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Go to topic listing. Recently Browsing 0 members No registered users viewing this page. Cinema 4D Polygon Highlighting? Wow, thanks! I still don't know what shortcut I pressed. I really like them a lot and even find it easier to set up smooth particle action than in xparticles which often feels a but clumsy in the way the particles move but I am not specialist what so ever.
But without further updates the particle system stays in a very rudimentary position. MJV is right. There will be no new feature that is not based on sceene nodes.
And the base features that already are there have to be rebuild too. I guess we will see small advancements in every aspect that will get replaced by sceene nodes, but my guess is that particles are at the end of the line and we will probably have to wait several years for them to come.
Cinema R25 and Signal My answer was in response to your statement about being able to render it without needing the plugin. Such as when using a 3rd Party renderer, sending to a render farm or using it in another application. I was not saying you need to delete the Signal tag or throw away your original file at all. Announcement Foundry Release Modo I purchased a license and upgraded it once or twice. I never doubted Modo was good modeling software, but my 3d needs and appetites are just wider Modo was and still is lacking in virtually everything except modeling.
If I were a modeling specialist would I be better with Modo, or better with Blender? We are not responsible, or liable to you or any third-party, for the content or accuracy of materials provided by any third parties.
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The website is operated by Maxon Computer, Inc. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at info cineversity. If you want to send us notices or service of process, please mail us at:. Log me in automatically. One of the most obvious animation workflow changes in Cinema 4D Release 17 is the addition of separate menu items for the Dopesheet and the F-Curve Mode of the timeline.
The Dopesheet Mode is the timeline that you're familiar with, and the F-Curve is simply opening an additional timeline specifically into the F-Curve mode. Now that change was made to make it a little bit easier to get into each mode, and also to make the naming a little bit more familiar to users of other applications. It also, because it opens up a separate timeline window, allows you to set up different options for the linking and filtering within this timeline that are consistent with your F-Curve workflow versus the settings you might choose in your main timeline or Dopesheet window.
Now of course you can still switch any timeline window back and forth between the F-Curve and the Dopesheet Mode, and the way you do that now is using the tab button. Now the main reason for that change is that you can now hit spacebar to play and pause your animation while the timeline is active. And that's common in virtually any non-linear editor.
So spacebar timeline, Dopesheet Mode, F-Curve window and, if you're looking for the old Dopesheet Mode, which was a preference here in the timeline preferences, which basically shifts the keys.