I know someone who realised he has a huge bolt of lightning-like Harry Potter, in the middle of his head when he had to shave his head to battle summer heat.
But what do these marks mean? What is the meaning behind them all? If you are interested in know what your birthmark means or how did it come about, here are some stories and theories that have been around and interpreted.
It is believed that birthmarks are related to reincarnation and past life. As per a study in by Dr. Ian Stevenson a former director in the field of Psychiatry and current researcher in personalities , many children who were able to remember their past lives had birthmarks located on their bodies which had a relation with their deaths in the past life that they claimed to have experienced before re-birth.
So here are a few of those. If you happen to have a red-hued birthmark which looks like your skin was once burnt here it is probably due to your past life. In case it is a dark mark, it is said to be there if your past life is not that old and that your trauma has not been processed. If you have a healed burn mark which is white in color then it is a mark reminding you that you were burnt in your past life.
If it is light, it means you are healing karmically. If it is not gone completely, it means there are still lessons that you have to learn from this old wound. In case you have a birthmark of a single bullet on the left side then it was where you were hit in your past life. If you have an uneven pattern on the other side then it is related to powder burn. You may notice them browning up over time.
Some are fortuitous while others are foreboding. Most people have some kind of birthmark, however small, but some people don't have a single birthmark. There are a few meanings for this absence of birthmark. The first is obvious - it is the person's first incarnation, although unlikely. The next meaning is the person exited their last life from natural causes. The last meaning is the most profound. If no birthmarks are present, the person has spiritually evolved enough so they no longer carry the trauma of past lives.
Birthmarks can have many causes. Past life trauma, special abilities, and being possessed are just a few. Ian Stevenson pioneered work with children that remembered their past lives. He discovered many of them had markings or birthmarks that corresponded to their cause of death in a previous life. Many people believe children being born since the s have special traits that make them the next level of human evolution. These children are known as indigo kids , crystal children , or rainbow children.
Other children, known as starseeds, are believed to have had incarnations on other planets. These people may have special abilities, such as psychic visions and healing powers. Many of these children have prominent birthmarks. Not all have them, but many have birthmarks on their foreheads or in a prominent place on their body. Many people believe birthmarks are omens that portend of the future, a belief that crosses many cultures.
According to popular belief, the size, shape, and location of a birthmark may provide insight into one's life path , luck, finances, and relationships. Many people have birthmarks, and some have many. These marks could provide information about that person and their past lives or destiny.
What Do Your Birthmarks Mean? Shape The birthmarks and moles can come in any shape, from animal totems to symbols of love. Hearts - These are the most loved birthmark. One of Dr. For example, a knife, dagger, or sword-shaped mark could indicate a stabbing that ended your life.
Researcher Dr. Ian Stevenson actually wrote an entire book on the subject of current birthmarks representing some sort of past-life fate, and he documented real subjects whom he believed to be examples of this phenomenon. Stephenson discusses 65 out of 2, past-life cases where many stories include birthmarks that have past-life stories to back them up. The same birthmark that someone interprets as a sign of a past-life death could also be interpreted as a past-life occupation.
According to Dr. Birthmarks shaped like a specific object, like a typewriter, a spotlight, or farm animal, could be a clue as to what your trade might have been.
Some believe that birthmarks can also influence your present and future.