Weight watchers how do activity points work

If you want to see how your account is currently set up, it's in your app, under Food Settings. There's a Swapping option that you can adjust to any of the three options no swapping, swap for weekly SmartPoints before FitPoints, or swap for FitPoints before weekly SmartPoints. In the end, here's what you absolutely need to know: Exercise is great and you should do it and track it on your WW app. If you feel like you're working out hard enough that you need to be eating more for fuel, set your account to make your FitPoints available for food.

If you feel like that's not going to help you with your weight-loss goals, rack up those FitPoints for WellnessWins and feel good about all the exercise you're doing.

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Customize Select the topics that interest you:. And every time you track activity, you earn Wins that you can redeem for really cool rewards.

Your daily SmartPoints budget is calculated on the assumption that you're doing some level of everyday activity—e. After 3, steps, any additional FitPoints can be swapped one for one for SmartPoints. Got a fitness device? Sync it to your WW app! There are lots of devices that can be linked to the app via your iPhone or Android, including all Fitbits. You can change your goal by going into your activity settings in the app or on ww.

You can also check our frequently asked questions. Department of Health and Human Services. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition. Washington, DC: U. Department of Health and Human Services; Skip to main content Skip to footer.

FR Attend. Success Stories. Invite a Friend. WW Points Calculator Here you will find the points calculator to find the values in the foods you eat. There is one for the points plus as well as the original method. Exercise Calorie Calculator If you are not counting points but are tracking calories, then this online tool is for you.

Choose from hundreds of different exercises and activities to find out how many calories you burned. BMR Calculator Find your basal metabolic rate using this free online calculator.

Your BMR is the starting point to finding out how many calories you need to consume in order to lose weight. Weight Watchers Weight Watchers. Restaurant Points. More Weight Watchers. Articles Articles. What's New. Recipes Recipes. Main Dish Breakfast Entrees Sandwiches. Activity Points Calculator - Weight Watchers. Gaging Intensity Level If you want to start exercising and using the activity points calculator, then you will need to know how to measure the level of intensity of your workout.

Low If during your workout you can talk or sing, your breathing is regular and you are not sweating, then this is a low intensity workout. Moderate If your breathing is deep and often and you start to sweat after 10 minutes, this would be a moderate workout.

High A high intense workout can be measured by heavy breathing and sweating after 3 to 5 minutes. Activity Points Overview If you are a Weight Watchers member and still following the points plan or original plan , then you already know you can earn extra points by working out, doing fun activities or even cleaning around the house.

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