He is so sweet. And I think he has been in the music business long enough that he really knows what he is talking about too. I have no idea who the third judge would be. But Simon left because he made a bundle of money. And after 10 seasons of AL it is just getting boring. Last years show was boring. I really think we have had a nice ride with American Idol. And need to move on! Steven Tyler isn't the one to go with. That would be a very big mistake.
There has to be someone out there that is normal that can do this job of judging. Come on, find them! I think to carry a very badly ailing American Idol! Judges are needed, of course,with inside knowledge of and experience in the music industry goodby Ellen to be actually qualified to judlge talent. Steven Tyler has industry knowledge, but not the pizzaz to make me want continue watching the show. PS — Fiasco with Adam Lambert's loss was unexcuasable! First it was Simon then Ellen and Now Kara pleasseeee don't go Kafra ovbisoulsly Ellen didn't want to be on the nshow simon switched to X-Factor and now u i would love for u to say out of u three it would be great for all of u to stay but that is not going to happen.
But it would be u and simon sorry Ellen it was just too hard for u and u stumbled words but ur a great comedian so keep that up But Kara pleassseeeeee stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I believe the last 3 seasons America has picked the wrong winners. Without Simon things will not be the same. I can't believe that no-neck Lee won. He was terrible. Adam Lambert will be a hundred times more successful than nice guy Kris Allen. And David Cook better than Archulleta? You got to be kidding.
I think Perez Hilton would be a fantastic judge.. Sad to see Ellen go.. Not too sure about JLO,this show needs to think outside the box!! That would be horrible! I would stop watching, Perez knows nothing about music and doesn't have the same humor Ellen does so he can't really make a lot of people laugh. Loved Kara. Sorry to see her go…Classy lady. I also think she was made to feel uncomfortable over the Casey James situation. Ellen added some humor and did a great job.
But she does need to have a life. Wondered how she was able to do both. I love American Idol. I don't watch much tv. Am Idol has always been a must see for me. Hope it goes on forever. However it will be hard to replace Simon. Why don't they go with guest judges each season? Randy should definitely stay and have two guest judges each season. I think this would bring a much more colorful panel of judges. Sorry to see Ellen leave, I liked her as a judge. Kara, not one of my fav judges, wish her the best.
I think the new judges for next season must have qualities and experiences to improve the top 12 in their potentials and not being put down or criticized further but to enhance,upgrade and spot their skills,elements and talents and make those areas better and not choose wrong songs that are not their elements. Last year the judges were giving the kids hard time eg Casey getting all the judges critiques in the wrong areas and giving him all the wrong songs that dampened him instead of ,making him more confident and look at Lee making him look so nervous and Siobhan was good and talented but was downplayed!!!.
The judges love to insult the kids to make themselves look outstanding and popular with their comments without any sensitivity and consideration for these poor kids' future who have left home,school,job and spend half year just to make it and these judges behave like having a good time themselves and laughing to the bank for doing that. These kids' future are in their hands. I think instead of judges, they should change to coaches.
Coach them instead of judge them. The judges are the Americans! How about for a change. I'm not sad at all to see Kara go.. She was awful as a judge. I must say that I will miss Ellen's humor. She did add something to a rather boring Season, to say the least. I think J. Lo will be very good for the show and the ratings.
I, too, hope that they go with three judges and not four. On a special note: To all my Adam fan's out there….. I stood up and danced for four hours and it was well worth it. He is just awesome….. Glad he didn't win AI because now he is performing and doing it his way…. I love it……. What does J.
Lo have to contribute with? It doesn't make sense, seems more like just finding a big name to draw in viewers, but I fail to see how she can judge? So would I. I would eliminate the Middle-of-the-Road and keep the Excellence,and do it with flair..
I agree! I havewatched every season but with Simon and Paula and now the other two gone, the show will go away this year! If it doesn't get dropprd before it comes on. Sad to see it go. I'll be watching Simon's new show. American Idol is doomed. They should perhaps adapt the Dancing With The Stars system where the judges' collective votes equal those brought in by the masses. It is so counter-productive when Aiken, Lambert, Dougherty, Bowersox lose out in the finals to cellphone technology.
And who is auditing those claims of 40 million votes …were those just from USA? Kara was terrible, annoying, delivered canned,. She was a camera hog and a poser and a shameless hound dog with an agenda! She was unwatchable!
