Masks are required indoors at CCBC. Close Be Prepared! DegreeWorks easily identifies courses you have already completed and the courses you still need to take in order to graduate. DegreeWorks also allows students to create individualized academic plans to assist them with preparing and planning for future semesters.
What is a degree audit? A degree audit is a review of past, current and "planned" coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to earn a degree or certificate. How do I access DegreeWorks? By logging in with your myCCBC username and password. DegreeWorks can be found under the Students tab. How current is my information in DegreeWorks? The information in DegreeWorks is refreshed nightly. Any changes made today will be seen in DegreeWorks tomorrow.
Can I register for classes in DegreeWorks? The purpose of the Expedited Arbitration Rules is to offer a swifter procedure for the resolution of disputes by arbitration. The parties and Arbitral Tribunal shall make all the efforts to conduct the arbitration in a fast, efficient, and safe manner the resolution of the dispute.
The Presidency of the CAM-CCBC shall analyze the suitability of the case to the Expedited Arbitration Rules, in the administrative instance, considering its complexity and other relevant circumstances. If the application of the Expedited Arbitration Rules is considered inappropriate for a particular case, the Arbitral Tribunal constituted according to these rules shall remain in its duties.
In any case, the Table of Expenses set forth in article The provisions of the Standard Rules apply to the arbitration subject to the Expedited Arbitration Rules, with the following amendments.
When the time period of article 4. The time period shall be counted in calendar days and shall begin on the first business day after the forwarding of an electronic communication containing the submission and its supporting documents or informing about their availability in an electronic platform by the Secretariat of the CAM-CCBC. All communication, notices or summons, and the transmission of any submissions, decisions or documents shall be made by electronic means.
The Expedited Arbitration, unless the parties agree otherwise, shall be conducted and decided by a Sole Arbitrator, appointed as provided in the Standard Rules. If the arbitration agreement provides for a three-person tribunal, the Secretariat of the CAM-CCBC shall invite the parties to express their consent to the appointment of a Sole Arbitrator. Example: If you want to select General Studies as your major, you must first select the Associate of Arts degree option.
If Associate of Science is selected as the degree option, General Studies will not appear as a major option. If appropriate, select a transfer pattern from the concentration drop down box.
Transfer patterns are not filtered based on the major or degree selected. Make sure the transfer pattern selected is available for the selected major.