What does broadcasting in the blind mean

He might want to possess that bit of information out of curiosity or solely for the purpose of knowledge so that what he can do is that he can bring a pair of scissors, take a cut out of the report and keep it with himself. In this way he would be able to preserve knowledge. However, preserving knowledge in the case of radio is either impossible or minimal.

Unless people sit with a voice recording instrument they cannot record messages communicated via radio. At times one might not know what the content of the programme is, that is he or she is not aware of what one is following on the radio.

He might come across information which one would like to record and keep with himself, but this is not possible because messages once delivered through the radio cannot be brought back. Radio is not like a newspaper which is physically present with its audience. You can keep a copy of a newspaper article with yourself but it is very hard for one to keep a recording of a radio programme. Some might argue that this limitation of the radio has become redundant with the emergence of internet radio where archives of radio programmes are easily available but this argument is flawed.

Not all radio programmes maintain online archives and not even half, forget all, radio listeners would go online searching for the recording of radio programmes. Hence, if we see things from a research perspective, information can be extracted from newspapers and referred to at a later period of time but in the case of radio such an exercise is not possible. Thirdly, every medium has a set of people to whom it does not appeal.

But in the case of television and newspaper, if there is no complete communication then there can be at least partial communication. A man might not know how to read a particular language but he might understand it. In such a case, another man can read the newspaper for him and eventually, the other person might overcome the communication barriers which arise out of literacy related issues.

Similarly, a person may be blind and cannot see television but he can infer some information from television by listening to it. This kind of flexibility is not offered by the radio. A deaf man or a person with hearing disabilities cannot listen to the radio. The radio is a useless instrument for him. He gains nothing out of it, and there is no possibility of another person writing down everything which is being said on the radio just for this disabled person to be informed via radio because messages on the radio are delivered continuously at an astoundingly fast pace.

Lastly, from the perspective of the audience, one can say that radio is not a highly retentive medium. Therefore it is called blind medium. Since it is a blind or sightless medium, the performer as well as listener has to creatively imagine each other. The artistically integrated creation supported by appropriate sound effect and right music virtually brought any situation to listeners. Unlike TV, where viewer is observing something coming out of the box over there, the sight and sound of radio are created within us, and can have greater impact and involvement.

To the listener, it seems that as if the broadcaster is broadcasting for each listener individually. It is a much cheaper and easily available medium. It cost much less to set up a radio station as compared to a TV station.

The very term broadcasting indicates a wide scattering of the output covering every home, village, town, city and country within the range of transmitter. Also it is totally free to air. It can report the event almost instantly, as they are happenings.

Even for TV, it is more difficult to take the camera immediately to events as they are happening. But the radio is enormously flexible medium and is often at its best in the totally immediate live situation.

Radio can accompany and entertain anywhere. One can have it at home, at picnic resort, while driving or at any other occasion. In addition, the aircraft, when forming part of the aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome, shall keep a watch for such instructions as may be issued by visual signals.

An aircraft equipped with an SSR transponder is expected to operate the transponder on Mode A Code to indicate that it has experienced air-ground communication failure. An aircraft equipped with other surveillance system transmitters, including ADS-C , might indicate the loss of air-ground communication by all of the available means. If the aircraft fails to indicate that it is able to receive and acknowledge transmissions, separation shall be maintained between the aircraft having the communication failure and other aircraft, based on the assumption that the aircraft will:.

A note concerning departing aircraft experiencing RCF: If the aircraft has been vectored away from the route specified in the flight plan then the flight crew is expected to comply with the procedures published in the appropriate regional air navigation agreement and included in the SID description or published in the AIP.

When first indications for probable RCF are received, the controllers should determine whether the event is:. If the action prescribed above is unsuccessful, it shall be repeated on any other available channel on which it is believed that the aircraft might be listening, including the emergency frequency Add a comment.

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