Boy why is that potato looking at me

Instructions 1. In a heavy duty skillet or dutch oven, heat 2 - 3 inches of oil over medium high heat. Serve with your favorite dips, such as ketchup, mustard or ranch dressing.

Notes Other great substitutions for the broccoli are riced cauliflower, finely diced zucchini or yellow squash, and carrots. Stacey Doyle. Previous Previous. Next Continue. Similar Posts. Oh, I hope you get to share them soon, they are definitely yum! Hiya Karen! Thank you!!! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Home Recipes Expand child menu Expand. About Expand child menu Expand. Blog Expand child menu Expand. Chipper My Grandkids have been watching since my Granddaughter was 14mnths and her 1yr old brother has been watching since he was a couple of months old.

They really love the songs Wynn she loves to sing along and anything she does her little brother Zevran loves. When the sleepy bed time song is on they both quick and lay down, so I taped it to my phone and play it when its nap time. I dont understand the objection of Chip having said secret friend, many kids have imaginary friends its harmless, I read some reviews where parents don't like the idea of her hiding potatoe and I think it silly. Teaching inclusivity and open mindedness We started watching this show and my 3 year old loved it immediately.

Very upbeat, colorful and fun, the songs are cute and easy to sing along with for little ones. The diversity is my favourite thing about the show. It shows many different kinds of families; the Razzles, which are a gay couple with twin babies, Amanda Panda seems to be a single mother, and the elephants live with their grandmother Granny Fant. The introduction of the Razzles definitely won me over. The use of the gender neutral washrooms in the school is great too, none of this seems forced and there's no discussion about it, it's just what it is.

For anyone saying this is propaganda or indoctrination I encourage you to be more open minded and realize everyone needs representation. Adult Written by SheriNicole February 22, This is a sweet show that teaches a lot of good things. However, Chip keeps Potato a secret from almost everyone. Kids need to know that they can share anything with their families and be accepted. Adult Written by TeslaNebula February 4, But then each time aside from the hidden mouse it proves as a learning lesson.

I definitely noticed my youngest learning more empathy and started apologizing more after making a mistake now. There's a lot of inclusiveness that I deeply appreciate. There's a handicapped principal, Potatos neighbor and best friend Nico appears to come from a single parent household, her Grandma appears to be a previously single grandma with a new boyfriend they never obviously state it but its seems to be the case.

Then of course the other reviews already mention the LGBTQ couple with adopted babies which I think is wonderful and the problem lies with the reviewers not the family in the show. Parent Written by FreezeDollar December 27, Which happened in the 2nd season! So tell me which episode was the gay couple revealed? Adult Written by victoriaflaherty July 21, Cute but slightly problematic.

My one year daughter watches this show all the time and while it is adorable, it does impose some issues that I've noticed overtime. It all started on Thursday. The Mr. Potato Head brand would now just be Potato Head. The problem is this hasty potato notice created a giant pumpkin of confusion. Social conservatives reacted with seething disdain, outraged an anthropomorphic veggie with no body, let alone genitalia, had fallen victim to the woke.

Will Humpty Dumpty have gender reassignment surgery? Are Mrs. Fields cookies going to become nonbinary? Potato Head first arrived.

Potato Head has also been killed off. She will be replaced by an asexual can of Pringles. Except … no, Benjamin. Calm down. Ree's Life. Food and Cooking. The Pioneer Woman Products. Type keyword s to search. Ralph Smith. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Yields: 6 servings. Prep Time: 0 hours 10 mins.

Cook Time: 0 hours 45 mins. Total Time: 0 hours 55 mins. Kosher salt, to taste. Black pepper, to taste. Rosemary or other herbs of choice , to taste. Parmesan, finely grated. This ingredient shopping module is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page.


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