But Carl does a very Rick Grimes thing and destroys all of Hershel's walkers, whom he sees as a threat to society. He ends up on trial again, except this time, it's in front of the entire community. Michonne is a judge now, Judge Hawthorne, and after Carl gives a speech about how the community can't let their guard down, Michonne decides to pardon him. The comics end with Carl reading the story of Rick Grimes' brave efforts to save humankind from the walkers to Andrea.
In Season 8, Carl goes out to kill some walkers with Siddiq as a way to honor Siddiq's mother, who believes killing walkers frees their souls and unfortunately they get outnumbered by them and Carl is bitten really severely. He spends the next couple days accepting his fate, and ultimately, he shoots himself so that Rick and Michonne don't have to. The network has announced that season 11 will be the end of the road for the long-running zombie hit.
While bringing the story of The Walking Dead to a close is certainly shocking , this is ground that the franchise has trodden before. Back in July of , Walking Dead comic creator Robert Kirkman pulled off a similar maneuver by suddenly and unexpectedly bringing his decades-long series to a conclusion with Issue Of course, the show has deviated from the comic quite a bit at this point, mostly in terms of which characters are and are not alive.
But the show has not been shy about shuffling around character arcs as needed. The show seems unlikely to do something similar given that it still has many stories it wants to tell. Still, if you want to anticipate how The Walking Dead TV series will end, there is no better starting point than the source material. Here is how The Walking Dead comic concludes.
Ad — content continues below. The final issue of The Walking Dead essentially comes down to a property law dispute. While the walking dead represented a violent threat and the life as we knew it on Earth for issues, they represent something far different in this rd and final one. The narrative jumps forward many years to a quiet farm in the countryside. There we see an adult Carl Grimes, his wife Sophia, and their daughter Andrea, peacefully living out their days.
Walker appearances are exceedingly rare nowadays. In fact, an elderly Earl Sutton later tells Carl that that walker must have been the first their civilization has seen in 10 years. Well, someone familiar to readers is to blame. He has a group of walkers in a covered wagon that he charges townsfolk a pretty penny to gawk at. Sure enough, the walker that Carl put down was one of his. Actual walking dead are a prized and expensive commodity nowadays. Andrew Lincoln is poised to make an exit in the upcoming Season Nine.
That said, he might not be killed off, as much as he could be left behind or sent on his own journey. The group has come a great length since the war with Negan made her a widow and, in recent comics, she has finally opened up to the idea of moving on to someone else.
For years, she has carried a potential guilt over the idea, but gave in to Dante's relentless effort. Maggie plays a key role in the Whisperer War and will likely have an interesting reaction to news of the Commonwealth's existence, being an Ohio community consisting of 50, survivors. Michonne, while not in a relationship with Rick Grimes , is still very much alive in The Walking Dead comics. The katana-wielding survivor actually ventured to the Commonwealth community with other survivors where she was unexpectedly reunited with her daughter Elodie.
However, he found love again, and that is who he made it to the final issues of The Walking Dead with as he and Paul "Jesus" Monroe set out on their own after finishing off the Whisperers once and for all.
Jesus had to be the most disappointing addition to The Walking Dead television show. In the comics, he was the best fighter in the group, and he was someone who was exciting and valuable through the end of the comic book series. Jesus hooks up with Aaron, and the two plan to go live together in peace.
However, on the way, they kill Beta and save a family of three, proving that Jesus and Aaron are still doing what they do best. In the end, Carl is told that Jesus and Aaron would like to see him again for a visit. Rick Grimes allowed Negan to live in the end after he proved himself by helping them beat Alpha and The Whisperers.
Rick let Negan go and find a new home away from everyone else. Maggie went to kill him in the comics but chose not to because she knew the biggest punishment would be forcing him to live alone. By the end, Negan was left living alone, but living nonetheless. He was the only real major villain from The Walking Dead that ended up living. Lydia is still around in the TV show, the daughter of Alpha.
Her chance of survival in the TV show is questionable because she has nothing left to add to the plot. In the comics, Lydia lasted until the end of the series, where she was Carl's girlfriend until the last comic book in the series.