Many Hogwarts students regard academic competitiveness as another Ravenclaw trait. Hermione shows that she wants to be the best and can't settle for anything less.
A perceptive Hermione pieces together the clues about Lupin's secret slowly throughout the year in Prisoner of Azkaban. The other students remain oblivious to Lupin's true nature.
Once again, Hermione displays an impressive Ravenclaw intellect, excelling further than her peers. Hermione instantly proves herself as an integral member of the Golden Trio during Philsopher 's Stone. Her magical knowledge helps Harry figure out the mysterious revelations surrounding the Stone, and she is vital in their end-of-year mission to protect it from Snape. Hermione tells Harry and Ron to relax after they are caught in the grasp of Devil's Snare.
When Ron refuses to listen, she saves his life by recalling a spell that defeats the dangerous plant. Hermione's dedication to her studies saw her return to Hogwarts after the events of Deathly Hallows to complete her N. T examinations. The young witch is the only member of the Golden Trio to return to school following the Second Wizarding War to complete her seventh year.
As someone who only read the books, I reserve the right to maintain my own Hermione head canons. This isn't the first time that one of the Harry Potter houses has gone up for sale.
Although the Dursley's address, 4 Privet Drive, doesn't really exist, the house that was used in the movies went up for sale earlier this month.
So if you're looking to buy a literary idol's place of residence, the Dursley house is definitely cheaper — but then again, the Dursleys are so much less cool. Hermione began spending all her free time in the Hogwarts Library after she saw the writing on the corridor walls, which had said that the Chamber of Secrets had been re-opened.
Despite hoping to read about the legend, she could not, as all the books had been previously checked out. Hermione shocked everyone when she actually interrupted Professor Binns during a History of Magic class, asking about the Chamber of Secrets. This was the only known time when a student had asked the boring professor a question, and the class was interested in what he had to say.
Professor Binns had stated that Salazar Slytherin had hidden a chamber which consisted of a horrible monster. It had been unleashed before once by an " Heir of Slytherin ", petrifying many Muggle-born and had also killed a Ravenclaw girl, named Myrtle Warren , who began haunting the girls' lavatory and became known as Moaning Myrtle. Slytherin, a pure-blood loyalist, was against Muggle-born children being allowed to attend Hogwarts, but he was outnumbered by the other founders and Muggle-borns like Hermione were permitted as students.
Slytherin fled the school, but rumours spread that he had built a hidden chamber; it was said that the school had been searched many times, but no such chamber had been found. Hermione brewing Polyjuice Potion , used by the trio in an attempt to gain information from Draco Malfoy.
Hermione suggested that they brew Polyjuice Potion, and temporarily transform themselves into Slytherin students in an attempt to find out the truth. She went even further by daring to check Moste Potente Potions out of the library using a note from Professor Lockhart - who had no idea what the book was - in the desire to research the potion. The book was in the Restricted Section and therefore unavailable to younger students without permission from a teacher.
She hoped that they would be able to obtain a viable confession from Malfoy, if he was unaware he was being interrogated. She brewed the potion in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, as no one used it due to Myrtle herself being highly irritating. She also risked serious consequences when she stole potion ingredients from Professor Snape 's personal cupboards that were needed for the difficult potion, which took a month to brew. Unfortunately, Hermione was unable to join Harry and Ron in the ruse with Polyjuice Potion because the hair she obtained from Slytherin Millicent Bulstrode during their scuffle in the Duelling Club was actually the hair of Bulstrode's cat.
Hermione grew fur and a tail and remained in the Hospital Wing for weeks as she did not transform back when the normal duration of effectiveness - one hour - was up. Harry and Ron, however, were able to use the potion she brewed to transform into Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe , respectively.
They entered the Slytherin common room , and through conversation with Draco Malfoy , realised that he was not the Heir of Slytherin, and was not involved in the opening of the Chamber after all. A Petrified Hermione in the Hospital Wing. Months after her recovery from the Polyjuice complication, Hermione suffered another accident.
Drawing the connection between Harry hearing voices in the walls and him being a Parselmouth, she came to the conclusion that the creature attacking students must be a Basilisk , and rushed to the library to conduct further research. On her way back from the library, she warned the first person she saw, Penelope Clearwater , and advised her to look around corners with a mirror before going anywhere. It saved both their lives, because they were both petrified when they spotted the basilisk's eyes through the mirror instead of dying immediately as they would have done if they'd looked straight into its eyes.
Though she was petrified for the rest of the school year, Hermione was still able to assist Harry and Ron, for she had torn out the page on basilisks and scribbled on it " pipes " , referencing the manner in which the creature had moved around the school undetected.
