Efficiency in Communication. Students compare different communication methods in this short lesson on efficiency in communication. Create a Language. Students create their own language in this lesson as a way to understand how languages are constructed. The Many Ways the World Communicates. A short activity that stretches student understanding of what language truly is. Visualize the World. Museum resources and educational resources that help students develop visual literacy and a better understanding of the world.
Chinese Inventions. This one-hour activity challenges the perception that China has only recently become a 'modern' nation. Animal Bingo. Use the much-loved game of Bingo to give your students practice listening for clues and drawing conclusions.
Related Content resource. In this TEQ Online video, Catherine Zhong used a teacher interview on Zoom to replace student-student role play when she assessed the speaking component of a unit.
In this TEQ Online video, Fangzhou Zhang used Google Meet and Google Jamboard to organize the hybrid learning for a speaking task and guided students to communicate, socialize, and collaborate with each other in virtual classrooms.
In this TEQ Online video, Wenjing Huang used Nearpod to engage the student in various speaking and writing tasks to advance the student's language proficiency. Using Zoom and Google Slides, Jessica Tan conducted an online activity for the students to apply what they had learned about famous Chinese people. Indian Influences on Western Literature. Includes case studies on Ralph Waldo Emerson, T. Eliot, Herman Hesse, and The Beatles. A must-read! Videos Education. There are friends who do not believe in the method of the fast for the reclamation of the human mind.
Both speakers attempt to convince their audience not to have hatred with others. They claim that this movement should not be indicative of feeling hatred towards others and attempts to make people think that even those that the movement appears to be against have true good in their hearts. This could serve as a Segway into my next paragraph, specifying the lack of violence in the movement. Both speakers specify the use of nonviolent actions in order to pursue their goal.
Both Gandhi and MLK are notorious for specifying a lack of violence with the various actions that they pursue, and this is particularly amplified in these speeches B. In addition, they mention how the individual must find a way to make the best of himself to create the change in society and end segregation, rather than hoping to physically defeat those that cause them harm.
The solution to the conflicts involves people bringing out the best of themselves. Conclusion Summary Statement — Both speakers held a number of commonalities as shown through a direct comparison of pieces of their speeches. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Skip to toolbar Sites at Penn State. Jupiter Hammon, Address to the Negroes in the State of New York Jupiter Hammon was a distinct minority in the African-American community and was the first black to write and publish poetry.
His personality was profoundly religious and conservative, unlike other slaves. When Gandhi. He called his countrymen toward nonviolent protest against British imperialism, proposing that india could not feel national pride without independence Speech. With this, he urged his followers and supporters to not blame the British, but instead hate imperialism. The British did however realize that India would be ungovernable as Britain was entangled in World War II and Indian political parties were not supportive of the war.
His beliefs would have, according to Gandhi, been to not act violently and let our attackers have this burden on their souls. Would this have really worked?
Do you think that the Afghani nation wold have just backed off had we done Pacifism is a tricky subject to deal with mainly because you would be let defenseless without using violence. Led by Gandhi, India struggled to gain independence from Britain in a nonviolent approach, but remained peaceful in their protests even with the British mercilessly obstructing their fight for freedom. As the British occupied the salt works, the Indian population became deprived of one of the most important resources.
Thus, the Indians in nation began to fall apart, because the strict British ruling restricted the Indians to perform against the salt taxes. The Salt March was a way that Gandhi sought to inspire a strong uniformity in the minds of the many. Gandhi and Mao both believed in civil disobedience, though they did not interpret disobedience in the same manner.
He influenced Indians to boycott on British goods, refusing to buy things the British sold, mainly cotton textiles, and encouraged Indians to make their own products, like they did before the British arrived. During the time, there were many laws made Unlike any ordinary leaders of a revolution, Mao and Gandhi knew just how to take on what their countries really needed.
Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The definition of a leader is a person who influences people to a common purpose.