Need To Know. Love Again. Kiss Me More. Simple Man 1 1 0 play video. Burning Bright 1 1 0 play video. Save Me 12 2 play video. I Dare You 12 1 76 play video. Heroes 8 1 80 play video. Devour 2 1 7 play video. The Sound Of Madness 11 2 play video.
Second Chance 13 play video. If You Only Knew 12 2 96 play video. The Crow And The Butterfly 19 2 play video. Attention Attention 1 1 0 play video. Amaryllis 5 1 play video. Adrenaline 5 1 28 play video. Cut The Cord 16 1 play video. He left the first meeting with Cavallo and returned with nearly 60 songs by the fall, when Shinedown entered the studio in Los Angeles. The group wound up recording 15, including some -- such as "Cry For Help" -- that were written in the studio during the recording process.
All the while, however, Smith says that Shinedown "wanted it loud and wanted it big and heavy and grandiose. For the heavy songs, we wanted it as heavy as it could be, but using different kinds of styles with a lot of different guitar tones. This is what we have to do! He was so energetic and made everybody want to do better. It's a reinvention, and it's stronger. A justifiable pride in the album as well as a growing international fan base for the band will lead to an even further evolution in which the record that "needed" to be made will similarly need to be heard in a live setting.
It's not a machine; there's actually blood flowing through it. From the time we came up with the name, it's felt like it's conducting us and flowing through us. It's weird -- but it's pretty wonderful, too. Log in or Sign up. You are here Home. Unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later. By submitting my information, I agree to receive personalized updates and marketing messages about Shinedown based on my information, interests, activities, website visits and device data and in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
I have a 4-year-old boy, and he was a huge motivation, and so were the fans. My trainer asked me what I wanted to accomplish, and I knew I was going to be on camera in two months and I told him I wanted to lose 30 pounds by then. I do a lot of core and circuit training. One thing is I look completely different on stage now.
The stamina I have in my lungs is so much better. Health is such a big part of who I am now. All Sections. About Us. B2B Publishing.