Harry and Ron found it clenched in her hand when they were finally allowed to visit her in the Hospital Wing. Using this note and other information they had gathered, Harry and Ron were able to successfully put an end to Lord Voldemort 's plans to resurrect his body through his memory stored in an old school diary.
After hugging Harry she exchanged an awkward greeting with Ron. Hermione was disappointed to learn that, as a special treat for the school, Professor Dumbledore cancelled the students' end of year exams, but she was intensely proud that her friends had solved the mystery.
Hermione adopting Crookshanks from the Magical Menagerie. Just before she began the school year, while visiting Diagon Alley with Harry and the Weasley family , Hermione met and adopted a ginger part- Kneazle cat named Crookshanks from the Magical Menagerie.
However, her new bond with her cat caused friction with Ron and his pet rat Scabbers , as Crookshanks was always trying to catch the rat.
Also at the beginning of this school year, Hermione obtained a Time-Turner from Professor McGonagall so she could double up on classes, though this was kept secret from everyone, even Harry and Ron.
When Harry received a Firebolt for Christmas with no note, Hermione reported it to Professor McGonagall, thinking it was sent by Sirius Black , whom everyone believed to be a dangerous murderer who was after Harry. His broom was taken away to be inspected, which caused a temporary rift between the two friends. There was a further social strain for Hermione when Ron accused Crookshanks of eating Scabbers, who had disappeared. Hermione hitting Draco Malfoy for cruelly mocking Hagrid.
Hermione poured herself into defending Buckbeak , the hippogriff on trial before the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures for attacking Draco Malfoy during a Care of Magical Creatures class. Once the trio reconciled, after Hagrid told Harry and Ron how disappointed he was when they selfishly put the Firebolt and Scabbers over their friendship with Hermione, they apologised. Their attempt to save Buckbeak failed, as Lucius Malfoy frightened the Committee into deciding that the creature would be executed.
Hermione was extremely upset by this news and grew furious to the point of slapping Draco Malfoy when he dared to mock Hagrid for his tears and being upset over Buckbeak's fate. That year, Hermione was among the students who found Remus Lupin to be the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher they have ever had. She cleverly deduced that Professor Lupin was a werewolf , based on his Boggart taking the form of a full moon, the timing of his unexplained absences from class, and Professor Snape changing a lesson he took over to the subject of werewolves even though it wasn't due on the syllabus for weeks.
However, she didn't expose Lupin, presumably because she believed he was a good teacher and didn't agree with the prejudice many hold against werewolves. Divination , on the other hand, turned out to be a subject Hermione had no respect for or interest in, and soon dropped the subject after Professor Sybill Trelawney told her that she did not posses the Second Sight and because she believed that Divination was an imprecise branch of magic.
Professor Lupin and Sirius Black with the trio, before forcing Pettigrew into human form. On the day of Buckbeak's execution, the trio ventured down to console Hagrid. While in his cabin, Hermione discovered Scabbers , Ron's lost rat. Hagrid urged them to leave and they witnessed from a distance what they believed to be Buckbeak's execution. Before they could return to their dormitory, Scabbers bit Ron and fled. While chasing after the rat, they were attacked by a black dog , which pulled Ron by the leg into a tunnel beneath the Whomping Willow , which then attacked them.
Afterward, Hermione and Harry hurried after them eventually arriving in the Shrieking Shack , where Sirius Black, whose Animagus form was the black dog, confronted them. They were soon joined by Professor Lupin who was acting strangely, and Hermione told Harry and Ron of her belief that he was a werewolf, which he then confirmed. It was revealed that Sirius had been framed for the betrayal of James and Lily Potter , and that the true traitor was Peter Pettigrew, who had been hiding from the world as Ron's pet rat.
Hermione also cast Expelliarmus on Snape when he discovered them, knocking him out, at which she was horrified. Once it had been decided that Pettigrew would be turned over to the authorities rather than murdered, the motley group left the Shrieking Shack. When the full moon appeared, chaos ensued as Lupin transformed into a werewolf as, due to the chaotic turn of events, he hadn't taken the Wolfsbane potion that Professor Snape produced for him monthly in order for him to retain his humanity.
In the chaos, Pettigrew attacked Ron and escaped, and Sirius had to transform into his dog form in order to protect Harry, Ron, and Hermione from the werewolf. After Lupin was eventually distracted by a howl from the Forbidden Forest , Hermione and Harry rushed to Sirius' aid when they heard him moaning, but hundreds of Dementors descended on them, come to recapture Sirius who quickly fainted, and Harry told Hermione to think of something happy and attempt to cast a patronus as he was trying to himself, but she was unable to cast one.
