Who is hanging game of thrones

Goodbye Sand Snakes??? GameOfThrones ThronesYall pic. Skip navigation! Story from TV Shows. Morgan Baila. This post will discuss spoilers from Game of Thrones episode 2, "Stormborn. Last night on Game of Thrones , the death count went up drastically due to a violent battle scene aboard a ship carrying Yara Gemma Whelan and Theon Greyjoy Alfie Allen , Ellaria Sand Indira Varma and her daughters, and a crew of soldiers. We had a dummy run, with the stunt guys talking you through it, standing on a barrel.

Each of us was wearing a harness around our bodies under our clothes, and a wire that goes into the actual rope that is hanging, to take the tension. I had to learn to act that. It just feels wrong. Everybody watching it was appalled, in the right way, because after all, it is a punishment. And a brutal one. You might have expected Jon Snow to behead them, as he did Janos Slynt , but to hang them?

You would lose consciousness immediately. How are you going to shoot it? Afterwards, he handed his large black fur cloak over to Edd, and declared that his "watch had ended. It wasn't because I wanted them to live although rooting for death on this series feels like bad karma but because I expected Jon to personally behead them. Jon has forever been tied to his lord father, Eddard "Ned" Stark, through a strong sense of honor, duty, and loyalty.

One of the first lessons we ever saw Ned teach his sons was: "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. This lesson was proven important back in season five , when Lord Commander Jon Snow was faced with insubordination by Janos Slynt. After Slynt refused to obey an order, Jon didn't hesitate as he ordered the man taken outside and then beheaded him.

This is wrong, Jon thought. That smile that Lord Janos Slynt smiled then had all the sweetness of rancid butter until Jon said, "Edd, fetch me a block," and unsheathed Longclaw. First, there's the sheer number of them. Beheading a single man especially with a sharp Valyrian steel sword is a swift process of justice. But lining up four men and chopping their heads off one by one doesn't sound like an effective strategy. The scene would have been awkward and more brutal than necessary, especially for whichever poor soul was killed last.

Secondly, this is a new Jon. His old Lord Commander self was both confident and uncertain, strong-willed but eager to please.

He wanted to do the right thing — no matter the cost. And in the end, the price was his life. Now Jon has seen that there is literally "nothing" after life. Warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8. The final season of Game of Thrones has officially come to a close, and just as George R. But while fans were divided over this depressing twist, there were still brief moments of hope scattered throughout the episode.

Read on for a complete list of everyone who lived and died in the series finale of Game of Thrones. His request that Arya come visit him at the wall was politely rebuffed, as she will embark on her own adventure.

After a long journey back to the North, Jon left Castle Black once again to lead an expedition beyond the Wall alongside Tormund and a group of Wildlings. In the finale, the Lady of Winterfell demanded northern independence from her new king, Bran, who gave it to her. With all the heartbreak and suffering she has endured over the past eight seasons , we can only hope that Sansa will be able to live out her days in peace in her family home.

After all, there must always be a Stark in Winterfell. Just as she told the Hound in episode four of season 8, Arya apparently has no intention of ever returning to Winterfell.


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