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Which of the following antibodies would not show any reactivity when tested against a panel of reagent red blood cells which had been treated with ficin?
What does staining leukemic cells for myeloperoxidase help to distinguish? A suspect Enterobacteriaceae isoalte was inoculated to a TSI and decarboxylase test. The decarboxylase showed: base: purple, turbid lysine: purple, turbid ornithine: purple, turbid These results indicate:.
Given the following patient test results, what is the creatinine clearance? What happens to hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen when hemoglobin binds 2,3-DPG? The Philadelphia chromosome is predominately associated with which leukemia? A technologist is performing a nitrate reduction test. What should the technologist do? The alcian blue staining reactions of colonic epithelial goblet cells on serial sections from the same tissue block show the following staining results: Alcian Blue pH 1.
The colonic epithelial goblet cells contain only carboxylated glycoproteins. The colonic epithelial goblet cells contain both sulphated and carboxylated glycoproteins. A 26 year old female out-patient presents to her physician with symptoms of uncomplicated cystitis. A culture of her urine grows gram positive cocci. What organism would these cocci likely represent? What should a technologist do if she obtains low results for all analytes in a specimen?
Upon microscopic assessment following staining in Harris hematoxylin, the nuclei appear blue-purple with an obvious chromatin pattern. What would be the appropriate action at this stage?
A midstream urine is received in the laboratory from a recently discharged inpatient. The requisition indicates the date of collection as yesterday making the specimen What would processing tissues through alcohol stations that are contaminated with water initially result in?
Every piece of equipment in the laboratory has a log which is used to document QC values during start-up. How can this log be used? Which of the following is recommended for the detection of penicillin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae? A cloudy cerebrospinal fluid has an increased leukocyte count and a decreased glucose concentration. What is the most probable type of meningitis in a patient with these CSF results? An immunocompromised year-old female chemotherapy patient received two units of packed RBC.