As Harry conjured an incorporeal Patronus, Hermione passed out, leaving Harry to fight the Dementors alone. Harry held them off for a while but was eventually overwhelmed. The Dementors were about to perform the Kiss on Harry, Hermione, and Sirius when a mysterious figure in the distance cast a very powerful Patronus Charm to repel the Dementors. Unable to see properly in the resulting blinding light, Harry thought he glimpsed his father just before he, too, lost consciousness.
After realising that Sirius' soul was to be destroyed by the Dementor's Kiss and receiving vague, though instructive and useful, instructions from Dumbledore , Hermione used her Time-Turner to return herself and Harry to a time earlier in the evening.
It was a very difficult task and Harry had to be constantly reminded by Hermione to stay concealed as being seen could cause irreparable damage to their timelines.
Hermione agreed with Harry that it was difficult to watch their problems again, but she strictly said that they could do nothing about it, as bad things happened to wizards who tried to meddle with their past and future lives.
The two did, however, successfully use the opportunity to rescue Sirius and also Buckbeak, as it was hinted by Dumbledore that more than one innocent life could be spared that night.
As evidenced by her assertion that time-travelling was extremely dangerous, Hermione took great personal risk to save Sirius and Buckbeak. At the end of the year Hermione returned her Time-Turner, claiming it caused too much trouble and that she would drop a few subjects instead, which was a very big surprise to everyone.
Before her fourth year at Hogwarts, Hermione spent much of the summer holidays at the Burrow with Harry and Ron , sharing a room with Ginny Weasley. After the game, the communal campsite was set upon by Death Eaters. Hermione, Harry, and Ron fled into the woods and witnessed the casting of Morsmordre. Initially caught up in the chaos surrounding the effort to catch the caster, she took exception to the accusations levelled against Harry, and the many wizards' treatment of the house-elf Winky who had also been at the scene.
Once at Hogwarts, it was revealed to the students that former Auror Alastor Moody who was, in fact, a polyjuiced Barty Crouch Jnr was to be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Lupin having left at the end of the previous year due to Snape outing his werewolf status. Moody was a hands-on professor who believed in a practical approach when it came to defence. One of his earliest lessons was on the Unforgivable Curses.
Hermione and her fellow classmates witnessed the curse's effects on a spider. Hermione began a crusade for the liberation of house-elves by beginning the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare , or what she and the group called S.
W, or, as Ronald Weasley called it, "spew" having been appalled by Bartemius Crouch 's abusive treatment of his house-elf Winky. This did not earn her any popularity, as most believed that house-elves enjoy their work; indeed, even the house-elves did not like her campaigning. Harry, Ron, and Neville only reluctantly joined S.
Hagrid as well as Fred and George Weasley refused to join on the grounds that it would upset the house-elves. Despite this, Fred did tell Hermione how to get into the Hogwarts kitchens. One morning she along with Harry and Ron visited the kitchens, where she spoke to Dobby and Winky.
Dobby was pleased to see Harry and his friends and proceeded to tell them his struggles as a freed elf. While the trio were within the kitchen it was revealed that Winky was so saddened by the lose of her previous job that she had taken to drinking Butterbeer , as a means to get drunk and numb her pain. Hermione considered Dobby to be a good example of a free elf and tried to comfort Winky about being sacked by Crouch. This did little good, however, as Winky soon became upset by Hermione's claims that house-elves deserved to have holidays and wages.
Winky was not the only elf bothered by this, as the other elves stated that proper house-elves would never need such things and to want them is considered very shameful. Hermione believed Harry without question when he said he did not enter his name in the Triwizard Tournament.
After the events surrounding Harry's name coming out of the Goblet of Fire , Hermione was the only student who believed Harry's innocence. In fact, she " accepted his story without question. Hermione helped Harry prepare for the first task of the Triwizard Tournament by helping him learn useful spells.
She also tried to get Harry and Ron to talk to one another multiple times. He was attracted to her due to her intelligence, unconventional beauty, and the manner in which she declined to hound him for autographs, unlike other girls.
Krum began following Hermione to the library and other places around Hogwarts, including the library. This was something that Hermione found very irritating, as she couldn't work when surrounded by giggling girls, who had taken it upon themselves to follow Krum throughout the castle and the school grounds.
Krum even bizarrely asked Harry if it was all right for him to pursue Hermione. He eventually asked her to attend the Yule Ball with him, and she accepted, not telling anyone but Ginny Weasley that she was his date. Thus, when the pair arrived, many were stunned and jealous. Hermione wore robes of a " floaty, periwinkle-blue material, " and her hair in an " elegant knot at the back of her head.
