Rastafari at a glance Last updated On this page Page options Print this page. Rastafari at a glance Rastafari is a young, Africa-centred religion which developed in Jamaica in the s, following the coronation of Haile Selassie I as King of Ethiopia in It spread globally following the success of Bob Marley and his music in the s Rastafarians believe that blacks are the chosen people of God , but that through colonisation and the slave trade their role has been suppressed The movement's greatest concerns are the repatriation of blacks to their homeland, Africa, and the reinstatement of blacks' position in society It is an exocentric religion - as Haile Selassie, whom adherents consider as God, is outside the religion Rastafari religious ceremonies consist of chanting, drumming and meditating in order to reach a state of heightened spirituality Rastafarian religious practice includes the ritual inhalation of marijuana , to increase their spiritual awareness Rastafarians follow strict dietary laws and abstain from alcohol.
Rastafarians follow a number of Old Testament Laws There is a separate code of religious practice for women in Rastafari Rastafarians believe reincarnation follows death and that life is eternal Rastafarians are forbidden to cut their hair; instead, they grow it and twist it into dreadlocks Rastafarians eat clean and natural produce, such as fruit and vegetables Rastafarians try to refrain from the consumption of meat, especially pork Rastafarians are opposed to abortion and contraception Rastafarian colours The Rastafarian colours are red, green and gold.
These colours are chosen because: Red signifies the blood of those killed for the cause of the black community, throughout Jamaican history Green represents Jamaica's vegetation and hope for the eradication of suppression Gold symbolises the wealth of Ethiopia Black signifies the colour of the Africans who initiated Rastafari The Rastafarian symbol The lion is the symbol of Rastafari. See also. Religion and Ethics home Interfaith calendar Ethics guides.
Settings Sign out. The colors behind the Rastafari movement mean more than you might think and they have a strong hand in Rasta art.
GREEN stands for the land and their connection to it. Rastas are strongly connected to nature which is seen strongly in their lifestyle.
This is not a discussion of wealth but more of history— the meaning behind the gold is that it symbolizes rebellion. At most Reggae or Dancehall festivals around the world, you will see fans waving the Red, Green and Gold fans. Reggae artists Sizzla Kalonji , Capleton and Damian "Jr Gong" Marley always performed with flagman waving a flag with the same colours. Rastafari , also known as Rastafarianism , is an Abrahamic religion that developed in Jamaica during the s.
Scholars of religion and related fields have classified it as both a new religious movement and a social movement. There is no central authority in control of the movement and much diversity exists among practitioners, who are known as Rastafari, Rastafarians, or Rastas. Have a question about dancehall or Reggae music? Click here to submit them to us. Want to learn more about Reggae Music? Talk to me Was the information helpful? Something needs changing?
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