How can data integrity be assured on a network

Logical integrity protects data from human error and hackers as well, but in a much different way than physical integrity does. There are four types of logical integrity:.

Often data security and data quality are incorrectly substituted for data integrity, but each term has a distinct meaning. Data security is the collection of measures taken to keep data from getting corrupted.

It incorporates the use of systems, processes, and procedures that restrict unauthorized access and keep data inaccessible to others who may use it in harmful or unintended ways. Breaches in data security may be small and easy to contain or large and capable of causing significant damage. While data integrity is concerned with keeping information intact and accurate for the entirety of its existence, the goal of data security is to protect information from outside attacks.

Data security is but one of the many facets of data integrity. Data security is not broad enough to include the many processes necessary for keeping data unchanged over time. Does the data in your database meet company-defined standards and the needs of your business? Much like data security, data quality is only a part of data integrity, but a crucial one.

Data integrity encompasses every aspect of data quality and goes further by implementing an assortment of rules and processes that govern how data is entered, stored, transferred, and much more. Data integrity is key to complying with data protection regulations like GDPR.

Non-compliance with these regulations can make companies liable for large penalties. Here are some of my favorites:. The best thing about the list above is that all these tools are open source, which means you can not only use them for free but also enjoy support from the community. Even if you are taking necessary measures to preserve data integrity in your organization, you still cannot risk losing permanent data. Hence, I would advise you to regularly take a backup of your data.

You need to understand that in the case of cybersecurity attacks that are most likely to happen , data backup will play a critical part in ensuring we can bring everything back to normal and preserve the integrity of data.

Also, you must be careful while choosing a cloud storage and backup solution for your organization. Most providers are not what they claim to be, and a wrong choice can put you at great risk. So, choose wisely.

In case you are wondering, this comparison of the best cloud storage services can help you make the right decision.

Chances of a data integrity breach increase tenfold when there is no access control in your organization. It often leads individuals without any organization access and malicious intent to gain access to your data and do grievous harm to your organization.

That is why it is important to exercise access control in your organization. Implement a least privilege model and give access to only those users who need it so that there is high-level control and data integrity can be preserved. In case you are wondering how to exercise access control in your organization, this guide to using access control in your organization can help.

Whenever there is a data breach, it is important to track its source. That is why keeping an audit trail is crucial to preserve data integrity. An audit trail will provide the organization with breadcrumbs that will highlight the source of the problem so that you can resolve it on time. Another way to maintain data integrity in your organization is to keep all the members of your organization on the same page. They should know who is creating, modifying, and transferring the data and when.

That is why you should ensure collaboration in your organization. All members should be able to collaborate and work together. Use emails, business phone systems, conference calling services , or tools like Microsoft Teams for collaboration and communication.

In the end, everyone should be in the loop. Not only will it allow you much-needed control over your data but also keep you on the same page with the rest of the members of your organization. In case you are wondering, here are 15 tools to ensure collaboration in your organization. Another efficient measure to check data integrity is penetration testing, i. It will help you find where you are lacking and fix the problems on time.

You can also perform security audits as they only require the involvement of internal sources. While doing so, make sure your security audit covers the following aspects:. Data integrity breaches also happen when the hardware is not able to cope with the information it has to process. These situations often lead to technical attacks and server malfunctions. Bad code and poor configuration can also be another reason as attackers can use them to brute force login screens and acquire user passwords.

That is why it is important to perform volume and stress tests on the database from time to time so that all these issues can be tracked and fixed on time and data integrity remains preserved. You can refer to this list of plus database testing tools if you are wondering how to test your database for stress and volume. Encryption can also be an effective measure to preserve data integrity in your organization. It ensures that even if someone is able to access your data, they cannot read it without the decryption key.

It works well in scenarios when attackers can easily acquire files stored in your database by means like stealing the server or downloading files by hacking into your database. Websites are one of the most common reasons cyber criminals may get access to your data and breach your data integrity.

Man-in-the-middle and downgrade attacks are very common on them. That is why you should enable SSL encryption on your website. It will encrypt your communication and eliminate all these threats.

Here is how you can install an SSL certificate on your website. For preserving the data integrity, you also need to have control over how and where the data is being used and who is using it. That is why it is essential to develop process maps for critical data so that your organization has greater control over its use.

It will also help you implement proper security measures and regulatory compliances. Wondering how to develop a process map for your critical data? Use the following checklist to preserve data integrity and minimize risk for your organization:. Smaller companies without a dedicated staff will find that these tools can assist them clean up duplicate files on a hard drive or cloud. Also try the File Server Resource Manager to remove stray files.

Not too long ago, it was difficult to collect data. That way, management can confidently make data-driven decisions that steer their company in the right direction. Interested in more information on data integrity? Choose a Session X. What is Data Integrity?

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