Being a prosit dreamer, and not fond of trolls in general, Jade has a hard time believing her. Feferi is very diplomatic though, and tries not to leave a bad impression on the girl. It is then that Eridan gives Feferi an ultimatum: Join him in teaming up with Jack, or die with everyone else. Naturally Feferi and Sollux try to stop him. This ends up with Sollux being knocked out. When Feferi retaliates, Eridan kills her. We see Feferi one more time, as an doomed timeline version of herself uses her godpowers to heal WV.
Her handle is cuttlefishCuller [CC], her weapon is a two-sided trident, and she is the Witch of Life. The empress-to-be. Eridan also faces off against Sollux and gets his ass kicked. She then becomes a sprite in the next universe. It also appears she is in possession of the Queen's Ring and may have killed her for it. The ring, however, lacks the orbs fourfold, matching Derse's lack of spires to receive prototyping data. And all the fandom said NO! After taking over Derse offscreen she is seen interacting with the Draconian Dignitary to whom she lends the ring and controlling GCat.
Later she intervenes a Serious Business conversation involving the Dignitary and Dad Crocker about hats. She later shows up in her flagship above Derse and shoots Psionic blast of energy from her eyes at its moon, destroying it and making Dirk and Roxy ascend.
When Jade arrives the session, she uses both her ability to commune with animals and to manipulate people in order to take control of her.
She then makes Jade teleport the tiaratop onto Jane's head, also placing under her control. While Jade interrogates Roxy it is revealed the Condesce has captured her with the intention of having her materialize a new Matriorb through the powers of Void. She seeks to plant the new orb on a planet far from L o rd English 's reach, so that she may restart the troll race out of harm's way.
Whether she truly cares about her race or simply wants something to tyrannically rule over again is unclear. She later appears on the scene of very concentrated dramatic tension on LOFAF , where Aranea had been stirring up trouble. The Condesce fires a psiioniic blast over a large portion of the planet's surface where the scattered fight was taking place, killing Kanaya in the process.
The Condesce jumps out of the way, but her ship is destroyed. While Aranea deals with an attack from Terezi the Condesce fields a similar assault from Rose. She throws her 2x3dent at Rose, impaling her in the chest. After retrieving her weapon, she fires a psiioniic blast in Rose's direction, who only narrowly avoids the blast, saved by Roxy. She then faces Aranea again, grabbing her by the throat, flicks the Ring of Life off her finger, and immediately snaps her neck.
She then throws Aranea into the nearby wall of fire who dies a Just death. In this timeline Vriska is present on the meteor, a factor that the Condesce had not anticipated. She puts Jade to sleep before she can teleport the others away.
The Condesce is regarded as a high priority target by Vriska, and a team of John, Rose, Roxy and Kanaya volunteers to deal with her. The Condesce eventually overpowers the kids but is stealth stabbed by Roxy, losing blood and apparently dying.
While she initially appears as a dignified sinister ruler, the little of her personality that has been revealed is surprisingly lax. She speaks in a very informal manner like her pre-scratch self and is quite fond of clowns and glitter. DD also implies that she has a genuine interest in cooking and baking.
She also is, like any true queen , quite vain. While she is generally considered an antagonist she does have an interest in the defeat of her master, L o rd English , to the point where she attempts to collaborate with the B2 kids. Her ruthlessness, however, is not to be underestimated. The Condesce was the object of Dualscar's flushed ambitions, though it would seem that she did not reciprocate.
On Earth, she ended up entering a presumably flushed relationship with Colonel Sassacre. Although she is L o rd English 's servant, she appears to hate him with a passion. Main Page All Pages Community. Jailbreak Characters Locations Objects Concepts. Characters Locations. Characters Locations Objects Concepts. Explore Wikis Community Central.
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Pre-scratch Kids. Heir of Breath. Seer of Light. Knight of Time. Witch of Space. John Egbert. Rose Lalonde. Dave Strider. Jade Harley. Post-scratch Kids. Maid of Life. Rogue of Void. Prince of Heart. Page of Hope. Romance, however, revolves around the feelings of non-platonic hate black romance and pity red romance , and is comprised of four quadrants.
For the purposes of Feferi's background, the first and most prominent quadrant is moirallegiance, otherwise known as the pale or diamond quadrant. Moirallegiance is based on pity, and is not one of the mating quadrants - humans would probably perceive it more as an extremely close friendship than as a romance; however, there is more to it than just two trolls who share feelings of pity.
