Original poster's comments 3. I'll sit with the girls until DH gets home" I love that my dad understands Sometimes moms are so hard to satisfy! But your dad is the bestest, that's so nice.
Sorry your having a rough day. Enjoy that beer, you deserve it! Moms can be douches sometimes. Just remember that with your daughters. She sounds like a peach. If I had someone besides her to talk to I would! I'm an only child, my cousins aren't really close to me and most my friends could careless bc they aren't on the same family page as me in life. I'm not a big complainer but when I have a bad day, I need to talk.
Follow your baby's amazing development track my baby Download BabyCenter app. More posts in "April Birth Club" group. Everyone has thoughts like that but it shouldn't be all the time. And usually if not provoked you shouldn't act on those impulses I'm sorry slightly not normal. Its normal to want to stike out at your parents, and your boyfriend but blaming your problem on the fact that your a man is messed up. You really should go see a theropist about this. Its normal to want to strike out its not normal to actually take pleasure in stiking out, no matter how much shit you've gon through in your life.
Your parents really care about you and want to make sure you're okay and let you know you're loved. Your parents are being very kind to you and you are acting like an abusive cretin. Shame on you for your cowardly lashing out at people who actually love you. Find another way of venting your pent up hurt, anger and humiliation.
You are a 21 year old man. A puppy is young and loveable — just like you — and wonderful to be around, especially when it keeps its temper under control! Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.
Search KidsHealth library. What's in this article? Try This! Here are some things to try anytime, even when you're not angry: Get lots of physical activity. Play outside. Do sports you like. Karate or wrestling can be good for kids who are trying to get their tempers under control. But any activity that gets your heart pumping can be good because it's a way of burning off energy and stress. It feels good to boot that soccer ball or smack that baseball! Talk to your mom or dad. If you're having trouble with your temper, the time to talk about it is before you have another angry outburst.
Tell your parents that you're trying to do a better job of controlling yourself. Ask for their help and ideas for how you could do this better. Maybe if you go a whole week without a meltdown, they can take you out for a treat. Let them know that if you do get really angry, you're going to ask for their help.
Put feelings into words. Get in the habit of saying what you're feeling and why. Tell your parents, "I feel angry when you tell me it's time to stop playing and take out the trash. I don't like taking out the trash. But it's your job and you need to do it anyway. Using words helps people manage their strong feelings and behaviors. Take control. Who's in charge here — you or that wild little puppy? Decide that you're going to be in charge.
Don't let those angry feelings make you do stuff you don't want to do. Four Important Steps The real test comes the next time you get so mad you could just explode. Hear what your mom has to say. Regardless, you should respect her by hearing her out, just as you want her to respect you and hear your side. Try restating and summarizing after you hear her side. It sounds like you're saying I can't have the car on weeknights because of school, but you are okay with me using it on Saturday night if I put gas in it.
Is that right? Ultimately, she is the authority figure, and you must mind what she says. But know that your calm, rational discussion with her will make her respect you more, which will undoubtedly benefit you in future disagreements.
Move on after you have both shared your opinions. After you and your mom have had a chance to say your peace and you have expressed your opinions effectively and appropriately, you must move on in one of the following ways: If you are unable to come to an agreement, then agree to disagree.
Part 2. Recognize that feeling angry is not bad. Anger is a normal emotion and a common reaction to things that upset us. It is important to realize that expressing anger can be a good thing, and that avoiding anger entirely can actually lead to larger, more harmful blowups with your mom later. Explore the underlying feelings causing your anger. Consider the things that trigger your temper. When dealing with your mom, it is important to know what triggers you to feel mad so that you can not only avoid these situations with her, but also so that you are prepared to deal with being angry in a healthy way if the situation is unavoidable.
Identify whether your anger is chronic or situational. If you tend to get mad at your mom due to certain words or circumstances, your anger is most likely situational; try avoiding these types of situations and talk to her about how certain words trigger you.
However, if your anger is extreme in nature and occurs often or with minimal provocation, your anger might be chronic; consider reaching out to an outside party, like a therapist, for help with these more complex feelings.
Part 3. Build security in your relationship with your mom. The more often you address issues as they come with your mom in a clear, level-headed way, the more likely she is to recognize that you are growing up, and thus she can trust you and your decisions and opinions more.
Set ground rules and build trust and security with your mom, and you will be mad at her and vice versa! Find healthy outlets for your anger. In addition to healthy discussions with your mom as situations arise, it is also important to prevent anger from building up inside of you. Some common outlets include: [11] X Research source Listening to music Exercising Writing down your feelings and thoughts Deep breathing Talking with a trustworthy friend. Own your feelings and behaviors.
Rather than asking why this is happening to you, take responsibility for your own feelings and your own part in a situation. Did you know you can get expert answers for this article? Unlock expert answers by supporting wikiHow.