And no there is no way to locate or spawn near friends on the map. There are maps ingame that have grid coordinates like old paper maps irl on them and there are websites with maps. Ok thanx for clearing everything out, I'll buy it anyway, I know this game is so downvoted but I watched some videos and I kinda like it, pvp seems good also and community doesn't look toxic. Thx again :. Be advised the game is still in active development and it will be buggy and unfinished for a long time.
Steam reviews isnt something to base your choice on anymore if you ask me. People give negative reviews just because they dont agree with the devs or they dont fully understand the development cycle and whats going on or a variaty of different reasons that dont have anything to do with the quality of the actuel game. Originally posted by Dinohtar :. In PvP servers, you're automatically flagged for PvP anytime you enter contested or enemy territory, where you'll spend most of your time after early levels.
Pick these servers if you want to fight other players often or like the omnipresent threat of PvP combat. Join a roleplaying server if you love to play in-character.
Immerse yourself in the fantasy. The number of servers doesn't compare to normal World of Warcraft. WoW Classic. Players outside the US and Europe may have a bit more trouble finding a suitable server. There are no non-English speaking RP servers, so many players will have to fight through a language barrier to enjoy their ideal play style.
There's also no RP servers in the Oceanic region at all, so Australian players will have to deal with European ping. It's possible that the server pool will continue to expand based on demand. Make sure you know what server your friends or old guildmates are joining before you pick one yourself.
The Devs know that they can make much more money for less effort. By oftering the Weak players in this game as tribute to the Whales. Once you figure that part out. You can abandon all hope for normal PvE servers. Because if they stop feeding the Whales content. Where they can use their money to dominate others. Which is invest a bit of money to continue making decent and fun content.
So that gamers in mass are willing to pay for subs and cosmetics in the cash shops. So far I have yet seen a Korean dev team take such a approach. Nor do I think they ever will. So the best thing that people like yourself can do. Is just vacate these types of games. Where there are like under a thousand players, which consists of Whales and F2Pers only playing.
And point and laugh when the game has barely anyone playing. I think you miss read something to say " You are trolling as much as the pro-PKers are trolling. Of course the game doesn't provide a choice to opt out of forced PvP ". You idea on paper work, yet given the game reality beside for the "I kill another player like a mob with my gear power" the game actualy dont give power to thoses guys and that's why most of thoses pk lover here are sad about and would love to see be changed. Why "abandon hope" it litteraly cost nothing to make noise about that on the official forum, it would, or not work, but as i invest less time in thoses topic than in the BDO afk simulator, why not ;.
But whatever. If or not you stay playing BDO is of little concern to me. However whining against Korean game Dev business model is silly. Either you deal with the game fundamentals or you leave. Because no amount of crying against it is going to change their minds. If you don't want to be bullied by established players and Whales. When the whole game is built around around that point. That just means you are playing a game you shouldn't be playing. That's all I was getting at.
All of the things you accuse him of doing. You have and are doing all them yourself. You even threw in a Ad Hominem at the end there. Because you know what you say is not only BS but also intolerable of another person's opinion. All a person has to do is look through your post history. To understand the type of person your are at least far as BDO goes. And honestly you remind me of the bigot Trump supporters. How so? And how is comparing an active, verifiable, BDO forum account that's linked to an in-game account to an unverifiable, non-linked account and then laughing at it an Ad Hominem?
Maybe you need to Google what an ad hominem fallacy is. I find that quite, quite funny indeed. Running to his rescue as always. I want a game where the horde can take over part of the world for a while. Alliance retaliate by taking over the other part. In the morning alliance owns BRD, in the evening they own winterspring.
Almost always in defense. Its like cheating. Why is the other faction sitting here watching me take this chest? They should be killing me for it. We enjoyed ourselves just killing mobs, sure. But at the end of it all, what happens?
What is wrong is too many people push this idea on casuals frequently Alliance choosing ones that PvP servers are the only way to play. What do you think will happen in the future? Do you think this game will evolve into something more than just this expansion?
PvE servers? A lot to unpack there.