Of course I can, sir. Sprichst du Bocce? Can you speak the host families' language? Rainer, can you speak briefly times. Rainer, kann dich mal kurz sprechen. Vanessa can you speak to me? Johnson, can you speak to that? Johnson, wollen Sie das kommentieren? Well then, can you speak English? Na, dann kannst du Englisch sprechen? How can you speak of such things?
Sir Charles can you speak to us? How many languages can you speak? Wie viele Sprachen kannst Du sprechen? How can you speak in this language? May 26, September 26, October 4, Would "Hast du Deutsch sprechen? I see where that answer comes from February 22, July 22, July 28, Never understood the sentence form on this.
Speak your german? March 27, I didn t know that I can say : Sprechen Sie Deutsch The formal "you" is introduced later in this course. But why though? Couldn't they just teach it to you all in 1 time. Ramin7C No, it does not. It refers to you Sie. Where did you see a lower-case sie? Du sprichst Deutsch. August 6, September 8, September 14, Thanks for catching the typo! I will edit mine to reflect that!
October 5, October 17, September 30, When i clicked on the "do you" it offered me the "sprichen" and now i have the answer wrong. October 13, When i clicked on the "do you" it offered me the "sprichen" sprichen is not a German word, so I'm not sure how Duolingo could have offered you that -- do you have a screenshot showing that mistake so that we can track it down and correct it?
November 2, You're exactly right - questions operate with the reverse word order! November 3, November 12, When a mistake results in a valid word, it's counted as an error. November 13, Careful - 'spricht' is not the correct form for 'ihr'. The correct conjugation is 'ihr sprecht'. November 23, November 24, This lesson is ridiculous as it doesn't accept the actual answers which are right. January 12, Please quote the entire sentence s you are referring to.
January 13, January 28, Yes-no questions start with a verb: Sprichst? So the subject has to come after it: Sprichst du? And then comes the rest of the question: Sprichst du Deutsch?
January 29, February 23, Hilary Yes-no questions and commands start with the verb. March 3, I added an e on the end of Deutsch. You allow typos in other lessons? Single letter typos are usually allowed if they do not result in a real word. March 4, March 14, That's exactly why you got marked wrong -- because it makes such a massive difference. Ich spreche deutsche. I speak German people Ich spreche Deutsch. I speak the German language All mean completely different things. It really is "a massive difference".
March 15, March 18, March 19, My answer was clearly acceptable No, it wasn't. Since nobody can see what you wrote, it's not "clearly" anything.
March 21, Sie is also in capital? How come? April 1, I am tired of this exercise. April 11, April 14, What different between 'sie sprechen Deutsch' and 'Sprechen sie deutch'? May 13, Same as between "They speak German. May 14, In a statement, the verb comes in the second position in the sentence: Sie sprechen Deutsch.
Statement - verb second Is she happy? Yes-no question - verb first. June 25, Und was ist mit "sprichst du Deutsch"? Ich glaube ,dass dieser Satz auch passt oder? June 27, Yes, that is also correct just make sure to capitalise the beginning of a sentence.
June 28, August 7, Why can't it be "Sprichst deutsch du? Why does the verb seem to move from the V2 position in questions and certain conjunctions? September 4, Is it "Spricht ihr Deutsch? Thus er spricht but ihr sprecht. June 7, This literally translates to Speak you German. June 11, July 3, July 4, Mike July 10, That's right. Since du is second person singular, you need Sprichst du?
Thank you. I should know that by now. I think I was tired. Do you understand German i can not understand that what we that I can't understand. July 23, July 31, Why is spricht du Deutsch wrong? August 3, It's Sprichst du? And the sentence starts with the verb because it's a yes-no question.
Like in English " Do you speak German? August 16, RahatMir Why is it eine Zeitung and not ein? September 10, Because the word Zeitung is feminine. The word Zeitung is feminine. January 31, Warum sprichst du deutsch? Do you speak German? He continued talking to me in Russian. Er spricht mich weiter in russisch an. Sprechen Sie deutsch oder englisch, ich verstehe Sie nicht.
Do you speak German for a change? Sprecht ihr Deutsch , zur Abwechslung? Can you tell us even more about your origin? I, sadly, do not speak German. Ich spreche leider kein Deutsch. Maniac: No, I speak a little German. Sprichtst Du deutsch? Maniac: Nein, ich spreche nur ein wenig deutsch.