I like her, she has enough music experience and knows what she was talking about, she is a music producer and a GREAT singer. It really doesn't matter about the judges. Since Simon is gone, it's really pointless.
He was the last person who tried to make the show interesting. The show should be cancelled. I agree. I will be watching whatever new show Simon is on. It won't ever be the same without Simon. I liked Kara because she's really good at judging.
Ellen is very nice and I love her show, but she was wrong for AM. Looking forward to seeing JLo this year. Not sure about Steven, though…. Kara's fired? I'm not surprised. I'll bet you any money it was because of her 'flirting' with Casey James, or her attitude with Andrew Fenlon.
Adding a fourth judge to the show in Season 8 was a bad move, but HER as the fourth judge was even worse move. As for Ellen, yeah sure, she was funny and added a comical flair to the show, but where's her musical background? The show is pretty much confirmed to be reverting to three judges, which is a good move. Bring Paula back to the show, and get Harry Connick Jr. I don't like those changes.. I would for Kara to stay, Randy can stay or leave I don't care..
Or well, am I the only one that thinks Neil Patrik Harris will be perfect? Too bad he's busy.. Anyway, whay to you think about Nigel Lythgoe — the returning exec that want to cancel the Top 24?? Outrages, isn't it?? I am personally sad to see Simon go of all people! Yes, he was harsh at times, but for their benefit. His comments were meant to make them stronger, fight back and prove him wrong!
That's what he wanted to see and that's why he did it! Common sense if you know your music. I'm an avid fan of American Idol and I've seen every season and every show, I've also been right every season on the winner and voted myself every week.
It's gonna be very hard to replace Simon. In my opinion, Shania Twain would be an excellent choice for a new judge this season or a female version of Simon Cowell Avril Lavigne she's very honest and true to music.
A male would have to be either Harry Connick Jr. Curious to see what this season will bring! I'm sad to see Kara go, she was a good judge. Ellen, I love her but AI isn't a good match for her.
Harry Connick Jr. I heard she was turned down last season to replace Paula but that would be MY perfect pannel. American idol needs to keep the show real. They need to find real people to be judges and not ones that are out there. J Lo would have been an excellent choice. Simon,Paula and Randy were great together. I think they should keep it at three as well. I think that Harry Connic Jr. These are real people and not weird.
It is too bad it couldn't be Harry, J Lo and Randy. That would keep the viewers interested. Last year the two women involved in juding were not a good mix. I hope they find good judges because it will make or break the show.
I am going to miss Kara, and she had a great background of writing songs, for the part!!! I would not be dissapointed if Paula Abdul was to come back also!!! I do believe they can find someone better than J. Lo will not watch if she is a judge Reba would be an excellent choice or even Melissa Peterman.
I think they would bring some life to Idol. Well since Ellen is gone and they are bringing Steven Tyler and J Lo i will never watch Idol again I have watched since day one but not anymore. If j lo will become one of the judges I will never watch the show. She can't sing or act. The american idol will suck. My entire will not watch the American idol if we see her sitting on one of the judges chair. The last two years have produced the wrong winners.
We all know why Adam was not picked even though he was far beyond the most talented. Was it age or what? The three original judges were partly what made up the fun of the show. Have no use for Kara, what a snob — no one could be right except her. What an ego.
Randy is the only one left and if they want to keep the show going they better find some more like the originals, Randy Included so we really only need two new judges. Maybe Harry C. Jr would be good if he can be honest and not afraid of someone's feelings as long as the criticism is correct. Simon and Randy were right most of the time. Ryan Secrist should have been gone the 2nd year.
The only thing he has is his want to be on television. Under those circumstances, I could see why Cowell was less than kind to me at times, but it still hurt. The woman I used to be — the one who had forged ahead in a sea of doubt and had still risen to the top of the music business despite the bumps in the road — was gone. I was in a foreign place, speaking a foreign language with no translator. I could never seem to let the real me out.
There was one other contestant some of us wanted as well, but there seemed to be an air of suspicion that Simon might be trying to sabotage the contestant pool in the wake of his leaving. Then again, who really ever knows that their bosses are considering replacing them? Lucky for me, the janitorial closet they called my dressing room had long been disassembled, so no walk down the corridors with my personal effects in hand was necessary.
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