The reliability of the calibration curve in enabling quantification is then determined by the spacing of the serial dilutions. If the Log 10 of the concentration or copy number of each standard is plotted against its C q value Figure 1 , the E can be derived from the regression equation describing the linear function:.
The intercept shows the C q value when one copy would be theoretically detected Kubista et al. The concentration or amount of target nucleic acid in unknown samples is then calculated according to the C q value through Equation 5. Figure 1. Model calibration curve with the regression equation characterized by the slope and intercept and regression coefficient. From the definitions above it is evident that C q values are instrumental readings, and must be recalculated to values with specific units, e.
However, referral to C q values in scientific papers is widespread and interpretations based on C q values can lead to misleading conclusions. Concentrations in qPCR are expressed in the logarithmic scale Figure 1 and C q differences between fold serial dilutions are theoretically always 3. Therefore, although the numerical difference between C q 20 and 35 is rather negligible, the difference in real numbers copies, ng is almost five orders of magnitude Log This feature must be reflected in the subsequent calculations.
For example, the coefficient of variation CV, ratio between standard deviation and mean calculated from the C q values and real numbers results in profoundly different results. The same applies for any statistical tests where C q values are used, even for cases where the logarithm of C q values is used for the normalization of data before the statistical evaluation.
The correct procedure should include initial recalculation to real numbers followed by logarithmic transformation. With the increasing amount of sequencing data available, it is literally possible to design qPCR assays for every microorganism groups and subgroups of microorganisms, etc.
The main advantages of qPCR are that it provides fast and high-throughput detection and quantification of target DNA sequences in different matrices. The lower time of amplification is facilitated by the simultaneous amplification and visualization of newly formed DNA amplicons. Moreover, qPCR is safer in terms of avoiding cross contaminations because no further manipulation with samples is required after the amplification.
Other advantages of qPCR include a wide dynamic range for quantification 7—8 Log 10 and the multiplexing of amplification of several targets into a single reaction Klein, The multiplexing option is essential for detection and quantification in diagnostic qPCR assays that rely on the inclusion of internal amplification controls Yang and Rothman, ; Kubista et al.
Therefore, although qPCR-based typing tests are faster, their results should be correlated with phenotypic and biochemical tests Levin, ; Osei Sekyere et al. As for the microbial diagnostics, there are different considerations in detecting and quantifying viral, bacterial, and parasitic agents.
This is because detection of important clinical and veterinary viruses using culture methods is time-consuming or impossible, while ELISA tests are not universally available and suffer from comparatively low sensitivity and specificity. Moreover, determination of the viral load by RT -qPCR is used as an indicator of the response to antiviral therapies Watzinger et al.
The situation is similar in the case of intestinal protozoan diagnostics Rijsman et al. The gold standard technique for the detection of protozoan agents, the microscopic examination of feces, is laborious, time-consuming, and requires specifically trained personnel.
Therefore, qPCR is now emerging as a powerful tool in the routine detection, quantification, and typing of intestinal parasitic protozoa. In contrast to viral and protozoan detection and quantification, many bacteria of clinical, veterinary, and food safety significance, can be cultured.
For this reason, culture is considered as the gold standard in bacterial detection and quantification. However, in cases when critical and timely intervention for infectious disease is required, the traditional, slow, and multistep culture techniques cannot provide results in a reasonable time.
This limitation is compounded by the necessity of culturing fastidious pathogens and additional testing species determination, identification of virulence factors, and antimicrobial resistance.
In food safety, all international standards for food quality rely on the determination of pathogenic microorganisms using traditional culture methods. However, there are limitations with respect to the sensitivity of assays based on qPCR. As culture methods rely on the multiplication of bacteria during the pre-culture steps pre-enrichment , samples for DNA isolation usually initially contain very low numbers of target bacteria Rodriguez-Lazaro et al.
This limitation leads to the most important disadvantage of qPCR, which is its inherent incapability of distinguishing between live and dead cells. The usage of qPCR itself is therefore limited to the typing of bacterial strains, identification of antimicrobial resistance, detection, and possibly quantification in non-processed and raw food. It is important to note that processed food can still contain amplifiable DNA even if all the potentially pathogenic bacteria in food are devitalized and the foodstuff is microbiologically safe for consumption Rodriguez-Lazaro et al.
To overcome this problem, a pre-enrichment of sample in culture media could be placed prior to the qPCR. This step may include non-selective enrichment in buffered peptone water or specific selective media for the respective bacterium.
The extraction of the DNA from the culture media is easier than that from the food samples, which are much more heterogeneous in terms of composition Margot et al. Although qPCR itself cannot distinguish among viable and dead cells attempts have been made to adapt qPCR for viability detection. It was shown that RNA has low stability and should be degraded in dead cells within minutes.
