Target Vocab: What do you do? Song Length: Members can log in to download the full song. Verse 1: What do you do? I am a farmer. What do you do? I am a doctor. I am a teacher. Verse 2: What do you do? I am a dentist. I am a chef. Verse 3: What do you do?
I am a nurse. You can do either do gestures as you sing and dance along, or use flashcards for a listening activity. Flashcards: stick flashcards for the jobs randomly around the walls of the classroom must not be in the same order as the song.
Then, as you play the song get everyone to point at the correct flashcard as it is sung. The jobs in this lesson are familiar to kids of all ages, so this can be taught to even young kids. Now you are going to do actions for each job and your students will have to guess what job it is. Perhaps start with an easy one, like hairdresser, chef or bus driver. Encourage everyone to shout out their guesses — at this stage it is fine if students shout out the answers in their first language — you can correct and teach the new vocab as you go.
As each job is guessed, stick the flashcard onto the board and chorus the English word 3 times. Continue until all of the job flashcards are on the board. Next, give everyone a job flashcard — make sure you have enough flashcards to give one to each student. Write on the board:. Chorus each sentence three times. Also, have students ask you and other students, until everyone is comfortable with the structures.
Now for the game. Get 2 students to stand up to model the game. Ask another student to come and model with the winner: now one student has 2 cards and the other 1. The aim of the game is to collect as many cards as possible. Children on the inside, children on the outside, fighting our war. Hurting on the inside, hurting on the outside, they deserve more.
Some people on the inside and people on the outside sing a new song. Children on the inside, children on the outside, down in the mines. Digging it deeper, making it steeper, stealing their time. Children need to grow, and everyone should care, When they are given burdens they can't bear.
People on the inside, people on the outside sing with me. When there's no inside and no outside everyone's free.