Cancel Registration. Frequently Asked Questions. Voting Options. Voting In-Person. Vote by Mail. Voting Accessibility. Election Resources. Election Estimates. Election Statistics. Election Law. Election Publications. Election Worker Information. Become an Election Worker. Election Worker Training. My Election Worker Info. Election Worker FAQs. Vote Center Info. Running for Office. B Reporting. Measure Info. Current Public Officials. Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee. Voting Solutions for All People.
Voter Education. Voting in L. What to Do Before an Election. What Happens to My Ballot. Multilingual Services Program. Birth Records. Birth Records Request. Viewing Birth Records. Death Records. The following is a complete list of Vital Records and Health offices that can provide Birth Certificate copies in California state. Alameda County Birth Certificates. Contra Costa County Birth Certificates. Fresno County Birth Certificates. Los Angeles County Birth Certificates.
Orange County Birth Certificates. Riverside County Birth Certificates. Sacramento County Birth Certificates. San Bernardino County Birth Certificates. San Diego County Birth Certificates. Suite San Diego, CA San Francisco County Birth Certificates. Santa Clara County Birth Certificates. Once you have the court order or appropriate form, you will need to submit those alongside the certified copy of the Los Angeles County birth certificate you would like to modify and the appropriate fees at the following address:.
Box , Sacramento, CA To request a certified copy of a Los Angeles County birth certificate you must be either the certificate holder, an immediate family member or legal representative and fill the form with the following details:. Getting a government-issued copy of a Los Angeles birth certificate usually takes weeks.
Fortunately, express delivery is available for an additional fee. The surefire way to get a certified copy of a Los Angeles County birth certificate issued directly is to have our experts revise your application before you mail it or submit it in person. That way, you can be certain it is error-free and your request won't be rejected.
Our team can help you avoid the extra hassle so that the Los Angeles birth certificate can be issued by the vital records office and sent to your door on the first try. This site uses cookies for web analytics. By browsing this site, youaccept our Cookies Policy.
Birth Certificate Application. Apply for your Birth Certificate. Order your birth certificate by completing the application form in just 5 minutes and avoid long lines and government offices.
Expert review and quick turnaround. Receive your mistake-free revised application and all the documents to mail your application and get your certificate. Get your Birth Certificate. Once you submit your application you will get your birth certificate delivered to your home. This essential legal document is a requirement when an LA citizen wishes to: Get married Obtain a passport, social security card, or other forms of government-issued IDs Enroll in school or university Obtain social benefits, and much more If your Los Angeles, California birth certificate got lost or was stolen, misplaced, or destroyed —even partially— you will need to order a Los Angeles birth certificate replacement.
How to Obtain a Los Angeles, California Birth Certificate Getting a government-issued birth certificate in the city of Los Angeles, California is a straightforward process that can be completed with little to no hassle. To obtain a copy of an LA birth certificate online: Fill out and print the California birth certificate application available by clicking the button on this page. Box Sacramento, CA Individuals in need of an urgent copy of a Los Angeles County birth certificate may print and sign their LA birth certificate application after filling it out online and submit it in person with the necessary requirements.
Military card U. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card. How to Obtain an Apostille for a Los Angeles County Birth Certificate Los Angeles County, CA citizens who need to use their birth certificate abroad for official business need to make sure their vital record bears an apostille to grant it legal validity outside the US territory. Same-day service is available for births to present. Births prior to will be mailed within 20 working days. Fixed fees for other services. Application Procedure. Online Services.
Walk in for Service. Service Condition Fee. Address S. Compton Ave. Website www. Service hours.