Her parents were schoolteachers who lived modestly on their small salaries. Costing little or no money. He modestly discourages any talk of him winning a Nobel Prize. They led him into a huge hall which they modestly called the Small Chamber.
The new look was really striking and Betty was modestly delighted with her transformation. Shy and modest. She was dressed modestly. We remind visitors to the temple that we like people to dress modestly, which means , for example , no shorts. I believe people should dress modestly in public ," he said.
The Repeat with Each action takes a list of items as its input and then runs the same group of actions one time for each item in the list.
This type of loop repeats until every item that was passed into the Repeat with Each action iterates. For example, if you have a Get Upcoming Events action set to retrieve the next four upcoming Calendar events and you place a Repeat with Each action after the action, the repeat loop runs four times and each iteration receives one of the Calendar events as input. When you add a Repeat with Each action to your shortcut, the action includes two markers: Repeat with Each and End Repeat.
At the end of the repeat loop, the output passed to the End Repeat marker during each iteration is gathered together and passed as the output of the Repeat with Each action as a whole. The Repeat with Each action offers a special variable for tracking the current item: Repeat Item. The Repeat Item variable updates with each iteration of the loop, containing the item passed as input for that iteration.
For example, if you pass 10 Calendar items into a Repeat with Each action, the Repeat Item variable represents one of the Calendar events in each iteration as the shortcut loops through each Calendar item. It is similar to linear-gradient and takes the same arguments, but it repeats the color stops infinitely in all directions so as to cover its entire container. The length of the gradient that repeats is the distance between the first and last color stop.
If the first color does not have a color-stop-length, the color-stop-length defaults to 0. With each repetition, the positions of the color stops are shifted by a multiple of the length of the basic linear gradient. Thus, the position of each ending color stop coincides with a starting color stop; if the color values are different, this will result in a sharp visual transition.
I've got a bruise where I hit my leg against the corner of the table. The room was packed and we were crammed against the door. She sank back against the cushions. Next to and beside. B1 in the opposite direction to:. The last part of the course was hard because I was running against the wind. Commuting is not so bad when you are travelling against the traffic. Through, across, opposite and against.
We've insured the car against fire , theft , and accident. The police have to arm themselves against attack. The circuitry in this fighter aircraft has been protected against strong magnetic fields. As a student you're cocooned against the real world. The Chancellor's countermeasures against inflation have been completely ineffective. Does your travel insurance cover you against the loss or theft of cash?
White blood cells help defend the body against infection.