Even Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson had nothing negative to say. Hermione commented that she had used Sleekeazy's Hair Potion , but that it was too much work to use it every day. Upon seeing Hermione with Krum, Ron was overcome with jealousy.
Hermione had hoped for Ron to ask her, but his invitation was insensitive and at the last minute due to him not being able to find anyone else.
The two rowed about it in the common room after the ball, in which she revealed that he should have asked her properly and not "as a last resort" , but Ron misunderstood the point. After that, the two were seemingly more polite to each other, although more distant for a time and Ron continued to show dislike and distrust towards Krum.
Hermione was chosen as a "kidnap victim" for Krum during the Tournament's Second Task, something that she subsequently endured teasing over. She was taken to the bottom of the Black Lake to await rescue from Krum, who donned a half-shark Transfiguration.
Krum managed to rescue her and carried her to the surface, where he revealed to her later that he " never felt this way about any other girl " and asked her to visit him in Bulgaria over the summer.
The jealousy was founded based on the lies in the Daily Prophet and Harry was quick to inform Krum of these lies. Hermione receives hate mail from the readers of Witch Weekly in response to Skeeter's article. Rita Skeeter , a journalist for the Daily Prophet and unregistered Animagus , was hiding in beetle form in Hermione's hair during this conversation.
Hermione had previously reprimanded Skeeter for printing horrible lies about Harry and Rubeus Hagrid. This angered the journalist, who wrote a scathing article on "the devious Miss Granger", claiming that she was toying with both Harry and Krum's affections and that she had developed a taste for famous wizards. Skeeter even went so far to claim that Hermione was possibly brewing love potions. She called Hermione " plain " in the article, in spite of previously reporting Hermione as Harry's " stunningly pretty Although Hermione found the lies ridiculous, some people believed them and started sending Hermione hate mail, including one filled with Bubotuber Pus , and even Molly Weasley treated her coldly until Harry corrected her.
Hermione vowed to get revenge on Skeeter for her libel, and wondered how she was getting her information, as several things Skeeter knew had only been discussed in private conversations. This led her to come to the realisation that Skeeter was an illegal unregistered Animagus , who took the form of a beetle to secretly witness confidential exchanges.
Hermione was present when the Minister for Magic visited Harry in the hospital wing. The students were shocked when Harry returned at the end of the third and final task with Cedric Diggory's dead body. Hermione was relieved to see Harry when he was brought to the infirmary by Professor Dumbledore. She was upset with Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge when he refused to believe Harry and Dumbledore about the truth of Voldemort's return.
During her time with Harry in the Hospital Wing, she noticed Skeeter on a windowsill, attempting to eavesdrop, and captured her in the process. Hermione did not go against Harry's story when she finally heard it, sticking by her best friend.
On the ride home on the Hogwarts Express , Hermione happily revealed to Harry and Ron that she uncovered Skeeter's status as an unregistered Animagus and had trapped her in a jar.
She kept Skeeter from writing for a year by threatening to expose her to the authorities. She single-handed drove Skeeter into poverty, gaining revenge for the pain caused to Harry and her other friends.
However, with the return of Lord Voldemort and the murder of Cedric Diggory at the end of the school year, [32] there were much more serious challenges ahead for Hermione and her friends. Following the death of Cedric Diggory , the Ministry of Magic refused to accept Harry and Dumbledore 's claims that Lord Voldemort had returned, and the Daily Prophet labelled them either liars or nutters.
However, Hermione and Ron believed Harry and defended him against the criticism of doubtful classmates. Though occasionally Harry vented his frustration at them, the two stuck by him. The trio also wanted to become members of the reconvened Order of the Phoenix but were not allowed to because they were under-age.
Hermione helped exterminate 12 Grimmauld Place , which served as headquarters for the Order, and was immensely relieved when Harry was acquitted of the charge of having used underage magic in the presence of a muggle, after him and Dudley Dursley were attacked by a Dementor in Little Whinging.
Before returning to Hogwarts, she and Ron learned that they had been appointed prefects for Gryffindor house, to the secret consternation of Harry, who couldn't believe Ron had been chosen over him. She took her position very seriously. Once the school year began, Hermione resumed some of her activism on behalf of house-elves, though she was not as intense about S.
She learned how to knit socks and hats for the house-elves and hid them in Gryffindor Tower, disguising them with crumpled rubbish in an attempt to trick the house-elves into accidentally freeing themselves.
The elves found this attempt insulting, and they stopped cleaning the Tower at all. Dobby was the only one who enjoyed the gifts, took everything Hermione had made, and cleaned the Tower by himself, a fact which Hermione didn't know.
