Just click the Start button and type Index in the Search text box. When the results appear, just select the Indexing Options item.
You'll then see the Indexing Options dialog box, shown in Figure A , from which you can fine tune and troubleshoot the Windows 7's Search Index.
Indexed locations If you want to alter the locations that are indexed, click the Modify button. When you do, you'll see the Indexed Locations dialog box, shown in Figure B. In the top panel, you can add or remove locations by selecting or clearing check boxes. The bottom panel shows you exactly what locations on your hard disk are being indexed. If you don't see a location that you think you should, just click the Show all locations button. Figure B The Indexed Locations dialog box allows you to specify what is and what isn't to be indexed.
As you can see on my example system, the external hard disk, which I use for backup is not indexed. It also appears as though drive C isn't indexed, but that isn't entirely true.
If you click the arrow adjacent to the drive letter, the tree will expand, as shown in Figure C , and you can see that the just about everything in the Users folder is selected. Editor's Picks. Linux kernel 5. In the second stage of indexing, the gatherer crawls through the queues, accessing data stores and retrieving item streams. First, the gatherer finds the appropriate protocol handler for each URL.
Then, the gatherer passes the URL to the protocol handler. The protocol handler accesses the item and passes item metadata back to the gatherer. The gatherer uses the metadata to identify the correct filter. The following diagram shows a high-level view of the URL-crawling process. This stage includes considerable coordination and communication between components.
The rest of this section describes how Windows Search accesses items for indexing and explains the roles of each of the components involved. Gatherer In stage 2, the crawling stage, the gatherer processes the URLs in the queues, beginning with the high priority queue.
Each URL is examined to identify its protocol. The gatherer then looks up the protocol handler registered for that protocol and instantiates it in the search protocol host process. Search Protocol Host The search protocol host is merely a boxed, host process for protocol handlers. Typically, Windows Search creates two such host processes, one that runs in the system security context and one that runs in the user security context.
This separation ensures that data specific to a user is never run in the system context. Windows Search also uses the host process to isolate an instance of a protocol handler from other processes or applications. This way, no outside application can access that specific instance of the protocol handler, and if the protocol handler fails unexpectedly, only the indexing process is affected.
Because the host process runs third party code protocol handlers , Windows Search periodically recycles the process to minimize the time a successful attack has to exploit information in the process. Beyond this, the search protocol host does not affect the crawling of URLs or indexing of items. Protocol Handlers Protocol handlers provide access to items in a data store using the data store's protocol.
The protocol handler knows how to traverse the data store, identify new or updated items, and notify the gatherer. Then, when crawling begins, the protocol handler provides an IUrlAccessor object to the gatherer to bind to the item's underlying stream and return item metadata such as security restrictions and last modified time.
Protocol handlers are not Windows Search components; they are components of the specific protocol and data store they are designed to access.
If you have a custom data store you want indexed, you need to implement a protocol handler. For more information on protocol handlers and how to implement one, refer to Developing Protocol Handlers. The gatherer parses the item's file name extension and looks up the filter registered for that extension. If the gatherer is unable to find a filter, Windows Search uses the metadata to derive a minimal set of system property information like System.
ItemName and updates the index. Otherwise, if the gatherer finds the filter, the third stage of indexing begins.
In the third stage of indexing, the gatherer instantiates the correct filter for the URL and initializes the filter with the stream from the IUrlAccessor object. The filter then accesses the item and returns content for the index. If you have a custom file format, Windows Search relies on your filter to access URLs and emit content and properties for indexing.
The following diagram shows a high-level view of the data access process. The rest of this section describes how Windows Search accesses item data for indexing and explains the roles of each of the components involved.
Gatherer At the beginning of this stage, the gatherer's role is to instantiate the correct filter for the item and pass it the item stream. You can do this by clicking on the Advanced button on the main Indexing Options screen.
Then click on the File Types tab. If the file extension is not in the list, go ahead and add it at the bottom. Then select it and choose whether you want to index just the properties or the properties and the file contents. If you know the file contains only text, make sure to select the second radio button. You can also click on Index Settings to modify some of the settings for the Search Indexer.
Here you can choose to index encrypted files and other options like treating similar words with diacritics as different words. If you are having problems with Windows search or something has become corrupted, you can rebuild the index by clicking the Rebuild button. Lastly, you can completely move the search index to another disk or partition.
If Windows Search stops working for you and no longer returns search results for files that you know exist, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. First, head to the Control Panel and find the section labeled Indexing Options.
If the locations of your files are not listed here — such as your Users folder for places like the Documents and Desktop folders, or a second hard drive — you can manually add them.