DrMoodyBlue ; 30 Nov, am. LOVE the video! I am NOT going to run through without firing a single shot, doing a single takedown, etc. Deus Ex was a great role-playing experience, and I want the same from this. That is more important to me than some silly achievement. I do respect other choices in game play. I just don't have the time or energy.
I am near the end of the first mission and haven't used any ammo. I did kill the baddies from the prologue. Again, role-playing. Last edited by Deathlok ; 30 Nov, pm. To be honest, takedowns are much more efficient. The small stun gun is only useful at short-shorter medium ranges, but can affect non-human targets.
With its scope, the PAX is best used at sufficient range for the scope to not interfere with aim. After stunning enemies, the player has to watch the bodies to be either not found by other enemies or not revived, which can be done quickly. Enemies that will awake by themselves machines, bosses need to be taken care of during their sleep carried away into corner, obstruct view, passed by or, with bosses: heavy fire while they are down. The Buzzkill Threat Negation Device TND is a single-shot, non-lethal firearm that uses an intense electroshock discharge to render targets unconscious.
While easy to conceal, the weapon has a short range, slow firing cycle, lengthy reload time, and has no sights for aiming although adding a reticule on the screen through the Options Menu mitigates this problem. It is primarily for use against organic targets, but is also effective in temporarily disabling security camera, turrets and bots without setting off alarms.
The stun gun is best reserved for situations where patrolling enemies must be incapacitated quickly, with or without executing takedowns; either because the distance is too far that it can compromise stealth, or energy is insufficient to perform one.
As hand-to-hand combat freezes time and renders the player temporarily invulnerable, a one-two punch of a takedown on one target, then a shot from an already drawn stun gun on another target is a quick and easy tactic for incapacitating two enemies at once, useful for pairs of enemies that are standing within close range should the Quicksilver Reflex Booster remain locked, or the targets lack proximity for Double Takedowns , which is quite a common occurrence.