Nerve impulses travel how fast

The brain controls your movement by sending nerve impulses down the nerves to the place in the body where movement is desired. The nerves are composed of nerve cells called neurons. Figure 1 shows a signal propagating from one neuron to another. Along the neurons the signal propagates by an electrical impulse which travels along the axon. The axon from one neuron does not touch the next neuron forming a gap called a synapse. The typical spacing of the synapse is about nm [1] D. Wheatley, Diffusion theory, the cell and the synapse , Bio Systems 45 For an illustration see Ref.

The typical time it takes for a person to respond to a visual signal with their hands for example pressing a button upon seeing a green light is around 0. What is the speed of nerve impulse? How fast do neurons travel? Which nerve impulse travels the fastest?

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These values are all well-characterized. But what about the speed of thought? To quantify the speed of anything, one needs to identify its beginning and end.

The distinction between, and independence of, each of these processes is blurry. But we have to set our start- and endpoints somewhere to have any hope of tackling the question. There are many different kinds of thoughts that can vary greatly in timescale. Consider the differences between simple, speedy reactions like the sprinter deciding to run after the crack of the starting pistol on the order of milliseconds [ms] , and more complex decisions like deciding when to change lanes while driving on a highway or figuring out the appropriate strategy to solve a math problem on the order of seconds to minutes.

It relies on interactions across complex networks of neurons distributed throughout the peripheral and central nervous systems. Researchers can use imaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography , to see what areas of the nervous system are active during different thought processes, and how information flows through the nervous system.

Many scientists consider the best proxy measure of the speed or efficiency of thought processes to be reaction time — the time from the onset of a specific signal to the moment an action is initiated. Indeed, researchers interested in assessing how fast information travels through the nervous system have used reaction time since the mids.

This approach makes sense because thoughts are ultimately expressed through overt actions. Reaction time provides an index of how efficiently someone receives and interprets sensory information, decides what to do based on that information, and plans and initiates an action based on that decision.


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