You must have a strong lower body in order to deliver punishing tackles. Make heavy squats, leg presses, lunges, and power cleans a staple in your program. These exercises all develop power, strength, and explosiveness when performed correctly. Make it a point to explode and move the weight as fast as possible but under control during each repetition on every exercise.
This will help you develop the lower body explosiveness you need to hit and tackle harder. In conclusion, do you really want to hit harder.
Then you have to put in the work and dedication in order to train your body to become more powerful and explosive in order to make these punishing tackles. If you work hard in your training program and remain disciplined then you will become a game changing defender and make harder tackles and hits.
Previous Post Next Post. Body and Mind Drills and Workouts. No comments. Week Favs. Turns out - most were taken by one photographer Photo: Kingsmen Football The pancake block is a maneuver that isn't very popular with most football players. Defensive players ha After a season of hiatus due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Sportklub Central European Football League is coming back with a bang for Europe Most football plays end with a tackle. So, in order to win games and limit touchdowns, you must tackle.
Not only is it a necessary skill in football, but it's absolutely crucial for any team, no matter what their aspirations are.
And yet, too many young athletes are being taught how to tackle the wrong way. With video games and highlight reels stuck in the back of their mind, they often forgo the fundamentals in favor of flair and that could be the difference between saving the game and watching your opposition celebrating in front of you.
Take these tips from CoachUp in order to make the most of your tackling form at your upcoming practice. Like anything that requires practice, tackling can become muscle memory, especially if you focus on the basic fundamentals and practicing the right form.
That being said, these are the most important things to keep in mind while going for a tackle. Defenders frequently make the mistake of sprinting as hard as they can at the ball, only to completely miss the second the carrier changes direction.
To stop this from happening, slow down when about five yards away from the ball carrier, then mirror everything he does. If you do this correctly, you should meet him every time. Watch his hips when attempting a tackle. Feet and eyes can trick you and might send you embarrassingly in the wrong direction. The hips, however, will never, ever lie to you.
They will wave you off easily if you go in high. Wrap around your opponent. Shoot your hands up and grab your opponent. Do not stop your feet to wrap your arms around them: it should be one fluid movement. Lock your arms around his body; if you cannot lock your arms, grab as much of his padding as you can. Create rotation. This ultimately helps override any of the force that your opponent has.
Use your right or left foot to push off as hard and as fast as you can to create this rotation. Doing heavy lifts such as squats, deadlifts, thrusters, and hang cleans will increase your lower body strength. It's important to remember that it's not the size of the dog that wins the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Even if you're not the biggest or strongest, showing a determination to never quit will show everyone that you're confident and strong enough to take the tackles.
Over time, your body itself will adjust to the pain of being tackled. Yes No. Not Helpful 8 Helpful Not Helpful 7 Helpful Lower yourself and explode toward the player. By lowering yourself, you can resist more impact and are less likely to get trucked - hence, the fear is gone. Not Helpful 11 Helpful Work on your legs a lot. Go for jogs and stretch; over time, your speed will improve. Use a treadmill often. Personally, because I play football as a defensive lineman, I don't think about the bad things that could happen I just try my hardest to get the tackle as I know my coaches will be proud of me.
Try doing the same. Not Helpful 4 Helpful Go for the waist or legs, but accept your limitations. If someone is that much larger than you, you're not always going to get an effective tackle. Not Helpful 6 Helpful I'm a year-old girl, 5'10, I have abs and I can run fast. Am I strong enough to play football? There are good and bad football players who are fat, skinny, tall, short, strong, weak, fast, and slow.
Especially if you're playing in a boys league, you need a good mindset. With some practice, you should be fine! Not Helpful 35 Helpful Keep practicing and working with your coach to improve your skills. Not Helpful 13 Helpful 7. If you want to, and you think you'd be good at it, go for it!
All it takes is hard work and practice. Not Helpful 32 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Keep your eyes on the numbers or the numbers of your opponent at all times. Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0.
The stronger you are, the easier it will be to take down the ball carrier. However, no amount of strength can overcome proper form. Keep this form and continue growing in the weight room for the ultimate hard tackle.
When you break down to make your tackle, be sure to start with your arms back and straight, like wings. As you hit your opponent, throw your arms forward and wrap.