Im 14 how can i lose weight

Hormones released during this time often cause boys to gain muscle and girls to experience an increase in body fat. These changes are normal, but they may make you feel like you're overweight, even if you're not. You may wonder: "Why don't I look like my friends? You inherit a number of things from your parents such as where you store excess fat on your body, how tall you are, and the shape of your body. In fact, if your parents are overweight, that increases the chance that you'll be overweight as well.

While puberty and genetics are things you can't control, what you eat is another story. Eating french fries, fast food, sodas, chips, and sweets on a regular basis and avoiding fruits and vegetables can add excess calories without much nutritional value.

One reason that weight can be such a problem for everyone from teens to adults is all the sitting around we do. Inactivity has a major effect on your waistline and your health. Watching TV and playing video games are some of the most common sedentary activities that can contribute to weight gain if you also don't exercise or eat right.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but not everyone needs to lose weight. Too often, teens focus on getting their weight down to unhealthy levels in order to get that "ideal" body—something that can lead to yo-yo dieting or even eating disorders.

It's important to understand what a healthy weight range is and, even more importantly, that your scale weight doesn't always tell the whole story. A scale weighs it all: your bones, fat, muscles, internal organs, and what you ate or drank before weighing yourself. It doesn't accurately tell you what you've gained or lost, so using a scale as your only method of tracking progress isn't always the best idea.

You should also talk to your parents and your doctor about any weight issues you may have and about whether losing weight is something you should be concerned about. You might also wonder if you can lose weight from a specific area of your body, such as your thighs, hips, or belly.

You may wonder if it's possible to lose fat from these areas and, if so, which exercises work the best? Focused exercises can, however, help you build muscle in the target area. To lose fat, you have to burn more calories than you eat and then allow your body, and your genetics, to decide where the fat comes off. The most effective way to do this is with diet and exercise. One way to control calories is to move around more. You can do this by adding both structured exercise and general activity throughout your day.

These activities can include things like:. You'll burn more calories anytime you can get away from the TV or computer and move your body, which will help with weight loss.

The key is to:. Aside from being more active, watching what you eat is another component of losing weight. You may find it useful to enlist the help of your family and friends to improve your eating habits. If your parents are in charge of buying the food, you may want to talk to them about making healthier choices or get involved with selecting groceries and making the food yourself.

Other ways to cut unnecessary calories include:. One of the biggest mistakes many of us make is trying to find shortcuts or quick fixes to lose weight fast. These shortcuts can quickly backfire, and some can even be dangerous. You may eat even more calories at your next meal and, because you're so hungry, you'll be more likely to eat junk food when you get that hungry, a salad just won't do the job. You'll likely be low on energy throughout the day too. It can be tempting to follow liquid, low-calorie, or other extreme diets that throw out entire food groups in order for you to lose weight fast.

Again, these types of diets often aren't healthy and may end up sabotaging your efforts to lose weight. When you don't consume enough calories, your body actually holds onto fat in order to fuel itself.

Aside from that, you may not be getting all the nutrients your body needs to grow in a healthy way, especially in your teenage years. It's also tempting to take diet pills in order to lose weight fast, but most of them aren't regulated, which means there's no guarantee of the quality or safety of what you're taking.

Many of these pills have nasty side effects, and a lot of them don't even work. There's no pill out there that will help you lose weight permanently, safely, and effectively. These supplements are often touted as "natural" ways to burn more fat, but that doesn't mean they're safe. The truth is that, like many diet pills, they aren't regulated, may not work, may interfere with other medication, and may even be dangerous to your health. Avoid anything not prescribed or recommended by your doctor.

Teens develop overweight for two reasons: they eat too much -- often junk food -- and they get too little exercise. A year-old boy who has overweight may find that he doesn't need to cut calories severely -- he just needs to put down the video game console and go outside for some physical activity. Organized sports also can help teens get active and lose weight.

