Can i take ex lax while pregnant

Long-term use might affect the mother in the same way as the stimulant laxatives do. Sodium bisphosphate OsmoPrep , magnesium hydroxide milk of magnesia , sugars including polyethylene glycol Miralax and lactulose are some effective osmotics.

In spite of their effectiveness, laxatives are prescribed only as a second option because of some side effects. Like any other medications, laxatives also have some side effects, which usually depend on the type of laxative you are taking.

The common side effects include 3 :. There are not enough studies to show that laxatives cause a miscarriage. However, castor oil which is a natural laxative 7 could cause fetal morbidity 4. Laxatives are not known to increase the probability of birth defects or other major pregnancy issues. Remember that laxatives are only a second option, the first being dietary changes and mild exercises to ease constipation.

Do not try to self-medicate; instead, talk to your doctor about using medicines for constipation or any other health issues during pregnancy. Did you try any natural laxatives during pregnancy?

Share your experience with us in the comments section below. Do not use any medication without talking to your doctor. Hydroquinone-induced exogenous ochronosis: a report of four cases and usefulness of dermoscopy. Int J Dermatol. Skin bleaching drug products for over-the-counter human use; proposed rule.

Fed Regist. The effectiveness of discontinuing iron-containing prenatal multivitamins on reducing the severity of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol. Determinants of early medical management of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. The safety of metoclopramide use in the first trimester of pregnancy. N Engl J Med.

Puangsricharern A, Mahasukhon S. Effectiveness of auricular acupressure in the treatment of nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. J Med Assoc Thai. Home remedies for pregnancy nausea. Preggie Pop Drops Sour Fruit. Three Lollies Products. Preggie Pop Drops Herbal. Preggie Pop Drops—Organic. Hemorrhoids in pregnancy. Can Fam Physician. Pregnancy and newborn health education center. March of Dimes. Safety and efficacy of blue cohosh Caulophyllum thalictroides during pregnancy and lactation.

Can J Pharmacol. Featured Issue Featured Supplements. US Pharm. Constipation Pregnant patients often ask about nonprescription products for constipation. Melasma Many pregnant women notice melasma gravidarum, an unusual darkening of the facial skin.

Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are a common condition experienced by pregnant women. Headache Treatment of headache poses a serious problem for the pregnant patient contemplating self-care.

Flatulence The pregnant female may ingest a high-fiber diet or psyllium products in an attempt to prevent hemorrhoids. What About Prescription Medications? Should You Use Dietary Supplements? Remember, if you have any questions, Consult Your Pharmacist. To comment on this article, contact rdavidson jobson. Related Content. For more information, read about the importance of hydration during pregnancy.

Be sure to follow the dosage instructions on the package carefully, and if you have questions about dosage, ask your doctor. Lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of constipation and increase how often you have bowel movements. Here are some helpful changes you can make:. There are also other OTC laxative drugs that are safe to use during pregnancy.

They include:. While MiraLAX is a safe and effective option for treating constipation during pregnancy, you should talk to your doctor before using it. Consider asking your doctor these questions:.

Here are 5 herbal remedies to ease your symptoms. Constipation can be uncomfortable and even painful. But there are several at-home remedies to try that can get your bowels moving again.

Milk of…. While laxatives and stool softeners can help you overcome a bout of constipation, these medications come with side effects. A new study finds that epidurals do not affect child development in their later years. Share on twitter Twitter. Share on linkedin LinkedIn. Share on email Email. Similar Post. Is it Safe While Pregnant. Pregnancy and Ice Cream Can I safely eat ice cream while pregnant? CBD Oil is becoming increasingly popular for a variety issues, from pain relief, suppressing nausea, anxiety help to a restful….

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