Why do sumo deadlifts

Driving your hips forward will also help if the bar stalls at your knees. Sometimes all you need to reach your destination on your fitness journey is an expert guide. Or, join a monthly programming membership to connect with a real coach and community of athletes training just like you. Try any programming subscription free for 7 days. Both the sumo deadlift and conventional will give you massive bang for your buck when it comes to building raw power and getting some big numbers in your training log.

Both lifts are about as hard as you make them and individual preference is a factor when working on your pulling capacity. If your goal is forging yourself into the strongest athlete you can be, it makes sense to work all aspects of your pull from the floor. The sumo deadlift targets slightly different muscle groups quads than conventional, deficit, and other deadlift variations hamstrings.

And any good lifter knows about the mental aspect of strength training. Sometimes it just feels good to be able to move a stack of wheels on the bar. Sumo deadlifts can be an easy win for this reason. A note about injuries: if conventional deadlifts irritate your low back, sumos can be enough of an angle change to leave your back alone.

Ultimately, your hip structure will impact your comfort level with each pulling movement, so be especially aware of any hip pain or instability when training deadlifts. She was a successful freelance marketer for the functional fitness industry until being scooped up by TrainHeroic. An uncommon combo of bookish, artsy word-nerd and lifelong athlete, Lily is passionately devoted to weightlifting, CrossFit, yoga, dance, and aerial acrobatics. Find her showcasing her artist-athlete hobbies on IG lilylectric.

The App. The Marketplace. The brand. The blog. Make sure your toes are pointing out to the sides and your hands are placed closer together on the bar, in an overhand position and with a hook grip. The hook grip means that you hold the barbell by gripping your thumb between your fingers and the barbell. You should also stand with your back almost completely vertical, which causes your back not to have to push so hard to keep yourself upright as you lift the bar.

See, this is why the Sumo deadlift is better for your back. Drop your rear so that your knees are bent slightly but still in line with your feet. When pulling up the bar, there are different strategies you can use. For example, you can sit in position, hold the bar and pull, or you can grip the bar and then drop your rear, pushing your knees out to the side and flattening your back as you pull the bar. Move back into the starting position by lowering the bar to your knees.

Avoid dropping the weight to the floor as this will defeat the purpose of the exercise, while increasing your risk of injury. You want to do the deadlift slowly and in a controlled fashion from start to finish. Sumo Deadlift Workout Plan. Endurance Muscle Hypertrophy increase in muscle cells; a term often mentioned in weightlifting circles Complete sets of reps Complete sets of reps Use light to average weight Use moderate to heavy loads Rest for 30 seconds between reps.

Sumo Deadlift Variations. Here are some Sumo deadlift variations to try. Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift Jumps. Place a kettlebell in front of you. Bend your knees slightly as you reach down to grab the kettlebell. As you lift it, jump up and then lower yourself back down to the ground, placing the kettlebell in the starting position again.

While it should be a fast exercise, you want to focus on maintaining the proper form. Keep your back slightly bent as you do the jumps, instead of making it too straight. Deficit Sumo Deadlift. Hold the bar with an overhand grip. To make your hips get a workout too, make sure your shins touch the bar when you lift it and rotate your hips during the exercise.

This exercise mainly targets the hamstrings, although your abs, calves, and forearms also get a good workout. Sumo Deadlift With Resistance.

Load plates on the bar, then loop a resistance band on one side of the bar, making sure to stretch it to the other end. You want to stand on the band, which should be below the bar at this point, keeping the bar over the top of your shoes. Fine-tune your position before you lift. Stand with your legs wide apart and your feet firmly on the band. You want to hold the bar with a double-overhand grip. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart on the bar.

As you pull up the bar, let your hips drop in a slight seesaw fashion. Extend your knees and hips as you raise the bar, making sure the bar moves in a straight line. Now, reverse your movement by first pushing back your hips and bending forward a little. Lower the bar to the floor.

As it touches the floor, repeat the movement. You did it! Nudrat Naheed. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.

Top Categories. Save FB Tweet More. Keep dumbbells close to the body throughout the movement. Maintaining an upright, neutral spine during the movement don't arch back or round forward to protect your low back from injury. For strength, do 3 to 5 sets of 5 reps, building up to a heavy weight.

For endurance, do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps. Be the first to comment! No comments yet. Close this dialog window Add a comment. Add your comment Cancel Submit. Close this dialog window Review for. Back to story Comment on this project.


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