How does recoil affect accuracy

When you have significant recoil, the shooter's position, in field positions, will have some effect of how the rifle behaves when fired. Joined Sep 1, Messages Reaction score Media 9. The main reason for the poor precision of a big bore rifle with strong recoil is IMHO mainly the shooter and his position.

When shooting from a bench with big bore rifles , no matter what recoil , I have never noticed a difference in terms of accuracy. The holes in the target are certainly bigger and cover a larger surface , but the spread of shots is comparable to smaller calibers. Ridgewalker Lifetime bronze benefactor. It changes depending on my hold on front and rear rests. It changes depending on the amount of weight in the LedSled. What I do: I develop my loads mostly using a LedSled weighted fairly heavy.

Then I shoot groups of 3 off standard soft front and rear rest. Finally I shoot standing off a tripod several range trips before adventuring to Africa. Luckily I am retired and can work in time to do all this. I don't believe inherent accuracy is affected by recoil, but the point of impact could be depending on the hold as mentioned above.

Unless there is a large difference in the load quality of each round, accuracy should be a constant in as much as the shooter has the ability to hold hard.

Its a known fact that big bores shoot just fine with good loads. Click to expand Red Leg Lifetime bronze benefactor. I use a lead led extensively and have found no meaningful change in POI after using if for sighting in.

That has been the case regardless of caliber or action. Red Leg said:. Last edited: Jan 16, MS 9x56 AH fanatic. I am not a fan of lead sleds.

I prefer bags under toe and forearm with hand on forearm. Just works better for me. BeeMaa AH legend. MS 9x56 said:. Hunted Australia and now South Africa. I think mark-hunter is probably right. It my well be different to prove and get consistent results everyone is different so skill and most likely technique y play a part but a bullet has probably left the barrel before the effect of recoil and our reflexes can affect things. Suppressor in Australia, we call them silencers, like in the movies, you barely hear it and anyone who has them is a Hitman.

No wonder they are banned, what are al of these other countries thinking? If Red Leg puts his beloved Blaser R8 in one they cannot be all bad. I assume they re worthwhile when using the big bores but if you can boresight it close a few shots maybe tolerable on a soft rest to get it sighted. Redleg seems to have a Ton of experience and some nice pics on here so listen to everyone and weigh up the odds find what suits you and while I cannot answer the question practice, technique and shoot straight.

It makes sense. He is certainly knowledgeable, certainly experienced, maybe. Little biased but he has a fan base or cult following but we can learn from him. Standard Velocity said:. Since the damage to scopes due to excessive acceleration and equally excessive deceleration would mean the support system differed from a 60 pound rifle.

With the 60 pound rifle the entire 60 pounds would be moved as a function of recoil, but with the lead sled the 10 pound rifle initiates movement, takes up the "slack" in the system then is stopped as the 10 pound rifle pushes against the 50 pound lead sled. I suspect the POI sighting is not affected by a proper use of a lead sled is due to the rifle being in the free recoil portion of its movement, which is similar to non-lead sled use, during which time the bullet has escaped the barrel.

Precision optics require microscopic tolerance absolutely perfect alignment and delicate components. Tiny screws that hold internal components together are critical in the longevity and reliability of the optic. A durable optics can confidently deliver that performance and reliability with no problem. We briefly talked about the importance of optic quality and the erector tube assembly.

First, you need a high-quality optic, the next thing you need is to pair it with a durable mount. When the projectile leaves the barrel, the kinetic energy behind it will create the rearward momentum. The greater the overall weight of your optic setup, the greater inertia the mass, aka the tendency of a body to resist acceleration it will have.

Depend on the weight of your optic setup, the entire optic system including the mount will resist the sudden rearward movement. Therefore a lightweight, super stronger mount is the best way to combat unwanted scope movement during recoil. The tremendous recoil force produced by large caliber is transferred directly to the optic, and the mount can absorb some of it before the optic does. This is often overlooked because people underestimate the importance of the scope mount.

All of them have super tight tolerance constructions and high-quality machining, where every part of it ensures the optic is held tight and centered to the bore. Recoil shear lug fits in between the Picatinny rail sections to prevent the mount from sliding. The torque on the optic mount matters! The biggest problem with critical gun parts is things getting loose. What to Expect Learn to Shoot.

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