What is the difference between th and tr

You can specify table width or height in terms of pixels or in terms of percentage of available screen area. The caption tag will serve as a title or explanation for the table and it shows up at the top of the table. The head and foot are rather similar to headers and footers in a word-processed document that remain the same for every page, while the body is the main content holder of the table. You can use one table inside another table.

Previous Page. Next Page. Here is a list of attributes of table tag. All presentational attributes are removed in HTML5. For styling like border, width, background, etc, best practice is to use css.

Default text align of caption is center. Caption tag is always used as First Child of table element. Thus tr, thead, tbody or tfoot are used after table caption. In HTML table , width attribute was used to set width of table. In HTML5, width attribute is removed. CSS Width property is used to set width of table in html5. Width Attribute can also overflow table in mobile devices as screen width is lesser than table width.

Table Border attribute is used to display border of table. Border attribute value specify the width of border. Default table border is zero. Table border can have any numeric value. Default cellspacing is 2. Those changes make the HTML look like this:. The differences that matter here—for the purposes of discussing row and column spans—are in the first few lines of the code above. Note the use of rowspan on to make the "Name", "ID", and "Balance" headers occupy two rows instead of just one, and the use of colspan to make the "Membership Dates" header cell span across two columns.

Before really getting into styling this table, let's take a moment to add row and column groups to help make our CSS easier.

The output is entirely unchanged, despite the addition of useful contextual information under the hood:. As is the case with all parts of a table, you can change the appearance of a table row and its contents using CSS. Let's apply a basic style to the table to adjust the typeface being used, and add a background color to the header row.

This is a way to quickly apply a background color to all of the cells in the heading area at once. Now we'll go all-out, with styles on rows in the header and body areas both, including alternating row colors, cells with different colors depending on position within a row, and so forth.

The CSS is much more involved this time. It's not complicated, but there's a lot going on. Let's break it down. Here we've added the border-spacing and border-collapse properties to eliminate spacing between cells and collapse borders that touch one another to be a single border instead of winding up with double borders. Then we set the bottom border of the top header to be a two-pixel wide line.

Notice, however, that we're using the :nth-of-type selector to apply border-bottom to the second row in the heading. Because the heading is made of two rows that are spanned by some of the cells. That means there are actually two rows there; applying the style to the first row would not give us the expected result. Let's style these two header cells with green and red hues to represent the "good" of a new member and the "bummer" of a canceled membership.

Here we dig into the last row of the table's header block and give the first header cell in it the "Joined" header a greenish color, and the second header cell in it the "Canceled" header a reddish hue. It's common to help improve readability of table data by alternating row colors. Let's add a bit of color to every even row:.

This styles the first header cell in each row of the table's body with text-align to left-justify the member names, and with a somewhat different background color. Finally, since it's standard practice to right-justify currency values in tables, let's do that here. Possible values are: left Align the content of each cell at its left edge.

If no value is expressly set for align , the parent node's value is inherited.


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