Can i make itunes louder

Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Email us at tips the-sun. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours. Jump directly to the content. To choose presets for other songs, use the Next and Previous buttons. Click OK. The equalizer preset you chose applies to the song whenever you play it. Make sure Sound Enhancer is selected. To increase or decrease the effect of the Sound Enhancer, drag the slider.

What format file? Ideally you will manage to do this without re-coding the file which would entail quality loss and some programs can do this depending upon the file format. Nov 6, AM. Nov 6, AM in response to db In response to db Yes, Audacity will do it but if you start with a file in a lossy format and want it to end up in that same format e.

Also, do you have Soundcheck disabled? Limnos: Yes, I have adjusted all of my volume adjusters on maximum. The format it MP3. I have sound check up to maxium, so it is currently playing at the maximum volume on everything.

OpticNerve: Can you save files from boom to play on apple devices? I like to have my song loud on my iphone 4s. Nov 6, PM. You can use a program, or increase the "pre-amp" feature in the Equalizer, this sometimes distorts the music.

The best way, without adding a separate app or program they often conflict with sound drivers and hardware , is to go to your playlist if you do this click first song, scroll to the bottom, hold down shift and click last song, this highlights all the songs in the playlist , or an individual song. May 4, AM.


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