Run why you can

As a form of cardio exercise that's easily accessible, running is one of the most straightforward ways to get the important benefits of exercise. Since it improves aerobic fitness, running is a great way to help improve cardiovascular health. Plus, it burns calories and can build strength, among other things.

There's also a long list of psychological benefits runners gain from their sport. But once your body and mind start to acclimate, running can be blissful, meditative, and provide a sense of freedom. As someone who recently completed his first half-marathon, I can confirm that's true. One piece of advice from several experienced runners made a big difference during my race: remember that you're running to have fun. Spending 30 minutes on a treadmill is enough to lift the mood of someone suffering from major depressive disorder, according to a study published in the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine.

Even participants who moved at a walking pace to received the same mood-lifting benefit. This shows that no matter what pace you're going, moving has positive effects and adds to the already significant body of research showing that running and other forms of exercise can improve mood and help fight depression.

Knee pain can quickly sideline a runner. It's often a sign of overtraining or a need to improve one's form or flexibility. But running probably isn't the cause of knee osteoarthritis. In one eight-year study of 2, participants , researchers found that the more people ran, the less likely they were to suffer from knee pain or osteoarthritis.

While it's hard to say that running directly caused people to experience less knee pain, researchers think that could be the case since running helps people keep their BMI in check and their leg muscles strong.

Running also strengthens bones. In a study of 51 young people with an average age of 18, half were assigned to add running into their routines, while the other half did not they did get some exercise, but didn't add a regular running regimen. To get the benefits associated with running, the group of runners ran at a moderate pace for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, for three weeks. Those in that running group were found to sleep better, show signs of improved psychological functioning, and focus better during the day.

The same benefits are likely to apply to runners of any age. We know that aerobic activity is good for the heart, so it's no surprise that running can improve cardiovascular fitness.

In general, the more people run, the healthier their hearts tend to be. But you can get big benefits without having to do a lot: running just five minutes per day could add years to your life, according to a study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. There has been some concern that extreme amounts of running — we're talking ultramarathon distances — could stress or scar the heart.

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No personally identifiable information is collected. Works on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8. Works with Edge, Firefox and Chrome browsers. It can also boost your mood and keep your weight under control.

This guide is designed to make running a safe and enjoyable experience for beginners, and provide you with tips on how to stay motivated. If you have not been active for a while, you may want to build your fitness levels gently with our guide to walking for health before you move on to running. Running requires little equipment, but a good pair of running shoes that suit your foot type may help improve comfort. There are many types of trainers on the market, so get advice from a specialist running retailer, who'll assess your foot and find the right shoe for you.

The shoe's structure weakens over time, especially with regular use. Running experts advise replacing running shoes every to miles to km. Women should also consider using a sports bra , which is sturdier than a regular bra and provides additional support.

Get tips on what to wear when running in the cold. Plan your runs. Work out when and where the exact route and time you're going to run and put it in your diary. That way, it will not slip your mind. If you feel out of shape, or you're recovering from injury or worried about an existing condition, see a GP before you start running. Get tips on foods you should eat for sport.

To avoid injury and enjoy the experience, it's essential to ease yourself into running slowly and increase your pace and distance gradually over several outings. Start each run with a gentle warm-up of at least 5 minutes.

This can include quick walking, marching on the spot, knee lifts, side stepping and climbing stairs. Give yourself a few minutes to cool down after each run by walking and a doing few stretches.


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