Both kinds of RWT are considered violations of rule 12 and are treated identically by Jagex if evidence is presented or found to suggest an RWT action has occurred or is being arranged. Generally you watch the price of a certain item and when it rises, you sell, basically buy low sell high. Depending on the item, the profit margins can easily reach in the millions and some people spend their entire time in runescape making money soley off the g.
Skip to content Lifehacks. March 17, Joe Ford. Table of Contents. Early RuneScape career Suomi created his first account around , but he stopped playing with it because he disliked its name. Runescape is a waste of time. Developer Jagex is freeing up millions of dormant Runscape accounts and in the process making once-taken character names available again.
Accomplishing his goal and later career. On 20 October , with around 4. It may be , but Old School RuneScape is still very successful.
I wonder why out of all the threads in all the forums, Zezima had chosen to post on the thread loved by Jagex?? I have never seen him post anywhere on the forums apart from that thread so I asked some friends and they had never seen him either. After posting over 50, posts and looking at probably millions of posts combined, he still could not be found.
Unless he is working for Jagex who told him to post on that single thread, the odds of him randomly choosing that thread are close to none. With the release of the "Search User" feature on the forums a few days ago it becomes apparent why he cannot be found; Zezima has never posted on another successful thread on the forums.
All threads he has ever posted on have died. With the release of FunOrb, Zezima's account gained an infatuation with it. He became constantly visible on the servers of multiplayer games; he renamed his clan chat "Funorb Ftw" and even went as far as to eventually quit RuneScape all together along with his 1 spot to play FunOrb fulltime. Eventually he gains the 1 spot on FunOrb. Suddenly the biggest name in the RuneScape universe is openly advertising FunOrb's wares.
With his massive pull power, many people would be willing to spend a few extra dollars to sign up to FunOrb. This would gain many FunOrb members, but lose very few RuneScape members because it is so cheap to subscribe to both.
While I have found written about the major points, there is still much more evidence that I have not touched on. Whether it be the obvious, like the impossible experience he achieves daily, to the more subtle such as Jagex having him quoted on the back of Betrayal at Falador even though Zezima had not been playing RuneScape for months, there is much more evidence pointing towards him being owned by Jagex.
Make up your own mind on the situation. RuneScape Wiki Explore. On his YouTube channel Zezima, he stated that he quit playing competitively as the game is "getting progressively easier over time", and that he lost a sense of accomplishment in what he worked hard to achieve. On 31 August , Zezima attained level 99 Divination, becoming the 18th player to do so.
As of 27 January , he has won 12 Seasonal HiScores competitions. He won his first competition, Red Imp Kills, on 6 October In the now dead FunOrb , a multiple small games website created by Jagex , Zezima was Rank 1 in Orb Points an overall scoring system on the site. According to Mod Mark in , Zezima was arguably the most famous player of the game.
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