Can i ship alcohol

Each state—and in some cases, each municipality or county—has its own regulations regarding the sale and shipment of all alcoholic beverages. Perhaps that's why the carriers willing to schlep alcohol from state-to-state—and from abroad back into the U. That's right: don't even think about heading to your closest FedEx or a UPS with a bottle of wine or a specialty spirit unless you carry a proper license to manufacture, sell, distribute, or otherwise import alcohol.

And if you do, you probably wouldn't be reading this article anyway. FedEx's alcohol shipping policies can be read here , while UPS's alcohol regulations—much the same as FedEx's—can be found here though the latter is broadening its scope a bit.

Some of those universal rules? You must advise the carrier your package contains alcohol. A surcharge will be applied to the shipment. And an adult must sign for it. However, there's more that you can do than brush up on these carriers' policies to get booze from Point A to Point B. And no, we're not talking about sneaking it. Our experts are here to give you tips on getting alcohol from state-to-state and overseas. On the surface, this seems like the easiest shipping method.

Without crossing state lines, after all, you won't have to worry about another state putting a stranglehold on your spirits. But there are still local laws to contend with, warns Seth Weinberg , food law and policy professor at Columbia Law School. But luckily, because you will have to ship directly from the retailer or distributor, "local merchants are expected to know their own rules, and can serve as a great source of quick answers when you are considering buying a gift for someone," Weinberg says.

For example, some states may prohibit the shipment of more than one bottle at a time, or how many bottles of alcohol can be shipped to a person each year, says Mahesh Lekkala, owner of New York- and New Jersey-based Wine Legend. A good retailer will know these rules.

Have you ever tasted a delicious local brew on vacation and wished you could ship some home for you to enjoy? Just about! For all you hyper-technical individuals out there, there are some exceptions to this rule. However, any liquid containing 0. That means pretty much every alcoholic beverage out there, including shipping beer and wine , is a no-go with USPS.

As a rule of thumb, we suggest you avoid these types of boxes altogether when shipping with USPS. FedEx allows the shipment of alcohol. UPS allows for the shipment of wine, beer, and other alcoholic beverages on a per-contract basis. UPS and FedEx have a lot of guidelines for you to follow in order to ship alcohol. Just remember to stay away from USPS on this one…at least until the laws change.

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Advance confirmation required. Delivery typically in 5 business days. Pickup and delivery options at your door or the airport.

International alcohol shipping. Home Alcohol shipping requirements International alcohol shipping Alcohol packaging checklist Wine Associations.

Can you ship alcohol to your destination country? Understand the requirements to ship internationally. Licensee-to-licensee requirements Becoming an authorized shipper Direct-to-consumer return policy International service options Licensee-to-consumer countries served. See the alcohol shipping requirements. Helpful tools. Landed cost calculator.


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