Can i delete hewlett packard

Here is a list of them:. There were a few I think were drivers that I won't risk uninstalling, but if you could tell me about the ones I listed, I would be great. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. If the drivers are not installed on your computer, the Deskjet printer won't work properly. In addition to problems related to missing drivers, you may encounter issues if the drivers are corrupted or out-of-date. Removing and reinstalling the drivers for your HP printer may restore the HP printer to working order.

You should also uninstall the printer's drivers if you are removing the Deskjet and adding a new printer to your computer. Click "Uninstall. How does HP install software and gather data? Learn how to upgrade to Windows 11 Windows 11 Upgrade Guide. Note: If the uninstall fails, use the Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter in English , and then try uninstalling again. Note: If no printer icons display, the printer has already been removed. The printer software and driver is uninstalled.

The Printers folder opens. Select a location. Europe, Middle East, Africa. Asia Pacific and Oceania. Select a language. Confirm Back. Search all support. Search help. Open Uninstall a program. Remove the right bloatware. Restarting your laptop. Did this help you? Yes No. How can we improve this page? We only use your feedback to improve the website, we won't respond.

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