Hermione was challenged in more ways than one that year when she met Luna Lovegood , whose belief in many things without logical grounds baffled Hermione. However, the two became friends after accepting one another's differences.
Meanwhile, it was not long before Hermione realised that the Ministry of Magic had decided to interfere at Hogwarts. Dolores Umbridge , a cruel, falsely sweet Ministry employee with a personality like " poisoned honey ", was appointed as the new professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. She refused to teach students practical defence, focusing only on theory, despite their OWLs being later that year.
With this being the case, Hermione decided that Hogwarts needed a competent teacher and, together with Harry and Ron, founded Dumbledore's Army , a secret organisation in which students would gather after classes and be taught practical defensive spells. She suggested that Harry be the teacher; though he originally thought the idea ridiculous, he consented to teach the class. The name was suggested by Ginny, who recalled the conversation they'd had about Fudge's greatest fear being that Dumbledore would form an army of students if the Ministry did not intervene at Hogwarts.
One of the many advanced spells Hermione learned was the Patronus Charm ; hers took the corporeal form of an otter. However, Hermione made the mistake of arranging the first meeting to take place in the Hog's Head , as opposed to the Three Broomsticks, which Sirius, appearing in the Gryffindor Common Room fire, said would have made it a lot more harder for anyone to overhear.
Willy Widdershins , who was in the Hog's Head, went to Umbridge, who instituted Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four to forbid any type of students groups from being formed under her watchful eye.
Halfway through the year at Hogwarts, Harry had a vision of Voldemort's snake, Nagini , biting Mr Weasley during his task for the Order of the Phoenix.
Mr Weasley was carried into St Mungo's Hospital , where Mrs Weasley screamed at him for trying to stitch his wound instead of healing it with magic. Hermione was one of the few who visited him and stayed at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place for a couple of weeks until Mr Weasley was nursed back to health.
Hermione had managed to convince her parents by telling them that skiing wasn't really her thing and that people who were serious about their exams stayed at Hogwarts and studied.
The D. After a meeting, Harry kissed Cho, and when he returned to the Gryffindor Common Room Hermione immediately guessed, asking if Cho had cornered him after the meeting. When Harry told them that Cho has been crying, she explained to Harry and Ron that Cho was having a hard time since Cedric Diggory , who she used to go out with, was killed by Lord Voldemort.
Hermione later gave Harry advice on Cho and girls in general. In an effort to combat the lies being told about Harry, Hermione arranged for an interview during a Hogsmeade visit with Rita Skeeter to be printed in The Quibbler telling his side of the story, blackmailing Skeeter into penning it in a sympathetic tone. Despite being banned - or maybe because it was banned - it became the magazine's best-selling issue of all time.
It was Hermione's brilliant spell-work that ensured the security of Dumbledore's Army. She created coins enchanted with the Protean Charm , an advanced spell, as a method of communication, and jinxed the club's attendance sheet to give any tattler a horrendous rash on the face, which would spell out " SNEAK" in painful boils.
This is exactly what happened to Marietta Edgecombe , a reluctant member of the D. Shortly before Easter, Marietta finally caved under the pressure from her ministry mother who worked in the the Floo Network Office and betrayed the D. When Harry learned that they could not find a counter-curse to heal her face, he swelled with pride at Hermione's jinxing ability. Hermione and Neville Longbottom are held against their will by the Inquisitorial Squad.
Dobby the house-elf learned of this turn of events and rushed to the Room of Requirement to warn Harry and the D. They immediately scattered, and most members escaped, but Harry was caught by Umbridge and several Slytherin students who were members of the Inquisitorial Squad.
A search of the room uncovered the parchment that each member of the D. Finally having "proof" that Dumbledore was building an army to challenge the Ministry, Umbridge immediately contacted Cornelius Fudge. Dumbledore fled the school and Umbridge became Headmistress. Hermione was not exposed at that time, but later she was brought to Umbridge's office by the some members of the Inquisitorial Squad. Late in the fall of that year, Hagrid , who had been missing for the entirety of the school year, returned to Hogwarts.
Hermione, Harry, and Ron ventured down to see him immediately even though it was after curfew. Now, having established what it means to be a Ravenclaw, we can now see why Hermione is not one. For all her intelligence and book smarts, Hermione is not very open-minded and can be rigid in her ways of thinking, and while she does get better by the end of the series, she was Sorted at age 11, before all that character growth.
One example of her rigid ways is how, in her first year especially, she holds books and authority figures to be absolutely right and not to be questioned. Another example is her reaction to Luna, completely dismissing her viewpoints and beliefs.