Haymich figures out that the Capitol altered his brain to make him believe. The next mission is to District 2. Gale tells Katniss that he is not jealous of Peeta and that he. They kiss and start reminiscing about their time in District During the.
Her Body armor protects her but she still has to recover in the hospital. Peeta is ordered to be watched at all. Bombs start going off and a lot of people get hurt. Katniss sees her sister running to. Katniss realizes this is true and. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Where are Council meetings held? How do I pay a bill?
How do I get a business license? How do I find parking? How do I apply for a job with the City? Jump to subpage Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins Review by Kaydence. The past two books were leading up to the revolution against the Capitol. This book follows Katniss Everdeen, the face of the rebellion, through the struggles of the rebellion and the path to winning. The book starts with Katniss standing in the remains of District 12, her former home.
It was bombed by President Snow because of her acts of rebellion toward the Capitol in the last two Hunger Games. Her best friends Gale was able to save most of District 12 and get them to District 13, the rebellion base.
Peeta wakes to the noise, shouting for Katniss to run. The squad gathers and heads down the tunnels, away from the hissing cries. Messalla is killed by a pod, and the rest of the squad take fire from a group of Peacekeepers. In their retreat to higher ground, Jackson and Leeg 1 are lost to a horde of Capitol mutts.
The remaining squad members find a ladder leading upward, but only Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Pollux and Cressida reach street level. Katniss turns to the carnage below and watches as Finnick is taken down by a mutt. The five tend to their wounds, and Peeta demands again to be killed. The presence of the Mutts is weakening his grip on reality. Instead, Katniss kisses him. Pollux leads the group into a nearby home, surprising its Capitol resident.
Katniss kills the woman immediately. With the Holo gone, Cressida becomes their guide. She establishes where they are, and she knows how to disguise them and where to lead them. The group arrives at a store run by a woman named Tigris. Katniss recognizes the woman, a former stylist from the Hunger Games, by her distinctive face, which has been surgically altered to resemble a cat.
Cressida mentions Plutarch, prompting Tigris to lead the group into a hidden saferoom. When she awakes, Katniss is filled with guilt over the dead members of their squad. Katniss had demanded to kill Snow from the beginning. Peeta tells Katniss they follow her because they believe she will do it. The group works on a plan to assassinate the President, and they watch the television for updates from the Capitol.
Peeta and Gale wonder which of them Katniss will choose in the end. Katniss overheard the conversation between Gale and Peeta. Katniss feels she can survive without both of them. In the morning, the group learns that rebel forces have found a way to safely advance past the pods and are quickly gaining ground. Katniss wonders whether Snow will open his mansion to house the refugees, thereby giving the squad a chance at entry.
Gale hands his nightlock pill to Peeta. Katniss uncuffs Peeta and hugs him one last time. Just as Katniss is recognized by a Capitol child, shots are fired from the rooftops into the crowds.
Katniss and Gale are separated as they take cover, and Katniss watches as Gale is arrested by Peacekeepers. A Capitol hovercraft flies overheard, releasing what seem to be small aid parachutes. The children recognize the parachutes from the Hunger Games and reach for them. In seconds, the parachutes have detonated, killing and injuring the Capitol children.
As aid workers rush in, Katniss recognizes one of them: her sister Prim. Katniss drifts in and out of consciousness as she recovers from burns she sustained in the explosion that killed Prim. Coin visits to inform Katniss that Snow has been saved for Katniss to kill. Katniss refuses to speak, confusing her doctors. Katniss also learns that the Capitol fell the day the children were bombed, and that Coin is the new president of Panem. Gale and Peeta are alive, as are Pollux and Cressida.
Commander Paylor gives Katniss permission to visit Snow, imprisoned in his home and awaiting execution. Snow tells Katniss he is sorry about her sister, and informs her he was about to surrender when they released the parachutes. Katniss realizes that the rebel forces, not the Capitol, dropped the bombs, and she listens as Snow credits Coin with the move. Snow and Katniss were too focused on each other to see what Coin had been planning. Snow reminders her of the promise they made after her first Hunger Games: never to lie to each other.
Katniss is reeling from her conversation with Snow. With no one else to turn to, Katniss looks for her old mentor, Haymitch. When Katniss finds him, he is drunk and dismissive, so she changes her mind and leaves. Increasingly agitated, she must once again be sedated. Katniss eventually wakes to find Effie Trinket alive and well. She had been imprisoned for helping Haymitch and Plutarch in their plot to rescue Katniss from the Quarter Quell arena. Gale interrupts their work to bring Katniss the arrow she will use to kill Snow.
Effie takes Katniss to a meeting where she and the remaining victors have been gathered by President Coin. The rebels want retribution, and Coin asks the victors to vote on a new Hunger Games. Coin proposes that the tributes come from among the Capitol children instead of the district children. Coin answers that she can. Katniss takes up her bow and finds Snow in her sights.
Blood drips from his mouth, and Katniss remembers their promise. She shifts her bow and fires, killing President Coin. Snow laughs, choking on his own blood. Katniss tries to take her nightlock pill, but Peeta stops her and the pill is lost in the struggle. Katniss is bound, blindfolded, and locked in a room. For two days, she refuses food and sleep, only singing to pass the time. Haymitch comes to tell Katniss her trial is over.
They are going home. Haymitch takes her to a hovercraft where Plutarch is waiting for them. Snow is dead, and Commander Paylor has been appointed President. Haymitch spends his days drinking, and Katniss mostly sleeps, plagued by nightmares.
One day, Katniss is awakened by a noise outside. Over breakfast, Katniss asks about Gale. Greasy Sae tells Katniss that Gale started a job in District 2. Katniss decides to go hunting. Buttercup has returned, looking for Prim. Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch begin to rebuild their lives.
Together, they create a book of memories to honor the dead. Katniss recognizes that she needs Peeta, and the two rekindle their relationship. Katniss and Peeta have two children. The older, a girl, has been taught in school about the Hunger Games. They have been abolished, and the arenas dismantled. One day, she will have to explain to them why their parents have such terrible nightmares.
After twenty years, the list grows long. SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook. Summary Plot Overview Chapter Summaries. History [ ] After the 75th Annual Hunger Games came to an end when Katniss Everdeen destroyed the arena, which was the beginning of the revolution against the Capitol, many citizens were forced to be put back in their homes or other places in District 12 by 15, Peacekeepers under the order of Romulus Thread , who was getting ready to leave once President Snow sent hovercrafts to bomb the district and all of its citizens.
Categories Battles Add category. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. Self-doubt is something Katniss will continue to work through as the novel progresses.
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