While they may not be the most coveted Halloween candies, they surely are a staple of the holiday. In , a confectioner with a wild sense of humor named John W. Glenn decided to use some fully refined food-grade paraffin to create the first set of wax lips. Paraffin wax is a white or colorless byproduct left over from the rise of the oil industry and use of kerosene for lighting.
One was either very enthused, or quickly tried to trade them for other goodies. I also remember getting them in birthday party loot bags as well. Wack-O-Wax Wax Lips have now become a very popular prop for those photo booths that you might find at a wedding or party.
Where ever you come across them they're always a great source of laughter, entertainment and fun, and if you happen to like chewing on flavored wax, well then their absolutely perfect! Upon researching the Nik-L-Nips Wax Bottles, I found it nearly impossible to find out any recorded history such as the exact year and the person who originally thought up the idea of Nik-L-Nips.
It seems nearly impossible to track down the Nik-L-Nips origins. But kudos to the inventor of this fun filled retro candy! It has proven to be a sweet source of fun for every generation. This old school candy certainly brings back some sweet memories. The least we can do is introduce it to the new candy loving youngins'! And let ourselves indulge again too! Concord Confections is named after the city of Concord, right here in Ontario.
The Concord Confections products are distributed on every continent, except for Alaska. Sorry Alaska, no wax bottles for you! Tags: Candy , National candy month. Is chewing wax good for your teeth? And because wax is soft, it will be comforting to the patient's tissues. Wax is also found as an additive in chewing gum. When wax is added to chewing gum, it acts as a softening agent. Are jawbreakers bad for you? Not only are caramels and toffees sticky, they can also pull out fillings!
Like lollipops, jawbreakers are designed to expose teeth to sugar over a long period of time. Plus, crunching down on a hard object is bad news for teeth! How big is a 7. What is the traditional gift for a 53rd wedding anniversary? I can still recall the sweet smell and sugary flavor of those lips.
To show our appreciation we will match your donation dollar for dollar. Learn more about our giving back program. Pre s s s s s s s s s View All Decades. Wax Lips Memories When I was a child I was put in charge of taking some of the younger kids around the block on Halloween. Filter Results. Refine By.
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