Who is rishi nitya pragya ji

His charismatic mischievous smile sets him apart, makes you smile, makes you cry and leaves you asking for more. This magic personified is addressed as Rishi Nityapragya Ji. In all ways, to know him is to love him. It is associated with the UN and WHO, has more than centres and has touched the lives of more than 55 million people.

Rishiji in his role as the Director also trains the teachers and volunteers of the Art of Living Foundation. Through this one line Rishiji had found the purpose of his being, The mission of his life. He is a qualified chemical engineer, has had a successful corporate career, was a financing partner in a software development firm, one of the top motorcycle racers and even a professional singer.

But beyond this, he is blessed with macro vision and extremely precise micro action, which is evidently reflected on the course of work he has done over the years. I love the way he sings. Very Gald to see pic of Young Rishiji , actualy first time we encounter in Sep Very Young Rishiji.. We are having a whale of a time with this magic named "Rishi Nityapragya" for the past 1 week in Dubai. He is an explosion of Knowledge, Devotion, and utter innocence and simplicity.

The way he has explained the Consciouness in all its intricate flavours, only an enlightened one can do. Sheer blessing to be in his presence. If it is then congratulations for you have indeed achieved something which Lord Krishna says you have to toil through janmas to attain. Post a Comment. Pages Home. He is a dynamite! Specially when he is on the stage and has a mic in his hand. One of the two Rishis whose grace has flowed through us from the Master the other being the awesome Rishi Vidyadharj ji he has shown by his own life how an ordinary human being can attain the heights of spiritual wisdom and balanced living through dedication, devotion and surrender.

Rishi is a Sanskrit word which means "A divinely inspired poet or saint". Nitya means "Ever" and Pragya means "Alert". It fits perfectly. Ever conscious of the need of others and supremely aware of the happenings in the surroundings Rishiji sets an example for everyone to follow.

If there is anyone who can be given the title of "ever-alert" then it is Rishi Nitya Pragya ji. Young Rishiji Biography : Born as Nitin Limaye in Gujarat, India, he has done his Bachelors in Chemical Engineering and was used to a lifestyle with fast bikes and doing gigs in musical bands until he discoverd something deeply spiritual when he met Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the age of He says " I was a chemical engineer and I searched for the meaning of life.

I felt this structure, this conditioning given to us by society cannot be the purpose of life. This search took me to a lot of places and somebody told me about the Art of Living course. Gifted with a melodious voice, his speciality seemed to be in mesmerising the crowd with his wonderful and energetic rendition of the Bhajans during Satsangs. He has taken the simple talent and mixed it with grace to produce an effect which can only be experienced when he is singing on stage.

Guruji bestowed upon him the title of 'Rishi' to declare the high level of spiritual capacity he has developed. He is most famous for his energetic satsangs which is packed with deep wisdom and sharing of his experiences and learnings from life.

In this video Rishiji speaks about Vrittis or tendencies of the Mind.. Really amazing knowledge Rishiji Singing in a Satsang Some Photos of Rishi Nitya Pragya:. Posted by Vivek Barun at Saturday, November 20, Newer Post Older Post Home.

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