Why does my down comforter stink

This is a natural and "green" way to get all smells out of your down comforter. You can wash your down pillows in your home washing machine and dryer, but always check the label for laundering instructions. Use either a very mild detergent, or one made for down delicates, but avoid using any liquid or sheet fabric softener. Again, the devil is in the drying, so be prepared for several hours of tumble drying at the lowest temperature. Afterward, I recommend that you place it outside to "breathe" in the sunshine.

As I have tried to show, the best way to remove the smell from down comforters is to wash and dry them thoroughly in large-capacity machines, and the second-best way is to spot treat and air them out in the sunshine. The worst thing you can do is repeatedly spray your down comforter with a deodorizing spray like Febreze; experts warn that, far from being a harmless mist, a fabric deodorizer will seep through the duvet cover to harm the natural oils in the feathers.

On the other hand, if you purchase or make a cover for the comforter by sewing together a couple of sheets, this will keep dirt and oils from penetrating beyond the cover, which can be washed easily and frequently.

Some people have no problems, or so they say, in using their own washing machines to wash a comforter while others say washing your comforter at home can damage both the comforter and your washer or dryer.

These machines are not designed to handle bulky items that get heavy when soaked. It is safest to use a front loading commercial washer. These home dry cleaning products work in the dryer, and they are said to provide satisfactory results comparable to that of a professional dry cleaner.

Removing Odors From a Down Comforter? Tufting a Comforter. Fixing a Lumpy Comforter. Smelly Down Comforter? July 8, 0 found this helpful. Reply Was this helpful? By Linda Guest Post. By REbecca Guest Post. July 9, 0 found this helpful. By Sara. Guest Post. July 10, 0 found this helpful. August 19, 0 found this helpful. June 2, 0 found this helpful. June 4, 0 found this helpful. November 5, 0 found this helpful. Wet feathers and germs from strangers do not mix. Now if you are not as fortunate and have an older style washing machine, your best bet is to wash your comforter by hand.

You will want to do this in your bathtub and soak the comforter with lukewarm not hot! Wash as normal but cut down the amount of laundry detergent you usually use by a half. I like to use a down soap which is specially formulated for down feathers.

Regular detergents can leave behind residue that will ruin the down inside your comforter! There should barely be any suds visible. If your water turns murky from the dirt and grime coming out of the comfort, then you've used the right amount of detergent.

Let the comforter soak in the soapy water for half an hour. Then gently squeeze the water through your comforter until you feel there's no more dirt coming out. Drain the bath and fill it again with cool water. Repeatedly squeeze the comforter with this clean water. Drain and repeat until no more dirty soapy water comes out. Drain the tub a final time and squeeze as much water out as possible.

Always squeeze and press. Never twist or wring your comforter. Twisting will damage the stitching, fabric, and down. Since washers can tumble and spin out the excess water, your hand-washed comforter will be soaking wet and extremely heavy in comparison. It will take a while to completely dry out all the water in your goose down comforter. You'll now notice that your giant sack of wet goose down stinks and smells like wet dog.


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