However, the correlation of cell viability with the persistence of nucleic acid species must be well characterized for a particular situation before an appropriate amplification-based analytical method can be adopted as a surrogate for more traditional culture techniques Birch et al. Moreover, difficulties connected with RNA isolation from samples like food, feces or environmental samples can provide false-negative results especially when low numbers of target cells are expected.
In these methods, the criterion for viability determination is membrane integrity. Metabolically active cells regardless of their cultivability with full membrane integrity keep the dyes outside the cells and are therefore considered as viable.
However, if plasma membrane integrity is compromised, the dyes penetrate the cells, or react with the DNA outside of dead cells. The labeled DNA is then not available for the amplification by qPCR and the difference between treated and untreated cells provides information about the proportion of viable cells in the sample. The limitation of this method is the necessity to have the cells in a light-transparent matrix, e. Therefore, samples of insufficient light transparency do not permit the application of these dyes.
Moreover, another topic we want to just to mention here is the generation and use of standards required for the calibration curves. In general, two are the most diffused approaches for the generation of calibration curves.
One employs dilutions of target genomic nucleic acid and the other plasmid standards. Both strategies can lead to a final quantification of the target, but plasmids containing specific target sequences offer the advantages of easy production, stability, and cheapness. On the other hand, in principle, PCR efficiency obtained by plasmid standards sometimes could differ compared to the efficiency obtained using genomic standard, which instead, for organisms fastidious to growth, could be isolated only starting from a given matrix, and thus susceptible to degradation and losses Chaouachi et al.
This parameter in qPCR refers to the specificity of primers for target of interest. Analytical specificity consists of two concepts: inclusivity describes the ability of the method to detect a wide range of targets with defined relatedness e. Another definition describes inclusivity as the strains or isolates of the target analyte s that the method can detect Anonymous, ISO and other standards recommend that inclusivity should be determined on 20—50 well-defined certified strains of the target organism Anonymous, , , , a ; Broeders et al.
On the other hand, exclusivity describes the ability of the method to distinguish the target from similar but genetically distinct non-targets. In other words, exclusivity can also be defined as the lack of interference from a relevant range of non-target strains, which are potentially cross-reactive Anonymous, , , , a.
The desirable number of positive samples in exclusivity testing is zero Johnson et al. Many official documents have discussed theories and procedures for the correct definition of the LOD for different methods.
A general consensus was reached around the definition of the LOD as the lowest amount of analyte, which can be detected with more than a stated percentage of confidence, but, not necessarily quantified as an exact value Anonymous, , , In this regard, the confidence level obtained or requested for the definition of LOD can reflect the number of replicates both technical and experimental needed by the assay in order to reach the requested level of confidence e.
It is clear that the more replicates are tested, the narrower will be the interval of confidence. Another definition describes the LOD as the lowest concentration level that can be determined as statistically different from a blank at a specified level of confidence.
This value should be determined from the analysis of sample blanks and samples at levels near the expected LOD Anonymous, a. However, it should be noted that LOD definitions described above were reported for chemical methods, and are not perfectly suited for PCR methods Burns and Valdivia, This is because, for limited concentrations of analyte nucleic acids , the output of the reaction can be a success amplification , or a failure no amplification at all , without any blank, or critical level at which it is possible to set a cut-off value over which the sample can be considered as positive one.
Moreover, it should be remembered here that, by definition, a blank sample should never be positive in PCR. Since the definitions reported above are not practicable for PCRs, other approaches have been proposed.
In practice, multiple aliquots of a specific matrix are spiked with serial dilutions of the target organism and undergo the whole process of nucleic acid isolation and qPCR. For example, 10 replicates of milk samples were spiked with serial dilutions of Campylobacter jejuni in amounts of 10 5 —10 0 cells per 1 ml of milk.
The experimentally determined LOD of the method for the detection of C. In order to better define the most precise value, more dilutions can be tested before reaching a final LOD value as close as possible to the real one. The number of replicates tested should be at least six Slana et al. Figure 2. According to the Poisson distribution, it was concluded that the LOD for PCR cannot be lower than at least three copies of the nucleic acid targets Bustin et al.
Therefore, as stated above, the LOD must be related to the whole method that includes nucleic acid preparation and qPCR. Only under these conditions can it represent a valid parameter that describes the features of the respective qPCR method Anonymous, a. However, sometimes it is not possible to obtain large numbers of replicates, for both financial and technical reasons.
Briefly, both mathematical functions are regressions used to analyse binomial response variables positive or negative and are able to transform the sigmoid dose-response curve, typical of a binomial variable, to a straight line that can then be analyzed by regression either through least squares or maximum likelihood methods. The final end-point of the analysis is a concentration coupled with relative intervals of confidence , associated to a probability e.