Ideally, a pair of moirails will serve to balance each others' weaknesses but at its core, moirallegiance is about a more laid back troll keeping a more violent troll in check so that they don't go on murderous rampages.
In this case, Feferi was the one keeping Eridan in check; by getting him to help her feed her lusus he could indulge in his murderous tendencies without plotting to wipe out all land dwellers through various doomsday devices and plans.
Unfortunately, this moirallegiance fell apart shortly before they started playing SGRUB, partly because Feferi was tired of having to keep him in check and partly because Eridan's feelings tended more towards the flushed quadrant.
The flushed quadrant, also known as matespritship or the heart quadrant, is the other pity quadrant and, as one of the two mating quadrants, is the closest equivalent to human romance. Eridan felt that, as fellow Sea Dwellers, he and Feferi would be the perfect match; Feferi, however, held no such feelings for him and later went on to become matesprits with Sollux Captor. The other two quadrants, based on hate, are kismessissitude and auspistice.
Kismessissitude, also known as the caliginous or spade quadrant, is the other mating quadrant and is about cultivating an intense rivalry with another troll, to an extent where they hate their kismesis too much to want them dead as then they'd have no kismesis.
Because hate comes so easily for trolls and because they are a naturally violent race, auspistice otherwise known as the ashen or club quadrant is a valuable quadrant for any trolls who are or might be indulging in black feelings. This final quadrant comprises three trolls: the auspistice and two trolls who are either at risk of committing black infidelity or who are otherwise in an unbalanced hatemance so that one half of a kismesis doesn't end up killing the other. For Feferi, these don't come into play until much later when she accuses Eridan of trying to get her to auspistice between him and Sollux.
Unfortunately, it will never be known how Feferi would have fared as Empress, or even if she would have been able to defeat the current Empress to take the throne, as Alternia was destroyed thanks to a game called SGRUB, which was discovered by Aradia and Sollux which Feferi became involved in playing.
Initially, the plan was to have the trolls divided into two teams; they would compete against each other to see who could first create a new world.
Unfortunately, the mere act of playing the game led to Alternia being destroyed and the lusus being killed; as this included Gl'bgolyb, this led to the Vast Glub wiping out the entire rest of the troll race apart from Feferi's ancestor, the Empress. Feferi played with the blue team and just about managed to get Sollux into the game so that she could revive him after he died from the Vast Glub.
In actual fact, the twelve trolls involved were all playing one session; there was, however, some significance to the way the teams worked out and this ties into how Feferi was able to revive Sollux. Each player of SGRUB was granted a dream self which could act while the real troll slept, assuming the dream self had awakened. This dream self resided on moons attached to one of two planets: Prospit, which orbited the central planet of Skaia, or Derse, which was located in close proximity to the Furthest Ring where the horrorterrors lived.
Feferi, as with the other members of the blue team, had her dream self on Derse. Unfortunately, both dream planets were destroyed by a rampaging Jack Noir who had actually crossed over from the session spawned by the world the trolls created and Feferi's dream self was killed. In addition to providing the homes of the dream selves, Prospit and Derse also acted as home to the carapaced residents of Skaia. On Skaia itself, a chess-style war was being waged, led by the White and Black Kings.
One of the main goals of SGRUB was to defeat the Black King and Queen; in the trolls' case the Queen abdicated rather than allowing herself to become prototyped with a frog head but they still had to fight to defeat the Black King who, based on what the trolls had prototyped their kernelsprite helper sprite with, had the powers of eleven lusus Gl'bgolyb included.
Before this final battle, however, each troll was assigned their own world, each presenting a challenge culminating in defeating their world's denizen. Feferi's world was the Land of Dew and Glass; very little is known about her planet or her denizen. Additionally, each troll was given a role which shaped the powers they would be able to acquire and use.
In Feferi's case, as the Witch of Life she was able to create dream bubbles which would allow the dead or those with dead dream selves to meet each other and communicate.
With denizens and the Black King defeated, the trolls were moments away from claiming their new world - Earth, as it turned out. Before this could happen, however, Noir crossed into their session and the trolls were forced to hide out in a meteor laboratory in the Veil, where they would be all but impossible to find. It was here that they discovered the humans they'd created; while the others were furious about the kids "ruining" their game, Feferi suggested helping the kids instead.
Karkat overruled her but she still attempted to talk to Jade, paving the way for future dream bubbles where they would be able to meet. Unfortunately, Feferi managed to scare Jade the twice they shared bubbles: the first time thanks to the horrorterrors; the second by revealing that she was actually dead, having been killed by Eridan after she refused to side with him in going to Noir and joining him.
