Why does dolphins save humans

Certain species of dolphins are naturally friendly to humans, but other species just hate humans. That is why you will notice that the dolphins you see in the ocean zoo park have the same features as the other dolphins in the other zoo park.

However, as I have said in the introduction, not all dolphins are friendly towards humans, especially the dolphins that have not been domesticated. So it means that dolphins are naturally friendly to humans, but we still have to treat dolphins with respect because they might attack if they feel threatened.

It is good to see dolphins being domesticated, but it has dangerous effects on them. What is that effect? The effect of domestication for dolphins is that it changes their behavior, which is considered as dreadful.

Because they lose their wariness and dolphins become less cautious, that makes them an easy target for other wild animals like sharks. That is why some activists promote that people should admire dolphins from a distance, and never use dolphins for entertainment.

Now that you know that not all dolphins are not friendly, you may ask yourself if dolphins can be dangerous. Let me answer that. Dolphins are large and powerful mammals that live in the ocean. They can injure humans and any other animals in the ocean. Even though they look friendly, they can still be as dangerous as sharks. There have been reported cases where dolphins hurt humans when they interact with them.

How do dolphins hurt them? By butting the humans using their tails. Even the trainers are at risk of danger every time they interact with dolphins. When dolphins feel distressed and anxious, they can act wild and can hurt people. Also, dolphins will plan an attack if they feel threatened or if they feel danger, and it can be dangerous. Humans that are too aggressive while interacting with dolphins are most likely to get attacked by dolphins. Even the trainers can be attacked by dolphins, especially if they act abusively.

Yes, dolphins can be friendly. But if you act too aggressive and you act as if you will bring danger to them, they can be dangerous. So if you are going to interact with dolphins, you have to make sure that you act friendly, and treat them with respect and cautiousness.

There are many more reports of dolphins protecting humans than dolphins attacking humans. Even we humans go into attack mode if we feel threatened. Dolphins are the animals that also live in a group called pods. They protect each other, play with each other, and sometimes they also argue like humans. It is usual for dolphins to save their fellow dolphins from danger especially if the dolphins are part of their pod. There are many reports of dolphins saving humans from different death disasters.

Dolphins are like lifesavers of the ocean. The usual scenario where dolphins save humans is by guiding them to the shore, defending humans from sharks, and helping humans drowning. But why do dolphins protect humans? Dolphins protect humans because these mammals have empathy and sympathy toward humans. They are compassionate, and they have good intimacy between humans. Dolphins think that humans are part of their pod. That is why they protect them as they do to their fellow dolphins.

Dolphins are mammals that are living underwater. They are one of the most intelligent creatures that have been made by God. There are 43 species of dolphins that can be found around the globe. Below are the species of dolphins that are friendly to humans. The bottlenose dolphin is the most well-known species of dolphin in the world. They are the usual members of the Delphinidae family. Bottlenose dolphins live in warm and temperate seas around the globe.

The dolphins seem to have been drawing attention to the lost divers. Dolphins save Puerto Princesa fisherman : In a pod of dolphins in the Philipines saved a local fisherman from drowning after his small boat overturned in a storm.

The dolphins may have even known the fisherman, who was alo an official dolphin warden in his town. Source: Inquirer. Dolphins save surfer from sharks : MSNBC report that in a pod of bottlenose dolphins in California formed a protective ring around a surfer that had just been attacked by a great white shark, allowing him to get to shore and saving his life. Dolphins save injured diver : The Underwater Times report that in dolphins drew attention to a lone scuba diver, who had been knocked unconscious in the sea near the Channel Islands between England and France.

Dolphins save boaters in tsunami : In a scuba diving instructor was in the sea off Thailand with diving crews when the tsunami hit. He says he was saved because he followed dolphins to safety.

Beluga whale saves diver : The Telegraph reports that during a freediving competition in the 'arctic' tank at an aquarium in China, a distressed diver was guided to the surface by a beluga whale called Mila, saving the diver's life.

Dolphin appears to rescue whales : In a bottlenose dolphin called M oko successfully lead a stranded pygmy sperm whale mother and calf back out to sea after several unsuccessful rescue attempts by humans off the New Zealand coast.

Although the incident happened on October 30, the swimmers have only just spoken of their rescue. Ingrid Visser, of Orca Research, an environmental group, said the dolphins' behaviour was understandable, as they attack sharks to protect themselves and their young, and similar incidents had been reported round the world.

Dolphins save swimmers from shark. Topics Science Dolphins Cetaceans. Reuse this content.


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