What type of adjective is whose

As with other words of possession, it can also be used to express association, agency, or the receiving of an action:. The most well-known demonstration of possessive whose might be in the title of the comedy show Whose Line Is It Anyway? That is mainly due to the fact that we are inclined to interpret automatically any word ending in apostrophe-s as possessive. Remembering that whose falls into the same category might help to steer you away from the apostrophe.

Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Log in Sign Up. Given their importance, it shouldn't be surprising to learn that there are several different types of adjectives. Descriptive adjectives are the most common of the various types of adjectives. Descriptive adjectives are generally what you'd envision when imagining a word modifying a noun.

This type of adjective describes a noun by expressing a quality or attribute. Coordinate adjectives are small groups of adjectives that band together to modify the same noun. Using a phrase with multiple adjectives to modify the same noun can create an adjective phrase.

A compound adjective is one that is made up of multiple words. This type of adjective is not separate words, as with the coordinative adjective. Instead, compound adjectives are two or more words or a number and a word that work as one to modify a noun. They are typically hyphenated. Proper adjectives are derived from proper nouns, so they must be capitalized. A proper noun is a specific name for a person, place or thing.

They just shift a little bit. They're typically used to describe something associated with their noun version. There are four demonstrative adjectives in the English language: this , that , these , and those. Demonstrative adjectives are always positioned directly in front of the noun they are modifying. Distributive adjectives refer to members of a class or group as individual entities.

They indicate the collective nature with which people or things can be counted. Notable distributive adjectives are any , each , either , every , and neither. Indefinite adjectives describe nouns or pronouns in a non-specific way.

These adjectives point to non-specific items. The indefinite adjectives include few , many , no , several , and some. These token words convey that you're hot on the trail of an indefinite adjective.

Interrogative adjectives pose a question. They are further divided into two main classes. A demonstrative adjective is one that points out which person or thing is meant, e. A Distributive adjective is one that refers to each one of a number. They are four in number; each, every, either, neither. An interrogative adjective is used to ask a question. I loved that red car. I earn more money than he does. More Examples of Adjective However, there are also many adjectives which do not fit into these questions.

Examples: I have a fast car. I saw a flying Eagle. Examples: I have 20 bucks in my wallet. How much They have three children. How many You should have completed the whole task. Proper adjectives are usually capitalized as proper nouns are. Example: American cars are very strong. Chinese people are hard workers. I love KFC burgers. Marxist philosophers despise capitalism. More Examples of Proper Adjectives Demonstrative Adjectives: A demonstrative adjective directly refers to something or someone.

Examples: That building is so gorgeously decorated. Some of the most used possessive adjectives are my, his, her, our, their, your. Examples: My car is parked outside. His cat is very cute. Our job is almost done. Her books are interesting. Examples: Which phone do you use?


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