Which is better fifo or lru

FIFO keeps the things that were most recently added. LRU is, in general, more efficient, because there are generally memory items that are added once and never used again, and there are items that are added and used frequently. LRU is much more likely to keep the frequently-used items in memory. An Adaptive Replacement Cache is hybrid that adapts its strategy based on actual usage patterns.

According to temporal locality of reference , memory that has been accessed recently is more likely to be accessed again soon.

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Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Does ES6 make JavaScript frameworks obsolete? In the paging problem we have to manage a two-level memory system, in which the first level has short access time but can hold only up to k pages, while the second level is very large but slow. It is believed that the superiority of LRU can be attributed to locality of reference exhibited in request sequences. In order to study this phenomenon, Borodin et al.

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Reprints and Permissions. Chrobak, M. Algorithmica 23, — Download citation. Issue Date : February


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