Some people think Familiar - Sparkflint is better than Force Weapon. Guide continued after the page break.. Email This BlogThis! When I respawned, I took off blur, and they started hitting me for 4k each, which allowed me to teleport every single time they touched me.
The rest of the fight was easy as cake. Enough cannot be said about the value of this skill. The value this talent has for kiting cannot be overstated. One of the stats that I'm going to talk about down below is life regeneration. Thus, life regen is considered an extremely important stat for wizards to have.
Later on, when your gear improves significantly and you no longer need that buff, you can switch to Glass Cannon or something else that suits your flavor. For now, stick with Galvanizing Ward.
Here we're going to break down how you should try to balance and budget your items, as well as what you should be focusing on at various stages of play in Hell and Inferno.
Say I have 23, life, all resist, and armor. What that means is, the stat allocation of the items I wear are too heavily budgeted towards all resist, and I'd get more benefit to my EHP effective HP by changing my gear up so that I lower my "All Resist" some and increase my vitality.
If I swapped out items to increase my life from 23, to 24,, and in the process decreased my all resist from to , my EHP would increase, despite the fact that the budget of stats among my items wouldn't have changed at all. Similarly, your health pool's effect on EHP scales with damage reduction, so an increase in your healthpool of X amount increases your EHP more if you have more damage reduction in place, than if you had less damage reduction.
For dexterity , you want to get , and don't actively try to get any more than that. Dex suffers significant diminishing returns for dodge after points, but the first points are quite valuable. As a wizard, you're going to be doing a lot of running around and summoning hydras and blizzards - not frequently are you going to be able to stand your ground and just unleash hell on a group of monsters.
Because of this, even though stacking IAS may pump up your DPS on your character sheet, it is going to decrease your real DPS if you gimp your other stats because of it. The higher IAS is necessary for a 2H weapon setup, because you need to be able to drop blizzards and hydras in rapid enough succession to continue kiting with certain packs, and that's not possible with a 0.
They shouldn't cost more than around k gold each. This will allow you all the casting time in the world to drop blizzards and teleport out of the way - it will allow you to react more quickly when you make a mistake and are about to die, and for someone relatively new to the build, to the difficulty, and without fantastic gear, being nimble is much more valuable than hitting a bit harder.
Such a weapon will cause your blizzard and hydra spells to hit significantly harder, but it will require you to be able to proactively defend yourself from enemies. If you're prone to getting caught in bad situations where you need to port the hell out and drop a trail of blizzards behind you to widen the gap a bit, be hesitant about switching to a 2H weapon. Don't settle for anything less. You should aim for higher than health per second.
If you find that you're a better defensive player and take hits less often, you can sacrifice some life regen for more offensive capabilities, either through gear or by switching Galvanizing Wind to Glass Cannon. A lot of this you will pick up on your own via trial and error, but I'll lay the foundation for how to approach this build.
Beyond that, perfecting your play in Hell and Inferno is just a matter of experience. If they're slow enemies, continue moving backward and dropping blizzards between you and them to continue snaring them. I saw that the DiabloWiki says that Inferno has had significant nerfs, but the patch notes didn't seem to clearly describe them. Anyway, it looks like the current 1. Edit to add: Specifically, I went from being able to handle the early part of Act II with some difficulty to dying constantly due to the attack speed reduction in 1.
I could still defeat bosses and champions in Act I, but due to survivability and dps loss, it was tedious and painful, and thus not worth my time. Invul minions and enrage timers were removed though. The later won't be missed. It really depends on what build you were using.
Despite the massive nerf, attack speed is still the best offensive stat you can stack. Also, if you're using Mantra of Healing, switch. It's trash thanks to the nerfs on it. I've pretty much inputted everyone's I know's monks in the EHP calculator as well as mine through all kinds of gear configuration from offense to gold find to my standard gear set, and MoH has always been the inferior choice. With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: ArchonWing. My problem was the attack speed reductions reduced my incoming healing from life on hit stats gems and item stats and outgoing damage by just enough to make the fights physically painful for me. You also need to bring at least one survivability spell, because when you fight ranged enemies it can sometimes be tough to avoid their moves. In this playstyle, all you need to do is shoot anything before it can get close.
If it hasn't died in time, pop your survivability move and move away before shooting it again. You will be one shot by pretty much anything in Inferno with this build, but it's very easy to gear up for, so that's why people use it a lot, as opposed to the normal builds which cost a lot of money to gear up for.
Resist all has been referred to as the "God stat," due to its necessity for barbarians and monks, as well as its usefulness to each and every class. Here are my stats:. I can't speak for any other class, but the above stats costs millions of gold to produce, and it still isn't enough for the act bosses. Although I can easily survive anything else in Act II, heavy hitters are still common.
It definitely varies with each class. For instance, Demon Hunters pretty much don't even try to build survivability stats, whereas with other classes survivability stats are pretty much a must-have. In general, though, you're going to want a significant amount of your class' primary stat e. Int for Wizards , then some mix of secondary DPS stats e. Resists to All: Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
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