If the year-old boy in question is truly addicted to video games, though, try games designed to spur activity, such as dance party video games. Andrews has been a professional journalist for more than 20 years. She specializes in health and medical content for consumers and health professionals. Andrews' background in medicine and science has earned her credits in a wide range of online and print publications, including "Young Physicians" magazine.

Three teenagers walking down a sidewalk with gym bags. Video of the Day. Replacing unhealthy fats, such as deep-fried foods and sugary baked goods, with nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, and fatty fish can promote healthy weight loss Teens tend to eat foods high in added sugars, such as candy, cookies, sugary cereals, and other sweetened processed foods.

When trying to improve health and lose excess body weight, cutting back on added sugars is essential. This is because most foods that are high in added sugars are low in protein and fiber, which can cause your appetite to fluctuate and may lead to overeating throughout the day.

A study in 16 young women found that those who drank a high-sugar beverage in the morning reported greater feelings of hunger and consumed more food at lunch than those who consumed a lower-sugar breakfast drink High-sugar foods not only drive hunger but may negatively impact academic performance, sleep, and mood in teens 21 , 22 , The pressure to lose weight quickly can cause teens to try fad dieting. There are countless fad diets — some promoted by popular celebrities.

Overly restrictive diets are hard to stick to and seldom deliver all of the nutrients your body needs to function at an optimal level. Plus, eating too few calories can slow weight loss as your body adapts in response to limited food intake Instead of focusing on short-term weight loss, teens should concentrate on achieving slow, consistent, healthy weight loss over time. They also contain powerful compounds called antioxidants, which protect your cells from unstable molecules free radicals that can cause damage Aside from being highly nutritious, research has shown that consuming veggies can help teens reach and maintain a healthy body weight Vegetables are packed with fiber and water, which can help you feel full and more satisfied after meals.

This decreases the chances of overeating by keeping your appetite stable throughout the day. Although skipping meals may seem like it would help you lose weight, it may actually cause you to eat more throughout the day due to hunger. Studies show that teens who skip breakfast are more likely to be obese than those who regularly consume breakfast Instead of skipping breakfast or reaching for a quick, high-sugar snack bar, teens should make eating a balanced meal a priority.

Additionally, choosing a balanced breakfast higher in protein can help keep you fueled and satisfied until your next meal. A study in 20 teen girls demonstrated that those who consumed a higher-protein egg-based breakfast were less hungry and snacked less throughout the day than those who ate a lower-protein, cereal-based breakfast Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose have been linked to health issues, including stomach upset, migraines, and even weight gain in some studies Plus, diet foods and beverages are usually highly processed and rarely contain the nutrients that growing bodies need.

Mindful eating means paying attention to your food in order to develop a better relationship with eating, body awareness, and food regulation Oftentimes, teens eat meals and snacks on the go or while distracted by television or smartphones, which can lead to overeating. Mindful eating practices — such as eating slowly, enjoying meals seated at a table, and chewing food thoroughly — can help regulate weight and lead to a better relationship with food.

Parents and siblings can practice mindful eating as well, to support teens trying to develop healthier eating habits Drinking enough water is critical for overall health and can help you maintain a healthy weight. Replacing sugary beverages, such as soda and sports drinks, with water reduces excess calorie consumption and encourages healthy weight loss Staying properly hydrated may also improve academic and athletic performance Peer pressure, social media, and celebrity influence can make teens feel dissatisfied with their bodies.

A weight loss journey should never be triggered by a need to look like someone else. Losing weight should be viewed as a way to become healthier , happier, and more confident in your own skin. Try not to compare yourself to unrealistic standards. Instead, use self-empowerment and body image positivity to motivate your new healthy lifestyle.

Stress causes hormonal changes — such as elevated levels of the hormone cortisol — that can increase hunger and promote weight gain Engaging in activities like yoga, meditation , gardening, exercise, and spending time outdoors can help decrease stress and promote feelings of relaxation.

Although having a treat now and then is perfectly healthy for teens, consuming too many processed foods can lead to weight gain and may hinder weight loss. Most processed foods are high in calories yet low in important nutrients like fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.


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