Why does slayer hate metallica

But we did the festival circuit last year also. So we're hitting some of the festivals we've done… Every night is different.

Sometimes that's fun, sometimes it's… for me, introducing the wrong song or something, or starting a wrong one…. But as far as the stuff on 'St. Anger' goes, I guess we have so much time, and they don't make the list — that's all.

But we also don't wanna be one of those bands that are just playing the favorites. You wanna put some in there, so… We have been playing a song like 'Ride the Lightning' , '…And Justice for All' , 'Whiplash' , 'The Four Horsemen' … you know, some songs that we haven't played in festivals in a long time.

On playing the "Live Earth" concert and whether musicians should get involved in politics:. Hetfield : "Fuck politics! I mean, I can't stand it. It drives me crazy. And there's politics within music; the business side a lot of times really, really bothers me.

I like playing music. We were asked to play, and I said, 'OK. I wanna play. There's a lot of people that are gonna be watching that show. I don't like talking politics. Really, that's what it's about. I don't like playing for any cause. I had to get a little more talked into playing this show. I don't like any strings attached to things. I wanna play because I like to play. On how things are different in the recording studio now compared to how it was for 's "St.

Anger" :. Hetfield : "A lot of growing up happened on 'St. We went from hating each other, not talking, to, 'Ah, I love you,' hugging — you know, from one extreme to the other — and both of them were just a little bit crazy, so we're somewhere in the middle now where most people live, maybe. They shouldn't tour now.. Metallica probably shouldn't ever tour with any more metal bands.

And, they haven't for a while, as far as I know, so its alright. Slayer is vicious thrash metal. Metallica are giant sellouts that went mellow after the Black Album. That doesn't mean Slayer hasn't been changing their forumla lately, either. Actually, as I recall, they hate eachother. Have you ever heard either of these bands? I read recently that Kirk went to Ozzfest and saw most of Slayer's set along with all of Sabbath's and Priest's FakeReality, metallica plays pertty much the samething after justice album, and your telling me that they dont, shame on you man.

Justice is to puppets Maybe because his name is Kerry. I would be pretty mad about that too. I think I remember reading something saying they played a show at the same place. Not necessarily a tour, but a show. Clash of the Titans, if I remember right. It featured Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, and Metallica.

Slayer has a problem with Metallica, but Metallica dont have any bad blood against Slayer. Its mainley Kerry with the issue with the band. Not like he as much room to talk, as Slayer havent put out a "great" cd since while Metallica IMO put out three wonderful albums in the 90's. Even in songwriting and guitar playing, James and Kirk really are leagues ahead of Jeff and Kerry, not to say i dont like Slayer, i love them, but to many people give Metallica such a low rap for their widespread audience and should really focus more on the band and not their financial situation.

I don't think metallica were on the clash of the titans tour. Slayer and metallica have played at some of the same shows though. One that springs to mind is Donnington ' I really doubt that the two bands have a rivalry as Dave Lumbardo played drums with Metallica at the Donnington Festival when Lars was sick. Good point. Dave was awesome that night. Although metallica wouldn't be metallica without lars it was just good to see someone else try their hand at drumming for metallica.

I completely agree And it wouldn't be natural if bands didn't have little rivalry's between themselves but that doesn't mean they hate each other :thumb:. I like Slipknot,and Kerry liking Slipknot really gets me. And Kerry is just mad at everything and everyone. For some reason he is very fond of Slipknot. Yeah he said in this months guitar world that he loves slipknot. James is leagues ahead in singing if u can call what slayer does singing It isn't the same genre.

Metallica does more melodic stuff, Slayer does thrash. Do you compare Brian Johnson to Dave Matthews? Didn't think so. If you want to bash Slayer, or attempt to , then compare them to someone in their league.

At Donnington 95 I think , James asked the crowd what they thought of the other bands on the set Including Slayer , and then played some short covers of Black Magic and Raining Blood. Seems to be a fad to trash new metallica, newbies Fad? In a new interview with RVA Mag , King was asked about the big problem in metal, and rock in general, today… the focus on nostalgia and history, and while King concedes that Slayer is living on their history, he makes sure to point out others are relying on their back catalogue much more… "We're living on our history for sure," he admitted, "but so is everyone else, yet we're the ones trying to push ourselves forward.

I would say [Iron] Maiden and Metallica, no offense, are living on past success. Metallica has toured forever on The Black Record which a lot of people don't like. I actually like it. It's heavy as can be. Is it Master Of Puppets?

Course not, but it's a great record. Iron Maiden for me is living off their first three records. Have they made good songs since then? Yeah, but they haven't made great records.


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