BPCs, on the other hand, are copies. The difference is you can only use these blueprints a certain number of times. You get 10 Blackbirds; however, making more requires another BPC. In the past, they were part of an unfair system that involved a lottery. As Tech 2 BPOs are now unavailable from the game itself, only players who had them before will still find them in their inventory. However, players can sell them on contracts or forums. There are no other ways to get Tech 2 BPOs.
Such as selecting which decryptor to use, if any, decide the number of consecutive jobs you want to run and see how long and costly the action will be. Datacores are items that are required for every invention job.
You can almost always buy them from any trade hub in Eve Online or you can learn to farm them from Factional Welfare. The types of datacores needed are the same as the secondary skills required for the invention. The number of datacores required for each task depends on the BPC you are using and can range from one each to 64 each. For example, to invent T2 mm railguns you need to have Gallente Encryption method at least at level 1 and Plasma Physics and Quantum Physics at least at level 1 each.
You also need to have 3 plasma physics datacores and 3 quantum physics datacores for each invention job you want to run. To find these basic requirements you can access the invention tab of the BPC and read it from there or you can install the BPC into the invention window and see it there.
Decryptors are specialized items that modify the output of successful invention jobs. Which decryptor is best to use is however something you need to decide for yourself as it varies wildly between items and in time wehter the use of a decryptor is profitable. The decryptors and what they do is listed below. Not every invention job will be a success, there is a possibility that jobs will fail.
The chance of a successful job is calculated from the following formula. But from this formula, you can see that your encryption and datacore specific skills are extremely important for a successful invention career. For ships, I would aim for level 4 to level 5. Now, this is the most important part of this invention guide.
But how you calculate profitability is somewhat complex. The way I do it is to first calculate the invention cost for a single run of a T2 BPC you want to invent. To do so I use the following formula.
Then I just add the required numbers and I get a cost estimate. For example, the blueprint cost of a mm railgun II would look something like. In this case, I assume a zero cost for the BPC as it is negligible and there is no decryptor used as it is a cheapish T2 module. When you do this you get the cost per run of a T2 BPC. Now if you found this Eve Online invention guide useful then please share it with your friends and allies in Eve Online. Category : Industry. Namespaces Page Discussion.
Views Read View source View history. This page was last edited on 14 July , at Third-party tools. This, however, presented a problem. To maintain balance, T2 items had to be more expensive and harder to get than T1 items, since they represent a significant improvement in performance.
And so, in their infinite wisdom, CCP created the T2 BPO lottery, where a limited number of T2 blueprint originals were awarded to players, based on the number of research datacores they owned. This happened with the Castor expansion in This solution, naturally, presented some new problems.
The production of T2 items was reserved to a relatively small number of experienced EVE players who were lucky enough to get one of the BPOs. This allowed them to control the prices completely, making T2 items dreadfully expensive.
Also, there were rumors abound that CCP was rigging the lottery to favor certain players or corporations, making it unfair. So, in their now smarter infinite wisdom, CCP developed the invention process with the Revelations expansion in , which allows any EVE player to produce T2 blueprint copies, after a significant investment in skills, materials, and equipment.
The invention process produces limited-run T2 BPCs, but with a chance of failure, thus making T2 item production more difficult, but still attractive enough to warrant investment by players. Since BPCs produce limited runs of items, unlike BPOs, the invention process also keeps T2 item production at a much more intensive but more limited level than T1 production. Their owners have gotten very rich in the game, and they guard their use very diligently.