Though dead, Feferi can still contact people through the bubbles; she could, for example, reassure Sollux after he was blinded which was the other catalyst for Feferi attacking Eridan and getting killed for it.
To clarify the connection between the trolls and the human kids: as stated before, the trolls created Earth. The trolls were first made aware of this when Dave sent a money transfer to Terezi, having been told to do so by her future self a key theme throughout Homestuck is that as part of the need for stable time loops, it often turns out that something that happened in the past was in fact set in motion by something in the linear future but that had to happen in order for the past event to happen otherwise there'd be a paradox.
The reason the trolls get so angry is that, thanks to them having access to the kids' entire timelines from birth well, arrival on Earth up to a point way in the future, they get to see just how the Jack Noir that crossed sessions was created. Specifically, the part where Noir was prototyped by an omniscient, omnipresent being known as a First Guardian.
First Guardians are fuelled by an entity known as the Green Sun which, in another case of future affecting past, was created by Dave and Rose while they thought they were destroying it. The relevant part here, however, is that First Guardians are pretty much unkillable thanks to the power of said Green Sun. And in the kids' session, their First Guardian proved to be none other than Bec, Jade's beloved dog. Because of this, the trolls are led to believe that she, as Bec's owner, and John as Jade's server player are the key people responsible for what happened.
However, because this is Homestuck timelines we're dealing with, the very act of talking to and making life difficult for the human kids particularly when some of the trolls decide to troll from the end of the timeline and work backwards, Karkat means that the trolls are complicit in many of the acts they were trying to prevent in the first place.
And as it turns out, it was one of the trolls themselves who set up the parameters which would allow Bec to become prototyped: Vriska used her mind control powers to cause John to fall asleep at a critical moment, forcing Bec to prototype himself to save Jade from death. This leads to an interesting paradox: if the trolls had never spoken to the kids then Bec Noir would never have existed; however, the fact that he was already there made their interactions with the kids inevitable.
Once again, time in Homestuck is one heck of a confusing entity and doesn't bear thinking about too closely. Think things are complicated enough? Guess what, there's more! For despite the fact that trolls don't have genetic parents, they do have Ancestors, trolls sharing their blood colour and sign, who would be considered their closest genetic relatives.
And in yet another twist, once upon a time the twelve trolls who are the main focus in Homestuck were actually the ancestors. What happened was essentially this: once upon a time Alternia was a peaceful planet, a far cry from the constant war and violence in the histories of the current trolls. As their upbringing had left them so unprepared for the harsh realities of the game, their session failed badly and became unwinnable but before the end came, they were given a choice: they could either die along with their soon-to-be-scratched destroyed session or they could survive, but under the following conditions: those who played the game would be sent back to become the ancestors and the current ancestors would become the players, which eventually led to Feferi et al's session.
Additionally, the ancestors would have their memories wiped of everything to do with both SGRUB and Alternian life as it once had been. Thanks to the machinations of one Doc Scratch, the trolls' First Guardian who, not being a dog, has been able to manipulate people a heck of a lot more than Bec, the new generation of players would be born into slash sent to the Alternia we know and love today: violent, harshly segregated with a tyrant Empress the Condesce, Feferi's ancestor and Scratch's secret weapon, the Handmaid Aradia's ancestor, who never made it to Alternia but was instead raised by Scratch to serve his own purpose who he sent back through the ages to stir up discrimination, hatred and discontent, turning the hemospectrum into the huge deal certain of the current troll generation like to think it still is.
However, in many ways the Condesce would not have been able to conquer quite so much territory or travel quite as far were it not for a troll not born of the hemospectrum but of a mutant blood: the one known as the Signless. Unlike the other troll ancestors, Signless began to remember.
He began to remember the game and the Alternia he grew up on the first time around and became something of a troll Jesus, speaking out against the tyranny and cruelty of the current regime and pushing for a return to the old ways.
Though he gathered followers around him, those in command were naturally unimpressed with his attempt at a rebellion and he was caught and put to death, the cold grey of the irons he was bound in becoming his symbol and thus Karkat's, when the time came.
It is also because of Signless and his followers that Karkat had a lusus; Signless himself had none and was raised by the Dolorosa, a green-blood and Kanaya's ancestor who abandoned her duties to the Mother Grub to surface and raise Signless herself.