Moreover, Probit regression is exploitable only for normally distributed data, while Logit function can also be used for data not normally distributed; however, in this context, both functions have the same meaning. Finally, it must be noted that LOD is not a limiting value and therefore, that C q values below the LOD cannot automatically be considered as negative. This feature is connected with the Poisson distribution when working with small numbers.
The LOQ was defined as the smallest amount of analyte, which can be measured and quantified with defined precision and accuracy under the experimental conditions by the method under validation Armbruster and Pry, ; Anonymous, , An alternative definition is that the LOQ is the lowest amount or concentration of analyte that can be quantitatively determined with an acceptable level of uncertainty Anonymous, a. In practice, the LOQ is determined as is the LOD, on replicates of spiked samples, but the assessment of results is quantitative.
Numerically, the LOQ is defined as the lowest concentration of analyte, which gives a predefined variability, generally reported as the coefficient of variation CV.
Hoverer, this value was proposed based on the experience accrued in GMO detection laboratories Broeders et al. The amount of fluorescence is proportional to the amount of PCR product.
The time point at which the fluorescence reaches a defined threshold is relative to the level of gene expression. The design of real-time PCR experiments requires prior knowledge of the gene sequence and careful consideration of the types of controls to include. Functional genomics II Common technologies and data analysis methods.
Share this page with: twitter facebook linkedin. Real-time PCR can be used for both qualitative and quantitative analysis; choosing the best method for your application requires a broad knowledge of this technology. This section provides an overview of real-time PCR, reverse-transcription quantitative PCR techniques, and the choice of instruments that Bio-Rad offers for these techniques.
In real-time PCR, the accumulation of amplification product is measured as the reaction progresses, in real time, with product quantification after each cycle. First, amplification reactions are set up with PCR reagents and unique or custom primers.
Reactions are then run in real-time PCR instruments and the collected data is analyzed by proprietary instrument software. Real-time detection of PCR products is enabled by the inclusion of a fluorescent reporter molecule in each reaction well that yields increased fluorescence with an increasing amount of product DNA. The fluorescence chemistries employed for this purpose include DNA-binding dyes and fluorescently labeled sequence-specific primers or probes.
Specialized thermal cyclers equipped with fluorescence detection modules are used to monitor the fluorescence signal as amplification occurs. The measured fluorescence is proportional to the total amount of amplicon; the change in fluorescence over time is used to calculate the amount of amplicon produced in each cycle.
The main advantage of real-time PCR over PCR is that real-time PCR allows you to determine the initial number of copies of template DNA the amplification target sequence with accuracy and high sensitivity over a wide dynamic range. Real-time PCR results can either be qualitative the presence or absence of a sequence or quantitative copy number. In contrast, PCR is at best semiquantitative. Additionally, real-time qPCR data can be evaluated without gel electrophoresis, resulting in reduced bench time and increased throughput.
Finally, because real-time qPCR reactions are run and data are evaluated in a unified, closed-tube qPCR system, opportunities for contamination are reduced and the need for postamplification manipulation is eliminated in qPCR analysis. In research laboratories, qPCR assays are widely used for the quantitative measurement of gene copy number gene dosage in transformed cell lines or the presence of mutant genes.
In combination with reverse-transcription PCR RT-PCR , qPCR assays can be used to precisely quantitate changes in gene expression, for example, an increase or decrease in expression in response to different environmental conditions or drug treatment, by measuring changes in cellular mRNA levels.
In this plot, the number of PCR cycles is shown on the x-axis, and the fluorescence from the amplification reaction, which is proportional to the amount of amplified product in the tube, is shown on the y-axis. The amplification plot shows two phases, an exponential phase followed by a non-exponential plateau phase. During the exponential phase, the amount of PCR product approximately doubles in each cycle. As the reaction proceeds, however, reaction components are consumed, and ultimately one or more of the components becomes limiting.
At this point, the reaction slows and enters the plateau phase cycles 28—40 in Figure 1. Figure 1. Amplification plot. Baseline-subtracted fluorescence versus number of PCR cycles. Initially, fluorescence remains at background levels, and increases in fluorescence are not detectable cycles 1—18, Figure 1 even though product accumulates exponentially.
Eventually, enough amplified product accumulates to yield a detectable fluorescence signal. The cycle number at which this occurs is called the quantification cycle, or C q. Because the C q value is measured in the exponential phase when reagents are not limited, real-time qPCR can be used to reliably and accurately calculate the initial amount of template present in the reaction based on the known exponential function describing the reaction progress.